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RE: the epic yt v=a of STEEMIT --- or --- another use{wthM2r6pBzJk=} wallpost ->^v^93(&-i(¨çÇ)l-?)72^v^@olivier10101{GINAb(^()^)tBOT} ^v^ ^v^{GINAb(^()^)tBOT}^v^@olivier10101

in #jerrybanfield6 years ago (edited)

Hello, @everyone : @olivier10101 @everyone @ cheetah @banjo @bani0@banio @here@world:r /W{yes mr Smith, Y}e the shitty dangy sucking dockcockcin #73 is @everyone @banjo : But obviously, you're too slow or don't want to participate to the rev^s^volution =^= useless chat


That is incorrect. Do you want me to tell you what a reverse turing test is?

I don't think it is good to spend too much time with someone who is too similar to yourself.

Yes, I did it because you needed a deeper explanation of something quite simple.

By eating bacon.

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