"IFC S1 R38 entry" Eagle Beach Inspiration

in #justbecause6 years ago

For this quest I want you to bring us something in regards to the subject of motivation/inspiration.


          That is a pretty big word. I don't know if I have ever used the <h1> top heading before in a post. Mainly because it just seems to big. I am not much on motivation, or giving motivational speeches, or writing. however, I do find Inspiration in the oddest and smallest things sometimes.

          It can be a word like inspiration, or time, or duck, or font, or caterpillar, or thumb, or past, or sky, or even moon. It really could be any word at all that will grab my attention, and push me to a new level of thinking.

          It could be a picture, a painting, a sculpture, or any other form of art that will inspire me to take that extra step.

          It could be as simple as mother nature, her deformed flowers, her perfect flowers, her tall trees, her short trees, her fields and meadows, or lakes and streams, the reflections of life upon her waters, ot the majestic mountains soaring high above you. Mother nature is for me the prime inspiration. I gain a lot whether from the now experience, or from a remembered scene.
ifc 38 eagle.jpg
          Sun was going to be setting soon, so we chose to go to the beach to catch the sunset, the tide was still out and waves were gently falling against the shore as it the tide tried to come in. There was a gentle breeze at my back as I walked along the boundary of the waves and shore, listening to the shoosh swasssh of the surf on shore. Side stepping as needed to keep my feet dry. It was still early spring the temperature while not bitterly cold was still quite chilly.

          As I walked I caught a glint of light in the sand ahead and slightly to my right about four feet away. I knew from the shine that it was an agate, so I stepped out of the path I was following along the water's edge to take a closer hands on look at the shine. Yes it was an agate, a small round yellow ball of beauty, pock marked like the moon. So shiny and slick feeling in the hand, like trying to hold onto a a glass marble covered in oil. I made sure I had a good hold of it in my left hand and continued now in a more meandering path method along the water's edge.

ifc 38 agate.jpg

          Ahead just cresting over the cliff face edge I spotted an Eagle soaring along the edge. I quickly, yet carefully put the agate in my pocket and got my camera out. Yes he was definitely heading our way. With the rapid changing light I set the camera on auto and started clicking picture of the Eagle, it effortless gliding in the air an amazing thing to see. Out the corner of my eye I noticed a seagull, it was heading toward and seemed as if it was chasing the Eagle. The Eagle did not seem to care in the least, it just kept on its own track and continued on its way beating it's wings every now and then, but mostly just surfing the air currents along the shore. I only took a few pictures, it was much more pleasurable to just stand and watch the interplay of Seagull and Eagle. The frantic wing flapping and cawing of the Seagull verse the calm soaring and gliding of the Eagle without a care in the world.

          The Eagle never let that Seagull interfere with it's enjoyment of the off and onshore breeze, he kept his enjoyment alive and flew with grace and calmness while the seagull squawked and squealed out loud while frantically beating its wings to get the Eagles attention, to have the Eagle come and play tag with to play follow the leader or follow just for the sake of following. The Seagull needed some guidance needed it seemed; someone to tell it what to do where to go how to get there, never realizing that the Eagle had no place in particular it was going, had no reason to need to follow anyone or thing only to follow his heart, to feel the breezes upon its shoulders and over its wings.

          Inspiration is where we find it, or where it finds us. It comes at odd times, at unexpected moments, I can not explain how it works, it just does.

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Here is the link to Round 36 Assist IrvinesImages
Here is the link to Round 37 Fairy tale rewrite
Here is the link to Round 38 Motivation/Inspiration
Here is the link to Round 39 Meme's


I like how you can find inspiration in the simple things in life, I think that's really important in life and your story about the Eagle and Seagull was really cool too. Sometimes you just gotta find your own path and not worry too much about the squawking of others I suppose! Also.. Nice find with the agate! What a pretty rock! :D Thanks for the inspiring entry! :)

Beautifully written @bashadow!
Love that Agate! ❤

Thank you, I do like how well that agate picture came out with the phone camera, no less.

Inspiration is where we find it, or where it finds us. It comes at odd times, at unexpected moments, I can not explain how it works, it just does.

What true words!

It has been a fun five months. A lot of inspiration and inspiring post have been written by people and read by all of us, or viewed in the case of pictures. I have enjoyed my time with the IFC challenges.

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