Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 17 - - Making Money

in #justbecause6 years ago

Making money at home or online

Seventeenth challenge starts now and is a challenge to see who can find the best ways to make money at home or online. (pre note for judges: entry but not an entry.)

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram

          Totally the wrong person to ask. Now if this was all about how to spend money on line that I could help with. So a few of the things I could think of is Craigslist and your online local want ads. I know in California a lot of localities have started to limit the number of times you can have a garage sale, and in some you need to collect and then provide the government sales tax on all your sells. So want ads and craigslist are good ways to have a non ending garage sale. The other way is to search google for paid contest and enter them. Other than steemit, thats about the only way I know to make money online or from home.

          As you can see above, I do not really know how to make money online. I have heard of people making a career out of playing games online. I am not sure how that works, and I am not tech savvy enough to protect my computer the rigors of online gaming, so most of my gaming is done offline. I have also heard of people gambling online, but I am not sure that is a good way to make money, maybe a good way to lose some money, but I have never been one to see gambling as making money.

          I have seen and know a few people that after they retired they turned their hobby into a, at first, part time money maker. Then a full time money maker, then they lost interest in their hobby because it became work for them. They went from being happy to retire to destroying their hobby then talking about how they should have just stayed at work. I don't want that to happen for myself, so I have never been interested in making money online or from something I enjoy doing. But that is just me. So I am looking forward to what others come up with.


Information Finding Championship Round 17
Information Finding Championship Discord Chat
Newbieresteem Discord Chat

endnote: I did not really have an entry, but I did not want to pass an entry up.


Thanks for the entry, the effort and for trying anyways! And you still offered a couple good ideas as well. :)

Also the paragraph at the end was very deep and insightful.. It made me really ponder on some things. If this contest ever starts making money hopefully it doesn't take away from the fun of it! But to me it's so much deeper than the fun or the money, it's an effort to help others and I don't think I'll ever get tired of trying to help others. :)
Anyways.. I enjoyed your entry! Thanks for taking the time to participate and be a part of all this. :) I value your presence and am looking forward to seeing what the results of your special word challenge are gonna be! That should be a fun contest! :D

Helping people never grows weary. Smiles never get old, laughing eyes will always touch one's soul.

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