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RE: The Free Thought Project News And Journalism Joins Steemit

in #journalism8 years ago

@tftproject I go by Supreme_Elo_him on IG,and I've reposted some of your content. Very Informative and Inspirational; Welcome!
Maybe you can make a post and\or article\video explaining to the IG Family, which tbh is more amorous and supportive to JOIN STEEMIT!
We need to spread word of this hybrid Crypto-currency, No-Censorship-Blockchain Technology to the leaders of those movements and get them active here aswell! I believe this will be the easiest way to get the Movements Leadership to join the Coming Revolution which in turn will introduce the Decentralized aspects of the Future to their based allowing. them to maximize and leverage their followership whilst exposing themselves to a brand new active audience.
Thank You Guys and Keep It Up,

Supreme Elo-Him


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