Nerdist News - How Avengers Joss Whedon Is Making Justice League a Completely New Movie

in #justiceleague7 years ago (edited)

The last big news in the world of the Justice League movie was the tragedy of Zack Snyder's losing his daughter to suicide.   Avengers director Joss Whedon was called into help finish the project by "shooting additional scenes and post-production."  Things felt a little weird last month when Zack Snyder removed the Justice League material from his Twitter background days before a Justice League comic-con panel.

 After watching the video below, you may feel that we will be seeing a completely different Justice League than Snyder had planned for audiences.  Judging by the criticism from the majority of fans regarding Man of Steel and Batman vs Superman, this may be a good thing stemming from a sad reason:


I just hope that they do it right! I like DC too, but Marvel movies have blown them out of the water for a while now. I'm looking forward to Ragnarok right now.

Everything in your comment is true.

Nope. It's not a good thing, the DCEU was special now it's going to look like a directionless Marvel imitation. I appreciate what they tried to do. I don't want more happy funny movies, give me a break please.

Joss only really directed a couple of the Marvel movies, hopefully he has taken anything he learned with those and can just apply the best stuff to DC's characters, they deserve it at this point, it's been a long hard road seeing a lot of great memorable characters turned into memes.

I can't say I was super excited by that last Justice League trailer, any lightheartedness in it felt a little forced, but I will take a gamble with anything over Snyder's current take. They should have just gave Wonder Woman's director control.

It could be why she didn't sign the Wonder Woman 2 deal, maybe they didn't give her creative control. Maybe I'll write a long ranting post that will explain my problem. The humor didn't felt forced, I just don't like it. At all.

I seen a video talk about Jason Momoa as Aquaman in this movie and how they are going to just be turning him into a Thor or Drax like character for the movie. A dumb 'fish out of water' character who doesn't get human niceties and becomes the comic relief until the muscles need to come out. At the least DC has disappointed so many times that I don't feel so much worried as I do just beaten down and ready to just watch anything from them with a different tone. Please make sure to make that ranting post lol

hhhhh it's coming, just not today. Too many fun personal stuff going on. No time to write. It takes me a lot of time to write. I know that the Aquaman movie will be half a horror movie so that will be fun, I love James Wan!

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