Jessi Never Fully Recovered - Never Play With The Ouija Board - SWC (Supernatural Writing Contest)

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)


When a life form or soul exists in a human, it is allowed to freely roam anywhere on the earth. It can do anything and have emotions and all. However, when it leaves the human body, it doesn’t have the power to stay on this globe but to either hit the light according to its karma or to wonder around several dimensions that it was allowed in to do so. A soul cannot by itself can enter into a human’s reality. However, when there is a problem, there will be a solution, when there is a question, there will surely be an answer. That is how this world has been designed by God. So which means these spirits, entities or souls can into our reality by something and that something is called a vortex or a medium or a portal. There are restrictions when it comes to vortexes for who are allowed to enter or who are not. But a portal is something that is so powerful that once it was opened, you absolutely have no control over the entity that you invite into your reality. It could be a spirit that you loved when it was in its human form or a negative spirit that wants to taunt you or the worse, a demon who wants to claim your soul FOREVER. One such powerful tool to create such portals is the OUIJA BOARD.

My Mom always advised me almost every day while growing up saying “if you visit a new place in your life and when you hear any local legend surrounding that place, respect it no matter how ridiculous it sounds. It is called as a legend for a reason”. I always respected my Mom even though I’m weirdly obsessed with paranormal stuff from my childhood. I never used to experiment with new locations and its beliefs. In one such visit, I and some of my friends were members of our school’s voluntary group that serves in local villages and we visited a small village which was a cross between a village and a town. It had decent shops and equally vacated areas with only houses and absolutely no population. Our service timings were from 9 am to 5 pm and we were allowed to travel back to our houses at evenings because the village was near. It was just an hours drive back.

The first day, it went like the service was going to be busy but day after day, we used to get more leisure time and we used to get pretty bored soon. Mind you, this was back in 2000 s, when we had no internet or social media or anything much to do with phones. One of my friends named Jessi, she is famous for being silly and likes to taunt people and their beliefs. One evening when we finished our work very early, we were sitting down under a tree and drinking coffee, she told “want to make this boring evening exciting?” We all said, “how? what is your plan?”. She gave a smirk and lifted something that looked like a cardboard from her bag. It was the Ouija board. She said, “let us play this”. Three girls were excited but myself and the other girl were not that interested. I told her, “my mom told me not to play with those things”. She said, “come on, she is not here. she wouldn’t know”. They insisted me but I strongly denied however they could pull the other sceptical girl to sit and play with them.

They looked around and went inside a very old creepy looking shack and locked the door from inside. Even though I said no, I just went inside and sat at a distance just to see what they were doing and also not to get caught and get scolded by our warden. They lit a candle because the hut looked so dark even though it was just evening and placed the planchette on top of it, held their hands and asked, “is there any spirit in this room”, there was no movement of the planchette or any answer. It was completely dark and silent when Jessi asked again, “if someone is here, prove yourself to us”.

“Bad idea, bad idea” I whispered. Even though I did not believe in such things, I remembered my mom’s words “never taunt anything through your words and when it comes to entities, never challenge them”. Jessi replied, “woo are you scared? you are not even playing, so shut up”. She again said, “prove yourself to us or move to yes if you are scared” and she chuckled. I thought she was going out of line. They asked a couple of questions but nothing really happened with the board that evening and Jessi angrily threw the board to a corner and said, “this is crap, let us go”. We all left but I was the last one to leave and just when I was about to step out I heard tap tap tap I looked back and saw nothing. I thought the old house was making noises and I left. We did not go to our houses that day but to the hostel room that they gave us for the stay.

My friends didn’t know the Ouija rules back then and my friend broke one rule, she did not say goodbye . Growing up, I learned never to break a rule and she broke one. The next day, I woke up with a blood screaming voice next to me. My friend Jessi was screaming sitting in upright position and I got up immediately to see what was happening. On top of her bed, it was the same Ouija Board that they played. She said, “how did this come here?”. I checked our door room and it was locked. There is absolutely no possibility someone placing it through the window because we stayed in the 6th floor. She was horrified and started crying hysterically and my friends also started crying. I took the board in my hands and asked them to stop crying. I looked around to check if anyone is checking on us but the whole floor was empty though there was 7 rooms on the same floor.

I took the elevator and ran towards the hut and went inside to check if the board that they played yesterday was there or no. It was not there. It was a shocker for me too but I placed the board in there and came back running towards our room only to encounter our warden in the elevator. She asked “what was your friend Jessi doing in the midnight in that hut?”. I asked back, “she was here, sleeping with us. She was sleeping by my side.”. Warden said “no, she did not. I saw her going inside the hut though my window and after a while saw her coming out of something in her hand that looked like a book or something. I called her through my window to ask what she was doing but she just kept walking as if she did not hear my voice at all”. I took all those inside word by word but replied to her “She was with us the whole night” and literally ran back to my room.

