
This was one of the first topics when I was still a steadfast Christian that no one really gave a solid answer to, they weren't phased by it...after finding out his name was Yeshua, I didn't understand why people continued to use the wrong name...I remember writing an article about this topic for ABN over a year ago already! Wow..where does the time go??

It's crazy, how many are so comfortable using this insulting name, lacking the sincerity and love to amend wrongful ways once they are made aware. These are the same people worshipping a conceptual fiction, aka Magic Genie Jesus, instead of truly believing in the Son of God.

If God required us to believe in His son in order to be saved, why did His son intentionally hide his real name from everyone?

For example, if God required people to believe in Rayel to be saved, and everyone who died before they could even know his real name told God, "we believe in your son Yeshua (or Jesus, or Bob, or whatever)" - Wouldn't God say, "Yeshua (or Jesus, or Bob, or whatever false name) isn't the name of my only begotten son, if you don't even know his real name, how can you believe in him?"

This doesn't make any sense.

I am under the impression that you think simply saying I believe in (Son of God's name) in this case RayEl is sufficient . When James 2:14-26 clearly teaches believing requires action not just words.

This should be common knowledge.

Ezekiel 36:23 ►
I will show the holiness of my great name, which has been profaned among the nations, the name you have profaned among them. Then the nations will know that I am the LORD, declares the Sovereign LORD, when I am proved holy through you before their eyes.

I wish Christians would get ahold of this... I'm tired of hearing the name!

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