Caution after chemtrailing - today we stay inside despite the snow ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ

in #joy โ€ข 6 years ago (edited)

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After two years in Bali, waking up to this sight was quite special. Unfortunate that yesterday the skies were filled with man made clouds and this snow is most likely full of strange chemicals I would rather not have my kids playing in.


If you are wondering what man made clouds look like you can see the post I made yesterday here which documents the transformation from lines in the sky to heavy rainclouds.

It began raining after the chemtrailing and hasn't stopped since. With the colder temperature of the night the rain turned to snow and this is what it looked like in the morning.


Today it is rain again so my family and I are sheltering inside. But this doesn't stop me opening windows and gabbing a few shots of the world around me!




The importance of your focus of attention

Whist it is easy to feel angry at whoever is behind the chemtrailing/geoengineering all you really need is an awareness of your situation after which you can get back on with enjoying the world. As you can see from these pictures, the poisons within this snow & rain did not stop me from finding fun in the moment.

Yes, my children seem a little confused as to why they cannot go outside (today of all days!) but they will get over it and instead they get to play with their dad some more!


Esteban will no doubt get a little ipad time...


...and the little pixie will get her basin bath ;)


Perhaps she's more like an elf?


We have been in France for two weeks now at the foot of the great Mount Canigou and we are still looking for a more permanent home here. We have been visualising a very specific kind of place as our European base and patiently await its manifestation.


It is our intention to continue travelling the world once we have our base set up and return here for a few months each Summer to check in with our mothers.

For now we are living with a friend who has been looking after my UK cat for the last two years. It's super amazing to be back with my fluffy old London cat who seems to have settled in to the French way of life rather well.


I always imagine after 4 years on the road he will have forgotten me but he never does. Though he's not too happy I have two kids now!


BTC might be crashing and poison might be falling from the sky (disguised as child-friendly snow) but you will always have a choice in every moment what to place your attention on.

Choose wisely, for each thought attracts the next.

Over and out for now.


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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

He is travelling the world with his partner & two children and with no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over nine months.

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I love the freedom you guys have to be able to pick up and go. The children will grow up with a more expansive worldview and won't be held back by old prejudices and fears.

They're getting bolder with the lines in the sky. Here in Pennsylvania at times, they resemble a chessboard held aloft. Now they're even giving them new names so that they seem natural.

Anyone who read the book Animal Farm can see how things are changed so gradually that, unless one is paying close attention, you might forget how things were before. Knowledge truly is power.

Was not aware of the new names to categorise this type of 'cloud' but I suppose it was only a question of time.

Thanks for sharing your experience from Pennsylvania.

Animal Farm moved me deeply way back in my school days, just like 1984 and let's not forget Brave New World & Utopia. Orwell & Huxley were some pretty enlightened authors. No matter how much I might make a mockery of my education I am happy at least that they included these on the reading lists!

It's interesting I rearly get ill. But in recent days I have notice chem trails on massive scale and surprise I get a really sticky throat and sneezes. Yes it that time of year. But in more office everyone has had two bouts of D & V I was fine makes you wonder. When I was in London at the weekend also they were everywhere you looked, it not a coincidence I'm ill for the first time since well the was a massive influx in Chem trails! ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’

Very interesting to learn this. I am wondering now if my feeling of congestion is connected to what I am seeing in the skies? Recorded more of them today!

This could also potentially explain why my two babies are coughing a lot at night at the moment, yet neither of them are sick.

Everyone is sick at the mo I know. I sure its not coincidence they the chem trails has started this massive flu epidemic for the second time in three months! ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’

ย 6 years agoย (edited)

Great post. Really charming photos of your family, they all look radiant.
I am sure your new home will manifest at the right time. I am also waiting for mine, and I truly believe.
It is sad how our skies have become so polluted...and all this in the name of progress. Rather similar to what is happening to the oceans.

Am glad you picked up on the manifesting reference. We did the same thing in Bali and ended up in a place which ticked all the boxes... which is partly why I found it so hard to leave :)

Yes, not sure what kind of progress this chemtrailing represents. Nothing good for us the people.

Anything that I have ever really wanted I have manifested....against many odds. I don't believe in coincidence, and my family and friends often said "that will never happen. Impossible." But I knew it would. Just believe you have it......imagine yourself with whatever it is that you want. ๐Ÿ˜€

It is such an incredible realisation hey. I have been through a similar thing with members of my family who believed I should be living a different way in order to achieve a life of travelling, but how could they have foreseen the world of cryptocurrency? How could I?

Like you said, I just knew it was coming and continued to enjoy the feeling that went with it :)

So glad to see you are sharing about chemtrails. The sheeple out there do not have a clue. Thanks for your post and effort in waking up others.

The more of us who do this (hopefully!) the more aware others will become ;)

Very beautiful photo


Love your story from today and happy you could enjoy moments with your beautiful kids! Love your pictures too!;) Enjoy your week dear!

Thanks very much! I hope you are enjoying a great week too ;)

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