Jessi swear on her grave that she did not go to the hut at night but she and the other friends looked terrified of what the warden has said. That day we did not have anything to do and after eating, I stayed back in kitchen to help warden. Jessi came down after sometime and said “did you call me warden”. Warden looked surprised and said, “no I did not”. Jessi said, “but the boy you sent told me you wanted to see me”. Warden said “what boy?” I was also confused because I was there and warden did not send anyone to our room. Jessi was terrified to go back to our room and stayed with us the afternoon. After a couple of hours she looked very dull, pale and said “I want to go for a walk”. Before we could ask for details she left. We organized the kitchen and when it was 9 Pm, I realized that jessi did not come for dinner and asked other girls about it and they said “we thought she is with you in the kitchen”. Warden was worried and we started searching for her.

we searched all the places that we could and finally I thought it was time to tell warden what happened and go look into the hut to see if Jessi is in that. Warden called our security to go along with us as we both were terrified in the dark and the security slowly opened the door. It creaked open and warden and I looked inside. Jessi was sitting in the corner of the hut and scratching the walls like a mad girl. My heart literally dropped looking at that and my warden started crying and she slowly called”Jess…Jessi”. Jessi slowly looked at us and immediately turned back to the wall and started scratching even faster and was giving heavier and louder breathing. I thought it was enough and shouted “jessi, what are you doing, come back wih…” before I could finish that sentence, she shouted back “Do you think you are a smart girl? do you think you are been protected by the white light just because you did not play the game?. I’m coming for you… I’m coming for you”. She came running towards me but I held her tight and trust me, her body felt like I was holding 10 different people at one time. Warden and security helped me remove her from me and her screams reached the whole street and everybody came inside to help Jessi.

They took her to the local church and the Father chained her and held his hands on her head and started praying and saying several versus. She kept looking at me all the way and screaming “I will get you, I will get you”. While the father was still praying, I shouted back “I always believe that I’m strongly protected by the God. You cannot get me and whoever you are, leave my friend. GOOD BYE TO YOU”. She screamed for another 30 mins or so but finally succumbed and they admitted her into a hospital. The priest took that Ouija from us and kept it inside the church with sprinkling holy water on it and keeping holy books around it. Jessi’s parents never sent her back to school and when I asked our warden why, she replied in a sad tone, “seems Jessi never actually recovered”. I so wanted to visit and help my friend but my Mom after hearing what happened from our teacher took a promise from me to never ever visit Jessi and in the exact words of my Mom, “She is not your friend Jessi anymore”.

In later years, I learned that there was a small boy who died in a fire accident that occurred when our building was in construction. Is that the boy who told Jessi that warden wanted to see her?? What’s taunting Jessi? what came out of that portal that she opened? When would it leave my friend?. But would I really want to know the answers for these questions? Probably not…..

Thanks for reading this and thank you for @jerrybanfield for this opportunity to write about this and warn people about what they play. You can read my other paranormal blogs here. these are some stories I shared and also couple of my own experiences.



Spread love ❤️ @goddess

Good story and good writing also!

Bhargavi thank you very much for sharing your story with us as a part of the supernatural writing contest and for linking to your other blogs here too! I will send a vote for you for the story!

I appreciate you sharing this story because you have helped me open my mind further! I am amazed how closed minded my mind still is after all the other amazing experiences I have had, my thoughts easily suggest experiences different than mine are not possible!

@jerrybanfield I'm very glad you liked the story. And thanks a lot for the upvote. Your contest idea is so relatable and interesting :)

OMG - You have the strangest collection of experiences!!
How can one person have this many haunted memories?
You are a walking paranormal story.
I think you need many Bear Hugs!! x0x0x

@paradise-found I know right hon? but do you believe my experiences are nothing compared to few people around the world. I have been ana ctive reader of paranormal stories and there is literally shit out there that would creep the hell out of us. I'm in fact blessed that i have not experienced crazier ones and is protected by God always.

Oh my God
This was so scary, but a nice one @thegoddess
This is my entry for the contest also i hope you enjoy it

This is a very scary story well told. I have heard of warnings not to play with the Ouija board and you confirmed it!

There is a lot of controversy in the paranormal community about oui ja boards. I collect them. The older the better. Some are called spirit boards. They look different from the oui ja board.

I work with a lot of paranormal investigators and they use tools to communicate vocally with the dead. To me it is the same as using a oui ja.

I have seen scary things happen with the board, but I think it has to do with the intention of the user. ALWAYS no matter what the tool, it is the intention of the user that determines the outcome.

I own a world famous haunted house. You can find a blog about it on my page. We have also set up a channel on Discord for the Paranormal. Feel free to drop in and chat some time. @lahvista

@lahvista thanks a lot for dropping by and commenting here and I'd love to join your paranormal channel. Please send me an invite. and regarding your house, can't wait to read it

Those boards ARE A PORTAL, people in the know have advised people not to'play' with them. They are not toys. As a Christian I was taught early not to taunt, obsess or get lured by the paranormal. Being evil as they are they also love the attention. That's the reason why it's also easy to bring evil by watching paranormal movies. I the Bible it clearly warns us to stay away from all such things and hate it. It is clear it is an abomination to Jehovah God. I personally don't entertain it, reason I tell them they must leave.

I felt scared reading this, and I don't scare easily! I think it may be because you write in a very down-to-earth style, so it seems to be a REAL story. Another factor may be because you take the role of a young, somewhat helpless narrator - these two factors freak me out! My rational side is asking if there was a psychological examination performed on Jessi.

This story has convinced me to follow you by the way. Well done!

@trumanity thanks for the follow and right back at you my friend and regarding your question about the psychological examination, you think her parents would not have considered it? They did and it is been 15 years and she still lives like a weirdo... normal mostly but suddenly something changes in her and she starts to scream and scratch the wall for few minutes and she herself will calm down after a bit.

Thanks for the reply. This contest has got me feeling stranger than usual but I have no stories as strange as these you have related here. Thanks for the follow, my dear friend. I am glad to have read your story here.

I've heard from reliable sources now about the dangers of using such things, I didn't believe them or know about them then. Great chilling story. It was a page-turner.

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