Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 10 - "P - B - J"

in #justbecause7 years ago

The what of it

          PBJ you say, I am not sure how popular it is around the world, but I bet every country has there version of it. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, PBJ. It is said that nothing goes together quite like peanut butter and jelly. I have found something that does.

          Two projects, started at almost the same time. One a game, Information Finding Championship, created by @apolymask. Not just any game, not a win the post payout, not a simple game, and most important, not a game where you need to be an expert at anything. So you don't need to be able to write a best selling Novel, you don't need to write a Rhodes Scholar Poem or Ode, you don't need to be a 100% computer geek that know all about C++ and can code circles around everyone. Yes you can be in or approaching your 60's, or you can just be breaking out of those teen years and turning 20. All it takes to play, is wanting to have fun with others and the occasional stepping out of your comfort zone.

          This is a game for not only the new users, but for everyone. Redfish, or deadfish, Minnow, or Whale. It really has had something for everyone so far. This is not a short game either. Each round has a winner. We are working on round ten, this round. Fear not that you may have come to the party a tad bit late, oh no, no such thing as being late to this game, also no fear of being a dollar short, no fees other than your time. Why should you play?

150 Steem Grand Prize

And that prize may be a lot more. That is not chicken feed. 2nd place at the end is 20 Steem, and 3rd is 5 Steem. Those numbers because of round 8 are changing. The contest does not end until the middle of July.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and on instagram

If you see that castle floating around Steemit, you know it is about Information Finding Contest.

The What of it (cont)

          The second project was the newbieresteemday initiative, started by @mudcat36 and @davemccoy. Like @apolymask Game, this project has taken off like a bunch of bees from a kicked over beehive. Things are just buzzing like crazy at newbieresteem. (my kind of shout out to @beeyou). For myself, I have to tell you all I am enjoying myself immensely with both of these. July that is only 4 months away, that is not that long. For all of the newbieresteem seekers, helpers, new users, that want to be able to earn a significant prize, I do urge all of you to take a look at the contest above.
          It is not that difficult a game, just look at my Round 10 entry here. This post is it. No real super powerful skills needed. I did not have to paint or draw, or knit anything, just make a post advertising looking for people that might want to win 150 Steem, and any round prizes along the way. The Information Finding Championship contest is a very nice fit for what we are trying to do, to give a leg up to new users, to have some fun, and to pass our knowledge on to the new users. It's all about fun and knowledge, lets have some.

Image created and provided by: @amariespeaks

The links:

Information Finding Championship Round 10
Information Finding Championship Rules
IFC Discord Chat
Newbieresteemchat(discord channel)
You will often find me in one of the above chats, or if not you can leave me a DM message, or if you have any New User questions feel perfectly free to ask them on any of my Newbieresteemday Post, that is what they are for and why they are out there.

Come Join us, take a chance and win BIG.


@bashadow you are an awesome person and I am glad to have met you through both of these initiatives! I love the pbj idea! keep steemin' until next time have a great day!

They are both so much fun, hard not to share when you are having fun, it is just natural I think to want others to join in and get a little joy out of life.

Short and concise. You have my vote.

Thank you. It is a lot of fun helping others get a leg up, and have some fun at the same time, win lose or draw, we all win in this game, which is nice.

lol love the PB&J concept! these two are definitely complimentary initiatives :) cool post! I hope I can come up with something half a witty as this one! great job @bashadow

Thank you and here is a prize, justbecause I know you Care

Congratulations you have been upvoted just because.

We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more visit: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

I just got some SP delegation from @abh12345, so I am going around and dropping $0.02 on a lot of people, My two cents comments. :-}
Steemit: The Curation Leagues - SBD and Delegation Prizes!
I know you already know and are a **Hugh** part of it all. Thank you for all you do.

thank you so much @bashadow !! love the two cents comments that's hilarious :-D

I can give a lot of them now, well when i have a little bit more Vote Power. Already dropped to below 75%, so hope to do more voting just before bed, but well I had to put Asher's gift to work right away.

that's awesome!! you're doing a great job :) :)

this project has taken off like a bunch of bees from a kicked over beehive. Things are just buzzing like crazy at newbieresteem. (my kind of shout out to @beeyou)

I love the shoutout!! I don’t know how I missed this. I’m behind with my replies but didn’t think I was this behind! So glad I saw your post.

Also, another PB&J analogy, you have me (I’m Paula btw 🙂) with the newbieresteemday initative and Mello with the information finding contest from the beeyou team. Together we make one fine sandwich.

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