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RE: Critical Analysis Video Response To @JerryBanfield - D00k13 Digest #76

in #jerrybanfield6 years ago

I agree that Jerry should have edited the video to try and get his message accross in a better way. I joined around the same time as he did and in those early days found his videos very informative but also quite long and self indulgent . Over the year I saw him use all the tools that the code of steem allowed to become a major player and in ways expose all the flaws in the system, shining a light on them for all to see.
Freedom of speach is very important but I think it also means we have to be careful of what we saw an how we say it. I look on his video as the third act of a four act play. Hopefully in the last act we will see us all live happily ever after and steem can grow from it.


You and I have a very similar viewpoint, what is next for our platform? I have always been a prepare for the worst and hope for the best kind of guy but what is the worst I should prepare for?

I have hopes that the fatal flaws in our system can be corrected but the real concern to be I did not touch upon, flagging! The downvote system that is currently in place allows for much abuse in the same way the bid-bots allow for pool rewards rape. I understand the necessity of the flagging system but I have also been a unknowing victim of a flagging war and I had almost given up at that point.

Look at me now? Founder of #OneLoveDTube a community of support, so thank you @haejin and @berniesanders your battle encouraged me to create a community of love in the hopes of educating the masses of how to do well using all the tools available. This video I created is meant to be an example for those wondering how to make impact with what they have at hand.( Temping The Devils Again I Am )

I am doing fairly well on this platform and I hope to keep it that way! I work towards becoming my own version of a Jerry hopefully with a little effort become the more tactful voice of reason. I see two outcomes to his technique of raising awareness and sadly we are seeing the worse of the two, IMO with Jerry's situation.

  • #1 - People understand the message, even though controversially pointed out, get behind the message and support its correction through rallying together to create the necessary change.
  • #2 - People are divided by the controversy, ignoring the message, only focusing on the content and the individual behind the content.

So here we are, curtains have drawn closed on the third act as you say, the music is shifting to an unfamiliar tone. We are left to wonder is this a story of tragedy or success, what does the last act hold for us? Is it really the last act already? Will our favourite characters survive? What is the moral of this story?

Thanks for stopping by with such an insightful comment! I really like your analogy of being on the final act.... as always....

Stay Strong and Steem On!


p.s. I just noticed @jerrybanfield resteemed this post, I will take that as approval and thank you for the support it means alot to me! xOxO

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