
The nervous bunny defense! that is awesome lmao!

I want to know more about Lilydale!

I live in New Orleans- a city with more dead people than living and this kind of thing happens every day. One time, my horrible ex-bf and I were at a bar where a semi-famous musician (and local hero) used to hang out before he died. We were the only people in the bar and I was talking with the bartender who I've known for years. The ex was getting bored because he didn't know a lot of the people she and I were discussing. There was a painted portrait of the musician (Coco Robicheaux) above the bar.


As was pretty standard, what started out as a nice afternoon out deteriorated into a fight with the ex. At one point, the Bullhorn (my pet name for the ex) said he thought the place was a dump and that he anyone who found it to be a fun hangout was retarded. I said, "ooooo... you shouldn't have said that! What would Coco say?" to which he replied (really arrogantly) "Fuck this place and fuck Coco Robicheaux!" I was sitting immediately to his left on the next barstool but was left totally unharmed by the falling portrait when it leapt off the wall and crashed down onto his head. I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants.

It was beautiful! Whenever I pass by the place, I laugh about it all over again and wave through the window at the portrait.


Karma at its finest! Sounds like the bullhorn got what he deserved. If you think about it, the timing is 1 in a million for the painting to fall at that exact time. To me this sounds like you certainly had a supernatural experience. I will write more on Lily Dale if you are interested in it. Very cool place. It seems to instantly gives you a feeling of 'this place is the real deal' , unlike scam places. I will be more than happy to write some more about it and include much detail. Thank you for sharing your story!

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