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RE: Was Jesus a Theraputae, a Physician, a Jewish doctor who studied in Egypt ?

in #jesus7 years ago

Offgridlife, I love the verse you included--John 3:14. That verse has brought me so much encouragement at times. I remember I was feeling very discouraged about my sins one day when at church someone mentioned that all the Israelites had to do to be healed was look at that serpent on the pole. And I thought, all I have to do is look to the Son--Jesus, and I'll be forgiven. When I thought of that, I felt peace from God and knew my guilt was washed away. Thanks for that reminder!


Yes .... I was always puzzled when Jesus said "Be wise as Serpents" - and I always thought of the Serpent as a bad guy ... but then there is this story of Moses and the Serpent who over comes death, is the cure for death and is hung on a pole. “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves." - Matt 10:16

The old Testament (Torah and Tanakh) and New Testament are filled with rich and complex symbols and allegories, metaphors and parable ..... There is a very interesting correlation in this symbol of The Serpent / ha-Nachash in Hebrew .... Read Genesis 3:14, then Galations 3:13 then John 3:14 .... The curse and the Cure (Pi 3:14) .... the Rejected stone (ABen) becomes the Key Stone. (ABen) ... The word for Stone in Hebrew is ABen .... it is made of 2 words .... AB and Ben ..... Father and Son. Jesus is always making reference to the fact that the Father and Son are One. Jesus who is God is Pure Genius.

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