Ghost kid and my ball SWC

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)

My name is Robert and I will start off by saying that I have not told many people about this story due to the fact that I understand many people wont believe me. Writing these memories on here is a big step, but will be nice to hear what others think. Jerry Banfield has released some stories that he was afraid to talk about as well. That helps give me the strength to talk about these scenarios.
I will dispense this memory now...

I used to live in North Eastern New York. A small town named Cassadaga. It was not the city, but instead very country. Lots of land and much untold history. Very near to my town is a very spiritual little town that is actually kind of famous, Lily Dale.


I grew up in a very old home, it was built in the late 1800's, I don't remember the exact year. It was a house that people including ourselves always had a strange feeling as if someone was looking at us. I know that is something people say, but this feeling was undeniable. We moved into this home when i was two years old. Just a little guy. It seemed no matter what I did something strange would happen to me at least once a month. Very strange things.

The first major event I remember was when i was about six. More things had happened but not that i can still remember. I am thirty one now. I was walking upstairs to the second story where my bedroom was. When I reached the top stair I just got this feeling. I really don't know how to describe it, but it just was not right. It caused me to just stop. I was scared to i did one of those 'stop moving and just move your eyes around because you will be safe like this stances'. My body became full of energy but i could not use it to run. Instead it all came out in one loud scream "HELP!". I don't even know what i wanted help with, but that's what the energy produced. My whole family was home, but nobody came. Maybe i did not scream as loud as I thought or maybe time was not standing still like it felt and everything may have only been seconds. I continued to stand still like I was frozen. Finally, I hear my mother yell, "baby!?, what is wrong, are you OK!?" I finally was able to move again and I looked downstairs to see my mom, dad, and brother. I was so happy, but the second I locked eyes with them, the entire ceiling fell. Yes, the ceiling literally fell down. It fell everywhere around me but not one piece even so much touched me. This sounds corny, but it is different when you actually lived it. Why did i freeze? Why did i get a strange feeling? Why did i yell help? This is what made it possible for me to stand in the perfectly safe spot and allow my family to see the miracle happen as well. This ceiling could have really hurt me.

About seven months later I was in my room laying in my bed. My room was connected to my brothers room by a door way. There was no door on it at this time, so it was kind of like one huge room. My brother is eight years older then me so a door was soon to be attached. He was a teenager and wanted his privacy. As i was laying in my bed, on my stomach, with my arm hanging over the side of the bed. This was my go to position, so comfortable. Laying there I feel a basketball hit my hand with a good amount of force. It hit my hand with good enough force to continue rolling through. This time I did not freeze, I jumped out of bed so damn fast and ran into my brother room I can't even remember ever making contact with the floor. My brother was passed out, but not for long as I jumped on him and screamed "get up!"
He knew something was wrong so he calmed me down and asked me what was the problem. I told him exactly what happened. My brother assured me that I must have been sleep walking. (I used to sleep walk a lot as a kid, did some funny stuff, but that is for a different story time) I calmed down and was relieved. I figured he was right, because everything felt as if it was real when i slept walked. I was about to jump out of the bed and go back into my room when we both saw the basketball roll into his room, do a slight turn and come to rest right at the foot of his bed. This may not sound that scary, but it was extremely scary to be there and have this happen. I made a fast drawing below to give you an idea on the path the ball had to take to get to my brothers bed. It is a simple drawing, but just something to help you picture what I am trying to explain.


Many other strange things had happened in that house, but those are the two memories that really stick in my mind. My family and I were all talking to the neighbors across the field from us one night, and told them about some of the things that had been happening to me. They informed us that a little boy had lived there before us and had passed away. I can't remember the age now, but he was under ten years old. They strongly suggested it was him who had kept me in the safe place when the ceiling fell, and that is was him who was playing with the basketball. I tend to believe this too, simply because i have no other explanation. I totally understand if you want to poke fun at these memories, but i will never forget them. I hope you guys enjoyed and would love to hear if any of you have had scenarios happen to you. To this day i still believe something very supernatural was happening in that home. Supernatural occurrences are not always a good or bad thing, but rather a part of life. I believe many people come in contact with supernatural experiences but do not realize it. In order to realize it, you need to believe it, and in order to believe it, sometimes you must experience it. Have a wonderful day everyone.

P.S I did not proof read this, because I fear I may delete it before posting. Forgive any typos please :)

Keepin it real.png


Thank you very much @frankbacon

Of course! I like a Strange story every now and then. ; )


That time to weekend bro.. enjoy the moment.

It's the WEEEEEEEEEEKEND baby!!! have a great one @bglionel of those 'stop moving and just move your eyes around because you will be safe like this stances'

I call that one the nervous bunny defense.

The nervous bunny defense! that is awesome lmao!

I want to know more about Lilydale!

I live in New Orleans- a city with more dead people than living and this kind of thing happens every day. One time, my horrible ex-bf and I were at a bar where a semi-famous musician (and local hero) used to hang out before he died. We were the only people in the bar and I was talking with the bartender who I've known for years. The ex was getting bored because he didn't know a lot of the people she and I were discussing. There was a painted portrait of the musician (Coco Robicheaux) above the bar.


As was pretty standard, what started out as a nice afternoon out deteriorated into a fight with the ex. At one point, the Bullhorn (my pet name for the ex) said he thought the place was a dump and that he anyone who found it to be a fun hangout was retarded. I said, "ooooo... you shouldn't have said that! What would Coco say?" to which he replied (really arrogantly) "Fuck this place and fuck Coco Robicheaux!" I was sitting immediately to his left on the next barstool but was left totally unharmed by the falling portrait when it leapt off the wall and crashed down onto his head. I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants.

It was beautiful! Whenever I pass by the place, I laugh about it all over again and wave through the window at the portrait.


Karma at its finest! Sounds like the bullhorn got what he deserved. If you think about it, the timing is 1 in a million for the painting to fall at that exact time. To me this sounds like you certainly had a supernatural experience. I will write more on Lily Dale if you are interested in it. Very cool place. It seems to instantly gives you a feeling of 'this place is the real deal' , unlike scam places. I will be more than happy to write some more about it and include much detail. Thank you for sharing your story!

Thank you very much for writing this amazing story @keepinitreal and submitting it to SWC. This would have been a shame to delete it just after writing it! I sent 12 STEEM directly to your account for your participation in the contest.

Thank so much for reading it and taking the time to comment. Thank you also for the STEEM! @gmichelbkk and @jerrybanfield keep up the good work bringing the community together with fun group events! People like you will be remembered years from now as making STEEM blockchain the future.

Thank you for your kind words @keepinitreal.

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