In a way, this is illustrative of the illiberal leftist pro-criminal mentality.

in #johnson7 months ago


We all know that Brandon Johnson isn't canceling Shotspotter to save money. Democrats aren't known for their austerity programs. Democrats -- especially Chicago Democrats -- are known to be gun grabbers. If nothing else, Shotstopper should be seen as a way to locate illegally possessed firearms.

(Just to clarify, I don't think that there should be any such thing as an illegally possessed firearm)

Still, Chicago is such a shitshow that Shotspotter makes a lot of sense. A lot of the people who live in the inner city, under constant threat of gun violence, have complained about Johnson's decision because of the constant threat of gang violence and -- more importantly -- gang retaliation for calling the cops.

How is this douche a Democrat if he doesn't listen to the people?

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