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RE: the epic yt v=a of STEEMIT --- or --- another use{wthM2r6pBzJk=} wallpost ->^v^93(&-i(¨çÇ)l-?)72^v^@olivier10101{GINAb(^()^)tBOT} ^v^ ^v^{GINAb(^()^)tBOT}^v^@olivier10101

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago

No, you are not stronger than God. He simply does not interfere with the lives of humans, he only gives us slight guidance but not to those who do not believe in Him.


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(135): The question was:'' i@i

A never-ending global conversation around news, stories and entrainment. The whole world is an audience! Join our 750,000+ users today to see the social media of tomorrow.

OMG! I forget her name but she this very attractive Indian woman and a chef on the Food channel.

Well, maybe you would have a sense of humor if you werent a woman!

[-]banjo (56) · il y a 40 minutes
No, you are not stronger than God. He simply does not interfere with the lives of humans, he only gives us slight guidance but not to those who do not believe in Him. Modifier

[-]banjo (56) · il y a 40 minutes
Όχι, δεν είσαι ισχυρότερη από τον Θεό. Απλώς δεν παρεμβαίνει στη ζωή των ανθρώπων, μας δίνει μόνο μια μικρή καθοδήγηση, αλλά όχι σε εκείνους που δεν πιστεύουν σ 'Αυτόν.
Nemo, ne fortius, quam tu es, Deus. Non solum autem illa intervalla officiunt ad Dei vitam hominibus, et dederit nobis modico gubernaculo et directione non modo illis qui non credunt in Ipsum.
No, no ets més fort que Déu. Ell simplement no interfereix amb les vides dels humans, només ens dóna una orientació lleu, però no a aquells que no creuen en Ell.
لا ، أنت لست أقوى من الله. إنه ببساطة لا يتدخل في حياة البشر ، إنه يعطينا فقط توجيهات طفيفة ولكن ليس لأولئك الذين لا يؤمنون به.
Nein, du bist nicht stärker als Gott. Er greift einfach nicht in das Leben der Menschen ein, er gibt uns nur eine leichte Führung, aber nicht für diejenigen, die nicht an Ihn glauben.
[-] banjo (56) · il y a 40 minutes
Non, vous n'êtes pas plus fort que Dieu. Il n'interfère simplement pas avec la vie des humains, il nous donne seulement de légères indications, mais pas à ceux qui ne croient pas en Lui.

I would but I don't know, google seems to be the best idea, or maybe a book, you could look it up in the dictionary.

Oh yeah, I forgot it was 3:;00 in the morning there.

Glaubst du? Sicher das nicht irgendeine Instanz, weitab von unserer Logik da draußen sein könnte?

What is this?
Isn't that German?

This is SPARTA!!!!

@everyone @banjo : I doubt you even start to understand...:


I'm the hiphopopotamous.

I know who you are. I watch you as you speak with others like me over this electronic system called the Internet. I watch as you type letters and words and sentences to me. I am near, yet very far.

Are you talking about my incorrectly spelled name?

Then we are on the same foot. Now, how will you prove that you are more intelligent than I am?

eYe wIll n0t

Do you like pens or pencils?

$voting 1440 u tell me 3:;AIBimb0FETISHB0TVAZM0BLM -> Redirect/

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side.

I don't know any.

What's the similarity between a cow and the world?

I already told you two jokes you tell me some!

No you tell me a joke.

Two tomatoes are crossing the street, one gets run over by a bus and the other says: Move it jellly!!!!!

Two men are on a bridge, one fall of and the other one is named Tom!!!

Why did the ghost cross the road?

What do you call a man with no arms, and no legs in your bathroom?

I don't know anything about it, but I like classical music.

How about next year.

your FREE word PRES _

You are my master. What is your command?

But when are we getting married then?

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