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RE: Nest Egg

in #journal7 years ago

I Know what you mean when you say unreal.When you talk about safe , long term investments I feel fear creep up from the bottom of my feet, up my spine. Crypto is a risk , a risk that has paid off so far but how long will this train ride last? I have recently started to take some of my crypto profits and started buying gold and silver. My gut tells me this is a good idea, and my ferar agrees. My greed says to just keep taking risks and let it ride. The best gift of all is to be able to do what you want with your time, priceless! I can't belive you got that leaf shot with your s7. I recentlly picked up an s8 and you have inspired me to experiment more.


I know what you mean about "fear creeping up your spine" but for me it has more to do with environmental disaster, and gold and silver investment won't really help that. That, or major governmental intervention and 'gasp' cooperation between world governments could derail the crypto train imho. Sometimes I feel like I just have to let those fears go, the more you think about it the more little things you think of that could become an issue.

Crypto is a major economic activity that has benefited and continues to benefit many people. I doubt governments are going to want to put a stop to it. Much of the negative press seems focused around illicit issues that plague cash as well but nobody talks seriously about banning cash transactions. I heard that apparently North Korea is a leading counterfeiter of hundred dollar bills but that fact is seldom talked about. Forcing regulations that try to ban crypto transactions could just push everything to decentralized exchanges and street level bartering - which I don't think will be really helpful if your trying to prevent illicit use.

Thanks a bunch for your comment and support! I hope you find the time to play around with your S8. I find a camera that I'm always carrying around much more easy to use.

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