Juice fasting - Day 4 of 5

in #juice8 years ago

Day 4 :) wo0ho0
So the truth is out.. i have actually finished my juice fast but life has been so busy i haven't had time to post my updates. Don't worry though i have been documenting my progress and its all ready for me to tell you about below :)

I would like to add that i have not suffered with any more headaches or tiredness since the end of Day one. It really was just the first day. I do feel very good and i can definitely feel i have more energy. I do miss food though and as i said all along i would not advocate this as a full time meal option. Sure there are people out there that do it and they seem to be fine but i am a carnivore and always will be. Doesn't mean i don't have weeks where i am 100% far from it. I love all food and sometimes thats just how i feel at the time. The key to all aspects of life is variety :) too much of one thing, good or bad will only lead to boredom. There is a whole world of new and exciting things out there! Go explore it!! haha anyway enough life lessons... on with the juice!

Day Four

8:00 - Apple and Mint and Carrot shot.

Wait a minute!! Where is the ginger?!
Ok ok so i missed up and used all my ginger up on Day three haha... woops! No matter, just bang a couple of carrots in there. Lesson learned not to be so greedy with the ginger in future. (I won't listen to this advice though as i love the stuff haha)

Still it was a nice refreshing start to the day.

09:00 Sweet Potato, Pineapple, Lemon and Ginger

I actually had to pack this and hit the road, i needed to be in the office today and was running late.

These sealable jars are great for storing or transporting juices if you really need to. Again as we have covered before its always better to drink the juice within 20 minutes to get the full benefit of the enzymes but life sometimes is too busy and this is a very close second if you need to dash :)

12:00 & 15:30 Cucumber, Alfalfa, Kale/ Spinach / Chard, Parsley, Apple, Lime, broccoli & Ginger.. wow thats a mouthful :)

As i said i was in the office and i only had time to make one juice in the morning.

Luckily for me there is a local juice cafe up the road. It's not cheap... far from it but on the rare occasions you need it then its really great. You can even call or Facebook ahead to order one in fresh which is cool. I grabbed myself a couple of these for the day. My wallet is now not talking to me anymore...

Overall pretty nice, i would have put my ginger in myself... but we all know how much i love that root haha.

Banana, Almond Milk, Pineapple, Cinnamon and Pressed Coconut

This one feels like a real treat! Its lovely. I also found a new product that i have not seen before... Rhythm Kefir Culture pressed pure coconut.

I saw it and new instantly the right juice/ smoothie for this

At this point of the juice fast a little pick me up like this really counts. It feels so decadent after a the juice of the previous days. Truth is its hardly pushing the desert tray across the room is it? Its super healthy and a feels a lot naughtier than it is.

Also i realised there was way too much pineapple so i actually only used this much

I put in a teaspoon of cinnamon, it actually needed more... but i would always start with this amount. You can always add more but you cannot take away.

Add all the ingredients to the mixer as usual and blend.

I am actually salivating right now :)

Voila! A lovely sweet treat and as i said needed after being on this fast for a few days.

So Day 4 is done! Only one more day and its MEAT time :) haha


You are a hero, b0y2k!

I'm waiting for you to cook for me now richman :D

You are always welcome, just buy the tickets and come here ;-)
The weather is awesome, right for the bbq party!

awesome :D

I just notice your Steem Rep lvl 66 ^^,

haha yeah :) repping with our number dude :)

Haha realy cool bro :-D
Nice work with your clotes.
You should start selling it, i want one number 66 ;-)

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