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RE: Nest Egg

in #journal7 years ago

Such a wonderful article @lightsplasher. Informative and flowing: You've made so many points that I resonate with.

Love how you described turning around to capture the brilliant leaf that had drawn your attention. The more we can listen to these impulses the more fulfilling our lives will become.

A wonderful animation too. A great concept. I tend to work/think in series so I can see that you could make so many fantastic variations on this theme. However I also appreciate the time an animation like this can take.

I've been slowly introduced to the whole cryptocurrency world through my involvement with a company that has its own cryptocurrency. Talk about a journey of continual change, of high expectations and bitter disappointments. But the determination to succeed has always won the day. One of the reasons I've been so interested in Steemit is that, like this company, their cryptocurrency rewards the 'work' that its members do.

Earning less than 1SDB for an article that I may have spent many an hour preparing hasn't bothered me all that much, as I love the format of Steemit posts and some of the connections I've made here are amazing. Until recently when something happened that made me realize I DO need to have that 'Nest Egg.'

How we see ourselves and having a grateful heart are so integral with our 'success:' I now see myself as someone who IS earning an income here ~ No matter how much. And thanks to people like yourself I feel encouraged to stay and share. Thanks SO much for your encouragement. 🦋♥︎🦋


Thank you much for you comment and support! It never really occurred to me to make a series and variations on the animation. Most of the work is setting things up with the timing and lighting. I might think about adding some new effects.

It is really tough getting to know people and figure out what works on Steemit. I've spent way too much time on articles that earn less than 1 SBD too. It has been really fun though.

I've had my share of bitter disappointments in crypto as well but at this point I'm so grateful that these things are easy to let go of.

So cool nice one have a nice day.

Understand the time that's needed in preparation. May not be seen, but essential for the finished piece to work.

One way I've found to justify the time spent on articles at Steemit is that I then post them to my own blog. Which also earns nothing. 😊 But it's deemed necessary for an artist to share what they do. Which I question all the time.

I'd love to live in an ideal world where every single being had their essential needs met and could do what they loved doing. What they are meant to be doing while on this planet. Artists could paint, musicians play, gardeners garden. Trouble is who would work in all the offices?

Next best thing is for the crypto world to attract people who care and want the best for not just themselves and family ~ But everyone. 🎻

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