Jerry Banfield, would you like to be my mentor? A newbie's experiment

in #jerrybanfield6 years ago (edited)


I love learning from experiences. Have you ever noticed the similiarity between the terms "experience" and "experiment"? That's a strange thing about mankind: We know so much, but we can't even precisely forecast the weather for next week.

Is there anything we can predict about cryptocurrencies or Steemit?

Some of you believe so. I'm not a great believer actually, I rather prefer to rely on facts.

That's why it's an easy game for me to trust Steem users like @jerrybanfield. He's holding his Steem Power and doesn't power down - something I found out watching his interview with @davidpakman the other day.

Jerry gets a lot of rewards for his blog posts, and he could easily power down at least parts of it. But he doesn't. That's really inspiring for new users like me!

Especially considering that I've personally still not found the ideal way to monetize my own content. What keeps me going are the people, without any doubt. I thought I came for the money, but then I proved myself wrong. The conversations, the interaction, the debate is what actually provides the real value.

That community spirit was also something I felt watching the interview with Jerry Banfield. He mentioned periods of time when the Steem price was very low at the end of 2017 and people started to question the whole idea of this network. Those who stayed didn't ever regret. He even powered up - and was completely right about it!

Steemit can be a really challenging place that is able to teach us a lot about ourselves. By getting in touch with so many interesting people I almost forgot about the money. Still I also want to become better from a financial point of view!

So maybe what I need most is a mentor! That concept was literally mentioned by Jerry Banfield during his interview with David Pakman. It's on the blockchain, Jerry - no chance to escape! :-)

That's why I need to ask you @jerrybanfield: Would you like to be my Steemit mentor?

I want to learn more about the platform and its history and how I can participate in the very best way. It was actually your idea that whales might become mentors for new users, so here I am: the first volunteer!

You actually can't deny... it'd be on the blockchain forever :-)

Looking forward,


Image: (


What a great approach, love it!!! Also the mentor-student-concept is a fantastic idea in general.

@jerrybanfield, you actually can't say 'no' to this one :-)

Resteemed for more attention

Thanks a lot!!! ;-)

Good luck getting Mr Banfield to reply to anything that isn't a big instant pay check for him. Let me say I have some experience asking him for some wisdom in his chat room.

Okay. Sad to hear this.

Dont be discouraged there are some great people out there in steemit land and they will help you. I have learned much in a short time.
Just read good post about the platform follow people like @Lukestokes, @aggroed @corbetreport and @reggaemuffin. Also make sure you join the steemit chat and get into some steemit discord groups they are always helpful. PAL @minnowsupport @ minnowbooster

Thanks!!! :-) Unfortunately I haven't got much time for Discord. I like @lukestokes. Thank you for your tips!!

I'm curious, how this goes on...follow your channel!

Thank you!!

I always Powerdown and take profits. A word of advice for the newbies. Never, ever put all of your money into one Crypto. Take some Steem profits and put them into other quality projects. Being fanatical about one project is a good way to get #Rekt.

Okay... actually I do agree. Though I am a Steemit believer. When it comes to cryptos, we all take our own risk and responsibility. The Blockchain is about taking power away from the banking system. So I guess that means a new self responsibilty. I hope Steemit and cryptos have a good future. But we don't know yet. Jerry hasn't answered yet. So would you be my mentor? XD Greetings and have a nice day!

Steem price was very low at the end of 2017 and people started to question the whole idea of this network.

I would be lying if I said I didn't have have doubts. Then the 12 dollar plus SBD happened and I and everyone made a bunch of money. That took away my doubts and fears. For while last year it looked like nothing was happening...

I think we're living in an exciting time! What will our posts look like in one year? I wish I could have a preview!

I am very critical about the monetary issues on steem. It is a good platform, a decentralised peer-to-peer network and as such it has great value. I expect users to continue growing and steem being successful over the short term.

On the monetary side, steem issues tokens. But why should anyone care about them?
You require some to have a fully functional account but currently, to help growth, these are delegated to you anyways.
Then you can employ these tokens to direct the reward pool. But where does the value of the reward pool come from in the first place?

Currently it is that people are willing to pay money because for the tokens because
a) they like having a lot of steem and influence
b) they speculate that the price of steem will go up

That does not sound like a sustainable business case to me. It somehow resembles a ponzi sheme. People that have steem can basically generate money and that value is supported by an influx of new users that also want to have steem.

We see a lot of shady things around these topics these days and eventually they will take steem down.

So I think that as soon as we have a decentralised platform where the reward structure is aligned with beneficial behaviour we will see the end of steem. Contrary to the ideas of many people, I think that this new platform aught to involve adds to generate real value that can support the platform in the long run.

Thanks for your reply! You mention important aspects. I'm very curious about what will happen in the next few months and years.

Sarcastic post or are you seriously asking Schärry to become your mentor?

Oh It'd be okay, if someone else was interested! ^^

Such Dir einen anderen - es gibt viele die mehr Ahnung haben. Dem würd ich nicht mal 1 Minute mein Aquarium anvertrauen.

^^ Schöner Vergleich in Bezug auf Wale, die sich um die kleinen Fische kümmern! Nun er hat ja auch nicht geantwortet. Vielleicht findet sich ja noch jemand anderes.

Bestimmt - er kann ja nicht alles sehen, dafür hat er sein Team, was auch die Texte z.T.s schreibt - würde mehr schreiben, aber bin krank grade und quäle mich jetzt auf die Couch wieder :-)

Ui, gleich ein ganzes Jerry-Team??? Das ist ja eine interessante Info! Ich wünsch Dir gute Besserung! :-)

Nice work, complicated

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