Suddenly Seymour - Karaoke Contest Entry feat: @carrieallen and @chrisroberts

I'm back for Killerwhale's Karaoke Contest this week, bringing you one of the quintessential love songs from American Musical Theatre!

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Little Shop of Horrors was a comedy sci-fi film from 1960 that was adapted into a musical in 1986, by Alan Menken. It examines the relationships and lives of lower class city-dwellers in their struggle to get out of skid row. There's also a giant man-eating plant from outer space. Really makes you think 😉

"Hold your hat and hang on to your soul! Something's coming to eat the world whole!"

Did you watch until the end? Our cat decides to get involved. This was actually going to be a practice run, but with Eddie's cameo, we decided it was karaoke gold.

Be sure to head over to the contest post HERE and vote for my entry comment. Votes matter! 😃 😄

Big thanks to @killerwhale for hosting this contest! And thank you to my beautiful, talented wife @carrieallen!



That was so cool. Will be visiting Colorado soon.

Thank you! It's one of our go-to too hard for us, but we wanna anyway songs. 😎

OMG that was AWESOME!!!!
We have always loved that show, and especially that song. OUTTA THE PARK you two... er, three. The cat was a nice touch...

Lol! About half way through we have both (without words) decided that was a practice round, but kept going to check the sound of the whole song....

And then!?

He was moving around me and I knew he was going to try to jump up. I didn't know he'd meow so beautifully! 🤣

Suddenly Eddie, is meowing beside youuuuuu. That cat sure knows when to make an opportune entrance, doesn't he?

You guys look like you're having so much fun! Makes me feel like investing those STEEM profits into a mic.

Happy New Year (How long can I say that before it loses meaning?)! Steem on!

Eddie's hilarious, it's true. He's our fluffy and lovable murder-kitty. He murders a lot...
I'm pretty glad that he interrupted us, because the last harmonies are a bitch. It probably would have been cringe-worthy.

Do you sing? Get in on the karaoke contest! They give away 20 SBD every week, not many entries. Plus it's fun.

Also, it would be great if you could upvote my entry comment HERE. They factor in popular vote. Thanks!

I've done my fair share of shower-singing and I think I've got Frank Sinatra's greatest hits down perfectly, hahaha. I might join the karaoke contest once I get that mic. And maybe a guitar? I used to play electric guitar but it broke down and I never picked it up again.

Maybe this is the year I get back to that.

I'll get on with your entry comment!

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