in #kids5 years ago (edited)

During the holiday of the Hanuka they spend time in the Trampolines and the SKY JUMP and celebrate at a glamorous party.

During the holiday of Urim they spend time in the Trampolines and the SKY JU ...
Raanana's SKY JUMP and Tel Aviv's Trampolines and the Tel Aviv Port are celebrating the "Lights of Glowing" party, which will take place throughout the holiday. Those who spend time in the parks are invited to paint with shiny makeup and tattoos, and hop and dance on the trampolines with rhythmic music and ultraviolet lighting. The parties will be held throughout the day, without interruption. Opening hours during the holiday: from 9:00 am to 22:00 pm.

The parks offer dozens of trampoline surfaces for free jumping, combined with special sports attractions; A selection of challenging climbing walls in a variety of designs, and experiential multi-sensory cinema.

Among the attractions in the trampolines complex: Jampolina - a trampoline complex suitable for small children aged 3-6; Dodgeball (dodgeball) - a dodgeball game on a trampoline; Ninja facility - challenging obstacles; CageBall (CageBall) - a unique pairing game that combines both volleyball and basketball; Foam Pit - the perfect place to fly like a bird ... leaping from the trampoline straight into a pool full of soft sponges;

Slackline - walking on a rope over a spongy pool (in Raanana Park); Battle beam - "pillow fight" on a beam; Basketball - A basketball game on a trampoline, which will allow you to drown like LeBron James!

The climbing walls - 6 meters high - are offered in a variety of designs and at different levels of difficulty, including: Speed ​​Climb - a double wall with a time gauge, on which two climbers can climb simultaneously and compete against each other; A transparent wall-you can climb on either side of it, facing each other,

Huge Cubes for Climbing; Wall tetris; Wall of gears; A wall on the Big Ben clock tower in London, and more. The walls are suitable for climbing from the age of 5. Each climber is harnessed in harness, for maximum safety.

In addition to the trampolines and the climbing walls, the parks offer another exciting attraction: 7-Dimensional Cinema - 7D-MAX - a powerful multi-sensory cinema with high-quality 3D movies (7-7 minutes), chairs moving in sync with the film's plot and a host of amazing effects to enhance the experience - , Rain, smell, tickling, smoke, lights and more. The cinema offers a variety of films: children's films, action and more.

The compounds in the two parks are covered and air conditioned, and offer a relaxing lounge for the escorts, allowing easy viewing of children's activities.

Prices: From age 6 and up: NIS 60 per hour, including entrance to trampolines and climbing walls Price per second hour: 30 NIS. Entrance ticket for Jampolina for ages 3-6: NIS 35. The price of the multi-sensory cinema: 30 NIS.

Hanukkah Opening Hours: 9: 00-22: 00.

Addresses: Raanana's SKY JUMP Park: Work 2, Ra'anana.

SKY JUMP Park in Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv Port, Building 19 (near Reebok). /


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