Popular Myths About Keto Diet

in #keto2 years ago

The ketogenic diet is becoming increasingly popular due to its effectiveness in reducing weight and a number of health benefits. As a result, many myths have appeared, and some of them are quite widespread.
You've probably seen many of them on various forums, blogs, social networks, videos on YouTube, etc., and maybe even become a victim of some of them. The most popular of them are included in this article.

Check keto diet http://surl.li/esjsd

Myth 1: Calories Don't Matter / You Can't Gain Weight While Keto

Unfortunately, the keto diet isn't magical, but calories still matter. You cannot eat in unlimited quantities and expect that you will never store it on your body in the form of fat.
Check keto diet http://surl.li/esjsd

If you eat more than you burn, you gain weight and keto doesn't make you invincible. Still, most of the foods you'll eat during the keto diet are very nutritious and satiate well, which is a definite advantage because you'll eat less.

Myth 2: You'll never feel hungry while on keto

If you're in a calorie deficit, especially if you're already close to your goal, hunger is a completely normal feeling, and you'll most likely experience it. You need to understand that hunger is a normal part of the weight loss process, so you shouldn't snack whenever you feel a little hungry - and especially if you're likely to miss it, and aren't really hungry. Will have to learn.

Check keto diet http://surl.li/esjsd

The keto diet helps most people feel less hungry, but it doesn't make hunger disappear completely.

Your body likes balance and this helps it avoid any drastic changes in your weight, especially if you are overweight.

Keep in mind that prolonged cardio workouts that are useful for creating a large calorie deficit can leave you hungry the next day.
Myth 3: Keto is a free pass to consume large amounts of fat

You need to make sure you consume enough protein to maintain your lean body weight, but you need to add some fat to compensate for the calories that come from carbohydrates.

Check keto diet http://surl.li/esjsd

However, keto changes your eating habits a lot, and adding unlimited fat is counterproductive. After all, if you want to lose weight, some of the fat has to come from your body, not your plate.

Plus fat is very caloric: One gram of fat is equal to 9 calories (compared to 4 calories per gram of protein or carbohydrate).

Keep in mind that a ketogenic diet was first developed for people with epilepsy and a medical keto (for the purpose of fighting epilepsy) involves a lot of fat in your village. Keto is not necessary for weight loss.

Yes, keto is a high fat, low carbohydrate and moderate protein diet, but that doesn't mean you can eat all the fat you want.

Myth 4: The deeper you are in ketosis, the more fat you lose

Ketone measurement is a complicated process, but it really doesn't even need to be.

If you use urine sticks to measure ketones, you need to know that your body will adjust to a state of ketosis, and after a while your kerosene will no longer overflow ketones, which is how sticks are measured . A deep purple complexion doesn't equal rapid weight loss.

The same goes for other methods of measurement -- fat loss depends primarily on your caloric deficit, not how many ketones you produce.

Check keto diet http://surl.li/esjsd

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