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RE: Spinning Wheels Within Wheels of Logical Fallacy {-} Cracks in the Walls of the Watchtower {-} Chapter 2 {-} Part 1

in #jehovahs-witnesses6 years ago (edited)

I am posting here on Steemit, in quick-to-read micro chapters, a book I wrote about a decade ago after I got excommunicated and ostracized by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Jehovah's Witnesses for what they call 'apostacy'. After a year of raising hell for the Elders by asking them too many hard questions, the answers to which expose the Governing Body as corrupt, I got the boot. Cracks in the Walls of the Watchtower is the result. I know it is not a topic that many here are interested in but that's okay with me. My purpose is to carve this sucker right into the blockchain where it will remain for posterity's sake - hopefully. As always, I appreciate your vote!

Here is the link to the Table of Contents in case you might have missed it.


I was just trying to understand as most don't appreciate johova at their doors soliciting themselves at their doors... I'll keep that in mind and stay tuned! I was like oh no man am I going to curating a pro jovah witness book 🙈

Good god, no! lol! My book is about as anti-Watchtower as any other book written by an apostate of the religion. I tried to be as respectful and as curteous to any readers who might themselves be Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't want to scare them off. If my book can cause even one Jehovah's Witness to start thinking critically about the (false) teachings of their leaders, then the purpose of my book will have been fulfilled. I believe that once a JW starts to think critically there is no going backwards. It might lead them to their escape from the clutches of the Monster - and one less unsolicited knock on your door!

Unlike Mormonism, when you think critically you run into false prophets and an alien god hoarding virgins on a secret planet. So now I'm a jack Mormon lol!

I believe you'd have to become a non-jack Mormon or a non-non-Mornon to reap the rewards, lol!

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