@jerrybanfield Responded About Me Taking Over His Witness Position #35

in #jerrybanfield6 years ago (edited)

Previously I decided to make a video response to @jerrybanfield about reactivating and taking over his Witness node in its current #35 position with the intention of get it back into the top 20. Jerry is saying he is done with STEEM and doesn't see much of a future here. I proposed taking it over because I still think that STEEM has a chance.


There is no vote decay so even though he hasn't operated the witness for two months he is still in #35th position. You can watch my video response to him here.

Ultimately he did get back to me through a YouTube comment and this was the exchange.

As you can see Jerry has the option to become a partner on his website for $49 / month or you can pay $1,000 worth of crypto for a lifetime membership. Really when it boils down to it as far as a business relationship the response didn't make any sense. We could have even negotiated the situation in a fashion where he would be retain a percentage of the earnings or something. Previously he was having someone else maintain the thing anyways.

Honestly I wouldn't have minded if he just said, "No, I don't want to go that route."

In Conclusion

Whether we look at Jerry as a borderline scammer who hops around like a flea or someone who brought more people to STEEM than any other person Jerry got in and profited and then is making a profitable exit. Good or bad those are the facts.

Looks like there will be no witness node for me on the STEEM blockchain.

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Thank you for reading my post and please consider following me @brianphobos


That was a very generic response that he made. When I first started here, he seemed like a legit guy and had some good videos, but then I saw a decline and he started acting a bit out of whack, not like someone who was not drinking anymore would act if he used to be a drunk, and all that is true. He had some neat contests and the one I participated in, took over a month to get reviewed, wrote a post for the contest, and the person helping him took a look at it. I am appreciative to that person for that, though I had to bug them a bit about it, but when I bugged that guy, only once and he was on top of it right away. I unfollowed Jerry B a while back and stopped paying much attention to him. He's leaving and I think that's a good thing. I've heard so much about it that paints him as shady boots.

His witness vote position will go down as more witnesses take up the spaces above him and push him down, nothing we can do about that now. Just let the "node" die out, his reputation isn't too great right now anyway, so best just leave it be.

Yeah it was pretty strange to get that generic of a response but I can tell by the amount of views he gets and the lack of comments on his video that he would have watched my video for sure because I contacted him on 5 different videos and left comments on his Steemit posts and if someone made a direct video to you curiosity would overcome you and you would watch what the person was trying to say to you.

I was like you at first..... he was pushing a lot of traffic to this site and I was like "All right!" This is interesting how many exposures his marketing campaign was getting. So I was supportive of those posts and was supportive of him putting up his Witness node and he was one of the only people who was actually able to climb up out of nowhere and get in the top 20 for all practical purposes.

Most of us couldn't consider launching the witness nodes or seed nodes.

He did a lot of questionable things but his JerryCoin pitch was like WTF!?!? It honestly made no sense and was essentially wanting everyone to give him STEEM so he could make more money off their STEEM and then in return he would give them JerryCoins in the future when SMTs were launched.

He was entertaining we could say though. He got everyone's attention.

JerryCoins? Really? Hahaha! That's funny.

You say he gets a lot of views and very few comments. DO you think those are paid views? Sometimes more comments than views is worth it because it shows engagement and interaction and people watching are showing interest and such. If there are views but no comments, when it's greatly disproportionate, it's not always the best sign.

You know what's strange though, he's become a character nonetheless and I find myself enjoying gossiping about him. Is that weird? Or maybe I watch too much Coronation Street? My reaction is like, dish out the dirt! lol

At this point he isn't getting hardly any views compared to his subscriber count. He isn't pumping traffic to those videos right now....I just think people are not watching his stuff anymore as much.

It's not weird that you enjoy gossiping about someone like him. It is natural. If I make videos about Jerry or Trevon James, and Craig Grant those get way more views than technical videos about crypto currencies.

Well, you make videos that bring in views, and then videos that you enjoy doing that people who watch you come back for. A bit of both, brings in balance.

I think some people are forgetting to unsubscribe to him.

This is downright the best post I've read all week. Just sorry I didn't see it in time to upvote it before payout.

Not surprised about Jerry at all. He lives in some delusional alternate universe where people will actually pay him $50 a month so he may grace them with a possible moment of his worthless time. Can go behind any McDonalds dumpster in crack central and find a nutjob blowing himself and preaching random crap to a nonexistent crowd.

