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RE: Toward A More Merciful World!

in #joy6 years ago

You're so right about timing as life is actually measured in time. We as humans have an obligations to leave this world better than we met it and it doesn't just come by us sitting down and doing nothing, it comes with intentional planning to carry out personal developlment projects ,community driven ideas and most especially team building and legacy motivted endeavours to ensure that we have given back to humanity, more than wht we received from life.
Each one of us has what it takes to change the world, but until we decide to put in the work, be disciploined at it and be determined to make it happens, we will ne unable to unlesh the great potentials inside of us.

The power of leverage in our day-to-day activities can not be over emphasized as it brings us closer to our perfect selves. Team building efforts develops excellent leadership potentials within us and gets us ready for bigger, larger and higher tasks.

Cryptocurrencies, of course is the new world. Several solutions to the challenges facing the world are being solved through upcoming decentralized patforms, indeed We are yet to see the full benefits of Cryptocurrenvies as more and more are being unveiled to us.

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