My Near-Death Experience(SWC)

in #jerrybanfield6 years ago (edited)

Sometimes you don’t know how God has been saving you until you sit to recount the goodness of God towards you. I have not really called to recount any life-threatening event for me until I saw the supernatural writing contest by @jerrybanfield. I tried to reminisce on the happenings in my life and I just concluded that I have had my own fair share of supernatural happenings too.

In the early 2011 Bokoharam became the dreaded name on every one’s lips in Nigeria, Yes, I mean Bokoharam a dreaded terrorist group that see killing as its hubby. When ever you tune in to the news all you hear are news of attacks and suicide bombing carried out by this group. From the attack of a police headquarters in Abuja Nigeria which was the building next to my office killing 6 people (Ah that day was hell as the blast shattered all the window glasses in my building ) to the attack on united nations office in August where about 23 people were reported dead. Well 2011 was really a shocker in terms of the level of terrorism for we Nigerians as we have not seen it like this before. I thought especially after the police headquarters blast that that was the closest I could be to dying until April 14th, 2014.

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April 14th, 2014 a very serene Monday with full of promise waking up at about 4 am; yeah 4am I had to wake up early because this was a Monday and considering the traffic from my location I would have to leave the house around 5:30 to be able to meet up with my resumption time of 8 am in the office. I was very weak considering all the activities at the church the previous weekend. We had a youth weekend in my church where we started with an all-night program the Friday before then and rounded up with a thanksgiving service on Sunday, so it was a busy weekend for me.

After so much groaning I had to stand up from the bed looked at my watch it was already a quarter to 5am so I rushed to the bathroom took my bath with cold water like I normally do during the heat period in northern Nigeria. I got my self as fast as I can to get dressed than rushed to the bus stop to take a tricycle to Nyanya where I would board a BRT bus to Wuse. You may ask why BRT bus when one can take a taxi to work? At this period there had just been an increase in the fuel price and the cheapest transport to town was the BRT as the bus fare was about 70 Naira which was about 39 cents.

I got the BRT park at about 5.45am. Looking at my watch it dawned on me that I was already running late and looking at the queue in front of me and I new that this was a Monday I would never forget as there were a lot of people who queued up to get same tickets I came for. After much waiting I was able to get the ticket and then I queued up again to board the bus after much waiting we started boarding that was when I started feeling a kind of surge pressure under by belly and it was feeling as if my bladder was going to break. Alas it has started again. Whenever am anxious over getting something or going somewhere I end up been pressed and would have to urinate once at least before getting to my destination. I just had to leave the queue and started looking for a favorable place to ease myself as the park does not have a convenience built within. So, I found a corner of the bridge ( As the park was built near a bridge) and quickly tried to ease myself so I could board the next bus to work, that was when I heard a loud sound BOOOOOM I didn’t know what lifted me from my standing position I saw myself lifted to about 2 fits or more and the next things I know I hit the ground I could see nothing anymore all I could here were shout and cries of people fading away and total darkness befell me. I guess I was there for 30min or maybe one hour before I recovered from passing out. Opening my eyes all I could see was fire and smoke, people were running in a confused fashion and I could here shout of bomb oh!! bomb oh!!

Feeling pains on my hand and leg I stood from the ground and behold blood everywhere. Huge smoke filled the boarding bay of the BRT bus station and I could see hands of people laying on the road, turning to my right I could see pieces of meat scattered everywhere on the tarred road. I tried to move closer to the loading bay behold dead bodies littered everywhere some without heads some dissected into two, some burnt all over. I could see bodies in their hundreds, the once busy bus park with lively people going to work is now filled with dead bodies. In a moment a lady from the rescue team from NEMA (national emergency management agency) came to me shouting, sir!! are you okay can you hear Me!!, I responded by waving my hands I was rushed immediately to the hospital where I was checked to see if there is any fracture or concoction and after little less than 2 hours I was release from the hospital.

Now writing this article and recounting my experience it dawned on me that I was just saved by God on that faithful day and it was not my own power. Some questions still run through my head till this day. Questions like what of if I had not been pressed when i went to board the bus I would have been among the people that were roasted and killed by the blast. This for me is a near death experience I can never forget.
If you want to read more about the report written by media outlets on this particular incident you can refer to wiki or dailytrust.

So fellow steemians if you dont believe in the supernatural here is a true life story to make you believe, now i dont really take much of material things i see to heart again as it takes just a split second for someone to become a corpse. What borders me most now is the legacy i leave behind when i am no more that is why i do my best to help everyone that i come across.

Once again thanks to @jerrybanfield for giving me an opportunity to share my story with the world.



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This is a huge testimony, God is really merciful. My brother I really thank lord on your behalf.

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God is faithful

Thank God for his mercies. God has kept you for a purpose, and it shall be fulfilled.

Yes oh my dear


This is really serious.! Thank God you are alive to tell the story. Some don't have such opportunity.
We hope Book Haram will be totally wipe out of Nigeria.

Once again, congratulations



I can’t even start to imagine what you went through. What if nature hadn’t called and you were still in the onboard line to the bus? What if you had not rushed out that morning and were on time and in front of the line? I believe there is a higher being that guides us in life. Sometimes it’s a nudge to go left instead of right. Or an inkling to go back, to not go any further.

In my youth, my friends and I would go to a “hidden” lake overgrown with lotus flowers. Lotus flowers are not common and the most beautiful flower was in the middle of the lake. We wanted to swim to it but something held us all back. The next day, an older cousin who had no idea we were going to this lake told us she had a dream from her deceased mom. Her spirit told my cousins about a lake with beautiful flowers in the middle. She said there are “hands” reaching up from the deep in the water to pull swimmers under. Warned us to never go back there to swim. We took the warning to heart because my cousin shouldn’t have known about the lake but described it. It still gives me the chills thinking about it.

It was a scary memory but nothing along the lines you went through.

I am so sorry about the senseless violence in your country and everywhere else really. Sorry that you had to witness the horrors that day. My best wishes to you. May you continue to find love and beauty in a world that can sometimes be dark.

Thanks dear that is why we must live our lives trying to help one another as you dont know what your next step would be

The power and mercies of God is indeed indescribable and incomprehensible...

Yes oh my dear

Wow! this is really huge, this story gave me goose pimples. God really saved you, you being alive today is by His grace. God really loves you,keep keeping it real, God's protection won't cease over you

God really loves you,keep keeping it real, God's protection won't cease over you

My dear you have said it all

You such a miracle and a testimony! Hmm... God be praised

Yes oh My dear

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