Hahah, Thanks for checking it out.

Yeah we certainly can chalk Jerry up to being an unpredictable crack baby. LOL

Or a predictable conman ¯_(ツ)_/¯

That's more likely! lol

Missed this one, it should have been on @steemitweekly 2 weeks ago...

The $49 membership reason is a scam - worth flagging.

It's too bad he didn't go for it. I really liked some of your ideas.

thanks for the support! Yeah I have thought about a lot of solutions to some of the issues here and it was kind of a long shot.

If I thought I could just launch a witness node myself and get voted even into the top 40 I would have done it a long time ago but unfortunately the power is held by too few people here and I don't know anyone with sizable power so those in power will remain in power here. It is kind of like how Vladimir Putin always comes out victorious in the Russian Federation elections...... Hahhaha

Yeah it seems like the same old problems in the world have extended themselves to steemit too. I still like this place despite its issues but I don't think there will be real change for the better until those who have power have the will to change it and I don't know what would make that happen.

I did not realize you even had a witness, going to have to vote for you now.

Edit: I just realized you wanted to take over his node, I need to work on my speed reading skills.

Hahha, Yeah I never launched one because it would have been unprofitable. I just never would have gotten the support to be in the top 50 even.

It was a plausible idea but in the end it looks like it isn't happening.

I watched the whole vid. Great job. Honest and sincere. Don't give up on Steemit. As much as you can, Continue to use your skills to help make it work. I believe things will get there at some point. People like you will help overcome these numerous challenges and pull through!...
Keep Steemin!

Thanks for the support. I'm not going to totally give up on STEEM but that was kind of a last chance to try to make a big move. The distribution was the main thing that was messed up from the beginning and they have never addressed it and I don't think they will. Steemit INC has just hoped that everyone will stop talking about the distribution problem and all the new people coming in won't know any different.

I'm turning more of my focus on other blockchains especially EOS.

EOS who. Lol. Sorry couldnt resist. Needless to say Im not a fan. But WTF do i know...we all have to do what we think is best. Good luck out there.

yo Brian..I will share my 2 cents about the witness thing

a) Either you become "friends" with whales and get them to vote for you
b) or you start a project that is useful for community and people will vote for you
c) or you use your youtube channel to promote STEEM and people may vote for you
d) start a community and grow your tribe and people may vote for you

wish you luck...

I have pretty much exhausted all the options here on this blockchain to be honest.

People usually group up with the people at similar power levels so unless I suddenly invested a couple hundred thousand dollars here a lot of the people with power look at me as a peasant.

Some of the smaller projects I worked on didn't garner enough support to really keep pushing it and the time expenditure to develop something like a new front end website or a mobile app for this blockchain honestly isn't worth it at this point because then you are chasing getting delegated power from Steemit INC to fund the project. Look at @steepshot They have a clean design, clean marketing.....etc but they don't have delegated power from Steemit INC for whatever reason so it really makes it tough to keep supporting the ecosystem.

With the last part I have 5,300 followers but often times right now that only equates to a couple of dollars in earnings. So even when a person gets to a level of having even 4 times that amount of followers it isn't equating to much here because the attrition is so bad here people leave.

Jerry was able to garner a lot of votes during a time when the price was going in a positive direction and was able to spend big bucks promoting everything.

I think the only way on this chain would be to group up with 3 or 4 other fairly popular people here and all promote it like @blockbrothers has tried to do but the issue with that it is more than one person splitting the rewards. If they get into the top 20 eventually then it could pay off for them.

keep going mate...

Yea that is kind of too Bad. I guess Jerry did not See the WIN WIN aspect of your proposition @brianphobos........

He is honestly a weird dude. Even with all the controversy I don't know why he shut down the Witness node anyways. He could have just kept it running like he has with the upvote bot.

I knew it was an outside chance to work something out but at the same time he isn't do anything with that position and it is going to waste so why pitch people on becoming a "partner" and not just negotiate the deal if his goal is to make money?

