My Steemit Newbie Resteem Post - Week 43 - A little Help -

in #justbecause6 years ago
Week 43

Bi-Weekly Post

A Little Help

          Week 43 I missed week 42, week 41 was the beginning of the biweekly reports. I will continue to try to put a post out every other week. I will continue to number the post by the week since inception of newbieresteemday. Should we begin to get more activity or a desire shown for the post to continue as a weekly update I may consider returning to a weekly format.

Last post My Steemit Newbie Resteem Post - Week 41 the beginning of the biweeklies.


Image created and provided by: @amariespeaks
          So, if you are new to steemit and meet the criteria below I will try to help at least one individual that responds:

• a steemit newbie, that has a rank of not more than 45
• has a good and quality blog
• has less than 90 days on steemit
• I will only resteem One post, and that is not a guarantee

          If you would like your blog to be resteemed, read, commented on, and voted on, leave a link to one of your blog post in the comments below and I will try to help. If you have a question I will try to answer it, or direct you to someone or a post that may be of help. Steemit can be overwhelming at times, but there are people that do try to take the time and help others.

New user help

          New user help? Where does a new user turn to when they have a question? the #help tag is pretty useless for finding help with steemit. The #steemithelp tag is equally useless, last post with that tag as I write this was 21 days ago. You could try #steemhelp, but like the other others, not a lot of help there either. Oh and if it is on the trending tab of any of those tags the help would likely be very questionable.

          So where do you go for help? The first place I would suggest is the page. You can always find that by clicking on the three bars by your user ICON. (Upper right hand side of the page). Along with the "steem chat they mention there is also a very large Discord group of users. Steem Chat is available from the three bars of steemit links. Along with the welcome page and chat room links, there is a lot of other information available. it will be worth your time and effort to peruse the information that is available.

          Learn how to use one of the chat systems. Along with general help you can find a lot of support and communities to belong to. A lot of the various rooms provide a place for you to "Advertise" your post. A place to promote your post and maybe receive a few extra votes and or visibility of your account. It is very important to read any pinned messages in the rooms, and to make sure you do not cross a line and end up with a post be flagged because you did not follow their rules. Some rooms require you to vote on a post already listed before you can leave your post to be voted on, so read and understand the room rules.

          I will still be here, and any one is welcome to ask me any questions in this post or any of my older newbieresteemday post. I would say you could ask me anything in any post of mine, but if it is to much off topic some charlie do-gooder is going to come and flag you for being off topic even though it is not their post. I myself do not really care if a comment is on topic or not on my post, I will still respond and not flag unless I feel it is a scam/plagiarized type item.


          If you would like to have a post resteemed and you meet the above requirements let me know in the comments, also if there is anything you need help on or a question you feel uncomfortable asking someone else, just drop it in the comments, I will try to answer or find someone who has the answer. Part of newbieresteemday is @newbiegames, so if you are looking for some fun and games take a peek and see what they found for the week.

Here is a link to the @newbieresteemday discord channel invite:

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