Kicking "Little Old Lady" Down the Stairs!

in #kicking8 years ago (edited)

After eight days of blogging on Steemit, she finally made a post that got traction. $50 Dollars which made her happy for about twenty minutes until someone came and kicked her down the stars. What, what what??

I have been following @karenmckersie now for a long time, she has been one of the most active bloggers and commenter on here and has because of that made over 500+ followers who I think for the most part love what she is doing and adore her positive personality. That is why it was so devastating to see that of all people she became a victim of a self-proclaimed-policeman who gave her a 50% TAX and downvoted her post to $25 Dollars and all her motivation was lost.

Her last post was a "take a break from Steemit" post, and you can read it here: I am taking a break from Steemit. And after reading both articles and going through all her posts from she entered into steemit and until now, I had nothing but sadness in my heart for how cruel this platform has become thanks to in this case one single person with a lot of steempower.

"Please go and stand by the stairs so I can protect you"

Can we please make our culture a more positive culture were people vote for each other and congratulate those who once in a while make it to the top instead of this self-policing "you have made too much money today, so you have to be taxed hard and brutally, and if you whine about it we will be back with a gang of Internet-Thugs that will destroy your entire account because we can".

It is like The Law of Jante has become the law of Steemit, not always - but sometimes, and I quote from the Dano-Norwegian author Aksel Sandemose who wrote these rules into his novel: "A Fugitive Crosses His Tracks" from 1933/1936.

The ten rules if Jante state:

  • You're not to think you are anything special.
  • You're not to think you are as good as we are.
  • You're not to think you are smarter than we are.
  • You're not to convince yourself that you are better than we are.
  • You're not to think you know more than we do.
  • You're not to think you are more important than we are.
  • You're not to think you are good at anything.
  • You're not to laugh at us.
  • You're not to think anyone cares about you.
  • You're not to think you can teach us anything.

These cultural rules are a sum of how to keep peasants and poor people down, written down by an observer who noticed how the upper-class was talking down and judging the people beneath them. It is a great set of rules to go by if you want to create depression, sadness, oppression and in the end the entire society collapses into a non-productive society where everyone is afraid to stand out.

people try to fit in instead of standing out - which is sad because are we not supposed to be an outstanding generous platform were little old ladies and everyone else can contribute with their original content or share their opinions about other peoples content?

People are seeking Social Acceptance - When your break their spirits like that, you ruin a person for a long time so whoever is into this "flagging for making too much money" thing - please cut it out and find a better solution that does not make active bloggers break down and leave the platform. Let us be known for our generosity and not for the platform that is being cheap.

The Shover-Robot says that Pushing is the Answer. Humans must be pushed down the stairs!

In the end I just want to congratulate everyone who has made it to the front page once or twice for being outstanding people. I do not always have the same kind of interest as all of you, but I respect that you all put down time, effort and creativity into blogging and I hope you stick around for the longest time and not give up your accumulated steempower. Our platform is not even one year old, and from time to time things can become very unfair around here, and there is gamers of the system everywhere that run away with far more then $50 dollars in a day so on behalf of myself and others that might feel empathy and even sympathy with @karenmckersie and others that have gotten the baseball-bat to the head for not being political correct enough or part of the political correct guild, I want to apologise and inform you that you have far more supporters than haters. And hopefully we will see a cultural change around here soon. I personally hope so and working towards it one day at the time.

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As a minnow I don't think I like Steemit Whale Policing. Thank you for supporing @karenmckersie She's been a great help for minnows like me. She doesn't deserve to be treated like this and who knows how many more?

I think that is the most beautiful comment I have read on any post by anyone. Thank you @pitterpatter, this was poetic.

Great post and I appreciate your kindness and support of a much loved blogger @karenmckersie. I've followed, upvoted and appreciated her for months because of the positive vibes she exudes!

What she experienced could turn into the proverbial "blessing in disguise" both for her and the entire platform.

More on that in an upcoming article bur first it's off to make an SBD donation to her account so she can get back the $25.00

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

nice! I will toss in a couple of bucks also.

me too, great idea @knus-knee!!

The community is awesome!

I only have $0.964 in my wallet, but it's going to her. Wish there was a bit more to give.

How nice of you!

You are right. I added a small steem power donation to her account.

What a great idea! I will also add a small contribution, it's the last I can do!

You are amazing, @kus-knee
I love you. :)

Aww no :-( I hadn't seen that yet. Poor Karen, she's always around with a positive attitude, making us all feel happier!

It's good that people who care, can rally around her, and give her support.

I definitely want to believe that we have more supporters than haters too. I haven't looked at the trending page in months because it's always been the same people listed with mostly garbage posts making a lot of money.

If it was up to me, I would completely get rid of the trending page and just have a tab where ALL content is rotated through to give everyone a moment in the spotlight. With the outpouring of support, I think Karen will stay. :)

I think we can play nicer. I will do my part.

Yes let's keeping working at a change. There's more to it than just a profitable business. We are responsible with our money(not everyone), we also need to be responsible with our votes.

This is very indicative of the situation. She gave us to understand that the community is not so good as we want. We see that there is a strict control of a certain group of people. And so far not very successful to influence them for the benefit of the community. This is a bad example for the reputation of the platform . It also adversely affects members of the community. Thus, it undermines trust and all faith in justice.We see no objective assessment for the work. This is all very bad, sad, disgusting.
Thanks @fyrstikken to raise this question. But the situation has a positive side. Nice and happy to see so many people trying to support a person. Nice to see that people are not indifferent to the fate of steemit. And what people write - it's someone reads . And not just so calmly and indifferently push the button to vote. I am very pleased to be part of the community. Together we can do a lot. I still believe in a good future steemit. Karen don't go!

I can well understand flattening out the rewards a bit when somebody consistently makes a lot of money because of a large drone following, but capping the rewards of somebody who makes pennies on average and got lucky once, maybe not a good idea.

Oh no!

I've gone and given her an upvote - perhaps she can get the other $25 in 30 days.

As an aside - part of the reason the whales have so much power is because the little people don't vote. People think, why bother, I can't even give a penny. But say 2000 small accounts voting does make a difference and can counter the whales. Everyone should try and do at least five votes a day, and if they have time, more.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. The world would be a better place if everyone lived by the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

As one who believes that Jesus (who certainly endorsed the Golden Rule) is God, I completely agree with your statement, @marymg2014.

As one who does not believe that any mere human has the right to rule over or initiate force upon another, I would also be quite content with an even lesser standard. I think a simple standard could be readily achieved here on Steemit. I would phrase that standard as "Just leave your neighbor alone."

I remember when growing up being told, "If you don't have anything good to say, just don't say anything." Simply because we have the power to take someone down a peg is no reason to apply it.

Having said that, and trying to understand and be constructive, I find myself agreeing with the notion that the "Flag" concept ought to be a separate mechanism to indicate "immoral behavior" rather than "post value."

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