I agree with you. I understand Jerry from an Addiction Standpoint of his Life. I have been Sober for almost 28 years. I know that in the First couple of Years after being Sober that we make Poor Decisions only because we are still like a child trying to learn how to live life again. Hopefully he will reconsider and take a look at this Business Proposition again so that this can Happen for both of you. @brianphobos I think you are very good for Steemit and I have not ever given Up on what this platform can ultimately be and I know you certainly have not either...........

I'm sure it would be tough in a lot of ways if a person doesn't necessarily have a vice to gravitate toward when they relied on in the past. Just the stress of the crypto market can drive a person insane so that doesn't help either.

It is unfortunate that he didn't actually consider it. I think it would have been an entertaining situation to say the least if I could garner support and climb that witness node up further in the voting.

I haven't totally given up on the platform and I certainly haven't given up on a lot of the people on here but it has been frustrating for sure.

Wow. Not surprising really but still wow. He really just doesn't see the whole picture or doesn't care to

Yeah it is strange. He is done with STEEM and selling out of the majority of it so maybe he wants to cut mental ties with it as well.

Selling now? SMART
I predict a rise in the winter months.
What do you think?

It's really unpredictable but I have a feeling we are going to keep getting pressed down with the rest of crypto mainly because there have been so many similarities to 2014 it is crazy.

People researching and viewing crypto related stuff on YouTube is way way down and with so many people who were in it who got burned not wanting to look at it or talk about it you have to ask yourself who are going to be the buyers of the people getting pressed out of their positions right now?

Once I saw the thing breaking lose and bascially confirmed the death spiral pattern I have liquidated most of my positions because I just feel like we are going lower. I'm really looking for BTC to go lower than $5,000. LTC lower than $40. Monero Lower than $60. STEEM lower than $0.50.

I may be wrong but when I see the amount of views on videos on YouTube for various crypto topics it doesn't paint a very good picture. A lot of people got smashed and their confidence is absolutely destroyed because everytime we feel like we have a little footing suddenly the bottom drops out like the other day when the market lost 20% in a few hours time. It just makes people feel like they are going to end up with nothing if they don't sell out.

Also most things experience a leveling off period and we haven't seen that we these cryptos. They are still in a death dive right now.

Another clue is what happened to the GPU miners like myself back in 2014 - 2015. It got to a point where it wasn't profitable and we had to shut off our machines. That is happening to the GPU miners now. They might as well shut off their equipment and then suddenly they will be waiting around waiting around and their electric bill is still coming in from the previous month and eventually what crypto they still have could end up being on the chopping block to sell to pay stuff off.

A lot of people purchased this stuff on debt and it continues to catch up to them as we go forward.

Will institutional buyers swoop in and buy up loads of it? And even if there are some big buyers that gives us a footing

Its a shame people went in debt, got a double mortgage etc etc etc etc to get cryptos.i feel for them.

So when the prices fall below what you're saying, you buying more? I just feel it's gonna rise again.i feel steem will too. It's just gonna be slow and it is the wild wild west of cryptos right now

Yeah it can get pretty bad for sure even if a person didn't over extend themselves. For the ones that did it inflicted some serious pain.

Yeah my plan is to start buying back in when it falls low enough and there is enough pain out there. It is bad now but it was worse in 2014 / 2015. To a point where people started thinking it might never come back. I got to a point where I didn't know how many years it would take.

It will rise again but it is hard telling how bad the sell off will get and how long of a wait until it can pump hard again.

How harshly is the current political climate affecting this? A LOT I'd say
I was late to the crypto game first starting to look at in mid 2016 and then all in 2017.
Unfortunately i made a bad investment choice with shitconnect. Luckily for me i only lost $700 fiat and do NOT have the shame/guilt associated with having "affiliates" like some people we know......
I sold bitcoin cash too early. Should have hung onto it. Other mistakes too.
One thing , it is valuable, it is used in transactions (not just shady darkweb shit either)
I think crypto has a future and people who give upon it all together will later be sorry

Personally I don't feel that the political climate really has much to do with keeping prices down or anything like that.

It is sort of hard to know how things will play out in the end as far as how long we will have to wait for the next boom but when it comes I'm sure there will be a lot of crazy surprises like the last two booms.

Sorry to hear that brotha. You would have been the right person for it. I think Steemit lost a potential Asset in regard with ths :(

Thanks for the support man. I knew it was a long shot in general.

Well responded man!
This guy has no solution.

Hahah, thanks!

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