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RE: Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 1 - "New User Help"

in #justbecause6 years ago

@bashadow I'm so honored!! :) I have to admit I hadn't seen Apolymask's Info finding challenge - I just checked it out and followed him. There are really so many cool people on here, everyday I meet new, cool Steemians.
Thank you so much for entering my art. You're awesome! I'm amazed at the love my #newbieresteemday logo has gotten! <3 <3


Thank you for the art work you did for the newbie's. I like it, and thought I would profile it. You did say we could use it. ;-} It is a fantastic logo, even if it does not have a fighting Japanese betta fish with red body and a blue tail fin riding on the back of a whale with a sword fending off all those piranha down voting fish. I like your art you did for mudcat and dave mccoy's project.

lolol wow I think I like your idea better than mine - that sounds like one freakin' exciting picture! Thank you so much - I'm so happy you like my artwork! :) I'm new at digital art so there's always that lingering little voice telling me it could be better lol

Thanks for the follow amariespeaks! You seem like a positive and good spirited individual. I'll check your blog out when I get a chance and follow you as well if I like your content. :)

You're welcome :) and thanks for the compliment - I try to be good spirited - it's contagious you know ? I saw this morning you've resteemed one of my posts and I'm very grateful!! <3

You're welcome as well, and yeah.. I think I get what you'e saying and since the world is such a dark place I think it's good we have people who are making an effort to put more positivity into the world. :) And yeah the post about language, I love language.. I think it's super super super important! I wish more people took it more seriously in regards to how much it can shape reality and how much our reality can also be shaped by what others say or write and what not.

oh definitely, I totally agree - more people should take kindness more seriously, I'm not saying there are no bad days or moods but don't take it out on others.. words and thoughts really do shape our reality and I choose to create mine from a place of mutual respect and kindness :)
so glad to hear someone else agrees!

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