You Lost Your Job? Here Are Some Tips On How To Find a Job.

in #job6 years ago

Have you ever had to look for work? At present, work is a precious asset, a kind of subsistence insurance in the absence of a bulky cost in the bank. In addition, it is because the supply of employment is less than the demand, so that candidates for any position tend to be more than the number of places offered.

                               Source periodicomicasa

Looking for work is also beneficial for our health. There has long been a knowledge that there is a negative relationship between unemployment and health. This relationship is supported by a large scientific bibliography. At the psychological level, work is a very valuable field to perform and also to relate to each other.

Effects of unemployment on health

The latest publications on this subject point out that unemployment can be very harmful to our health (both physical and mental). Some of the harmful effects of a chronic job search while the person is not working are the following:

Increase in mortality

There are many publications that relate unemployment and increase in general mortality. Thus, it has been pointed out that the risk of dying from any cause increases by 63% in the Unemployed.


The relationship between unemployment and an increase in the suicide rate is well established some time ago. Unemployment appears as one of the risk factors for suicide in a large study worldwide. A recent study indicates that the 3% increase in unemployment in Europe will be accompanied by a 4.45% increase in deaths due to suicide.

Worse perception of our health

The analysis of the results of the surveys on self-perceived health also suggests that unemployment harms the perception that the person has about their health. A study that evaluates the self-perceived health in the Italian regions finds that the regions in which the population claims to have worse health coincide with the regions where there is higher unemployment.

Worse mental health

Mental health problems are another of the conditions associated with unemployment. Thus, among the unemployed would increase the presence of mood disorders. Unfortunately, the one that heads the lists in this sense is depression.

Increased alcohol consumption

Unemployment is the precipitating factor of many addictions, the spark that lights the wick. The person seeks to escape from their own situation, with which they do not feel well, so they become more vulnerable to those stimuli that offer rapid adrenaline discharges, such as gambling, or that alter the perception of reality, such as alcohol.

A study conducted in the USA indicates that alcohol consumption increases in the unemployed. In a European study it is reported that a 3% increase in unemployment will increase deaths from alcoholism by 28%. As we can see, these are just a few representative examples of the harmful effects of unemployment on our health. Therefore, it seems beneficial for our health to find work. But to find work, we must first look for work.


Tips for looking for work

We can imagine the search for work as the construction of a building. Where are we going to start building it? It seems obvious that we must start with the foundations. If we do not build a good foundation or base, the building could fall apart.

When it comes to looking for work, the basis lies in knowing oneself. Give answers to questions such as: "What can we offer?" "Why would someone want to hire us?", Know who is yourself at work and what is your professional goal. Having clear answers will make us look in the right place and we can make clear and interesting proposals to companies, at the same time we will have the keys to complete our training or to recycle while we search.

Know yourself

To know ourselves better at work, we can perform a simple exercise. This exercise will help us to know ourselves better and to know what we can improve.

The exercise consists of writing down on a sheet of paper our strengths and weaknesses. Examples of strengths would be "I am organized", "I like listening to others", "I concentrate easily", etc. The same strengths become weaknesses if we do not possess them.

Train your attitude

The way to look for work is not easy to travel. Sometimes you can feel that you are advancing but then you go back again. Not giving up is essential. The positive attitude is acquired little by little and on our way we will find ups and downs.

For this it is very important to avoid negative thoughts, smile, value small things ... In addition, it is also important that you do not compare yourself with others. You are a unique and wonderful being.

Have perseverance

They say that "the one who follows it, gets it". This is especially true when looking for a job. And it is that any goal that we want to achieve requires an effort. The effort requires tenacity, perseverance, insistence, tenacity ...

If we are perseverant, we will feel better with ourselves. Something that helps to persevere is to remember from time to time the benefits you will get when you find work.

Be patient

The fact of not being patient is detrimental to our mental health. Impatience can generate great frustration and we can fall into a spiral of pessimism.

Training patience has multiple benefits. If we are patient when looking for work, we will persist in our efforts and the goal will be closer and closer.


Planning is as important as patience and perseverance. They say that looking for a job is a job in itself ... and all work requires that we plan it.

It is useless to start many unconnected actions, because surely they will not lead us to the desired results. We have to build a method around the search for work, in which order and planning play in our favor.

And here are the five keys to looking for work. Obviously there are many more, but if you put these five into practice you will be a little closer to finding a job. In this sense, it is true that often what matters is to be in the right place at the right time, to meet someone in a company that is looking for workers. Hence, social relations are an important point in the search for employment.

                                  Source noticias.universia

In this sense, leave behind the shame and share with people you know in the sector your interest in finding a job. Many positions are still covered in this way, so they do not even go out to tender. Companies look for competent people yes, but also and many times before, look for people who can be trusted, recommended.

Finally, if you find yourself looking for a job, wish all the luck in the world!

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