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RE: Hold Jeff Berwick Accountable to his Promise of Transparency in the $10M Galt's Gulch Chile Scam by Sep 25

Ha, what a joke. Here is a transcribe of our conversation. I just asked him for his email to send him a number of documents and he refused. He said it wasn't good enough! He wants it all at once! It's court documents. Pathetic.Today
Jeff Berwick
Jeff Berwick
did you give me your email? I have some things to send you
George Donnelly
George Donnelly
Don't bother sending me anything until you have everything ready and are going to send it at once.
Anything else is just a waste of my time.
Jeff Berwick
Jeff Berwick
I don't have the time (nor the info) to spend a month compiling things. But I can give you the contact who can tell you anything you want to know. If you just look into it for, seriously, 10 minutes, it'll become pretty crystal clear what is going on.
send me your email and I'll send you all the recent court win/info against Ken Johnson (nothing against me obviously as I had nothing to do with it except promote it)
Jeff Berwick
Jeff Berwick
It is pretty close to being over now and the land returned to the buyers from KJ's fraud...
George Donnelly
George Donnelly
See, you're already backing out of our deal.
Jeff Berwick
Jeff Berwick
The deal was I would supply you information that would clearly show that I am not a "scammer". The recent court cases all pretty clearly show that. How do I send those documents to you?
This whole thing might be fixed by the end of the month anyway... the land is in process of being returned to the buyers after KJ tried to steal it all.
George Donnelly
George Donnelly
LOL. No.
Jeff Berwick
Jeff Berwick
Have you spoken with the lawyers or followed the court cases?
George Donnelly
George Donnelly
Here's what you agreed to:
"Tell you what Jeff, you give me all your info on GGC and the passport stuff, I'll investigate and write up my conclusions in a blog post."
Go look back in the thread and you'll see for yourself.
Jeff Berwick
Jeff Berwick
the GGC stuff is all in court, so I can supply you that...
it's been hashed over for years in court already
I can even connect you with the lawyer and connect you with the person leading the legal charge on behalf of the buyers (who I have been working with and funding)
what else do you need?
Jeff Berwick
Jeff Berwick
oh I found your email anyway... will send
please treat as highly confidential as much of this is still in court
George Donnelly
George Donnelly
Jeff, seriously, don't waste my time. Send me what we agreed on all at once, or just back out of the deal. I'm not up for games.
Jeff Berwick
Jeff Berwick
this is everything
all at once
George Donnelly
George Donnelly
Jeff Berwick
Jeff Berwick
it's all the court cases
what more do you want?
George Donnelly
George Donnelly
Why would I treat it as confidential? My end of the bargain is to write up what I find.
Dude, third time. "Tell you what Jeff, you give me all your info on GGC and the passport stuff, I'll investigate and write up my conclusions in a blog post."
Jeff Berwick
Jeff Berwick
its all in court... treat is as confidential and do not forward to anyone, it's for your eyes only
George Donnelly
George Donnelly
That means court documents, contracts, email archives, personal notes, etc.
And not just on GGC but on the passport stuff too.
Jeff Berwick
Jeff Berwick
personal notes?
George Donnelly
George Donnelly
Review our deal.
Listen, there is no point to this conversation because I know you're just jacking me around.
Jeff Berwick
Jeff Berwick
This all began because you said I was a scammer and I asked you why and you said "because I screwed Wendy McElroy"... this shows I didn't... you can ask Wendy for yourself.
You are the one wasting my time.
This is a joke.
George Donnelly
George Donnelly
Just stop. Either send it all or send nothing.
Jeff Berwick
Jeff Berwick
This is all!
George Donnelly
George Donnelly
Fuck off, you contacted me.
Jeff Berwick
Jeff Berwick
It's the entire court proceedings.
George Donnelly
George Donnelly
You are so full of shit.
Jeff Berwick
Jeff Berwick
There isn't much more to talk about that than that.
George Donnelly
George Donnelly
You're not holding up your end of the deal. Done and done.
Jeff Berwick
Jeff Berwick
They've hashed over everything.
Listen, I don't need some little loser like you to like me... I just thought that you were clearly misinformed on it and tried to help. You've refused any offer of me to do so.
So fuck off.


Whoopsie daisy there, Jeff. You left out your final "maggot" line. (Click for enlarged image.)


BTW your transcript above includes the admission that you have my email address.

oh I found your email anyway... will send

But you still haven't sent it.

I only thought you were a dishonest person before. But now you've confirmed it by reneging on our deal.

Jeff's degree of guilt in this aside, you Mr. Donnelly are clearly biased - and hence not an appropriate person to be taking up this journalistic endeavour. If I were Jeff, I certainly wouldn't send you anything. I'd seek out a neutral party to judge what happened.

Everyone has bias. You're stating the obvious. Now, if you think I have a conflict of interest, an explanation of that claim would actually constitute a useful comment.

Jeff, I might be able to help you here ...

you don't seem to understand that you actually did get scammed, that psycho didn't get any of your cash, but he sold your reputation, which was apparently worth $10 million ... think about it

if you would have done such a project on your own, there would have been at least 10 million, probably more once it was working, this while that guy took your reputation and ruined it ... and it's still haunting you

you need to do something .... not sure what would be the best way to solve this, but here's my suggestion;

start a series about it; make a bunch of steemit posts about what happened and ... give whatever $$$ SD the posts make to a fund to pay for the lawyers to get that mess solved ... save your reputation!

just a suggestion ...

In spite of the fact that insults were traded, I think it would be a good idea for you to send George a full "data dump" on GGC. George has often done meticulous research, and his position is often the position of a tenacious researcher. If you cooperate with him, your voice in the proceedings will be present in his analysis. If you do not cooperate with him, he will likely provide his guesses about "your voice." Though I have often seen George's opinions as "more than fair" in pointing out when he doesn't have full information, he is a capable writer, very persuasive, and most people lack a good "bullshit filter."

Moreover: If the facts truly are in your favor, and you cooperate with giving George "EVERYTHING YOU HAVE ON GGC," then there is zero chance that your doing so will leave you in a worse position than you started out in, for the following reasons:

  1. The liberty community isn't just George Donnelly, and there are others who have written about and reported on this clusterfuck, at length. These other "investigatory nodes" in the liberty network are also committed to finding the truth. They will not allow Donnelly to destroy your name if you "are transparent" with Donnelly, unless you try to stonewall Donnelly.
  2. The liberty community is also comprised of fans of "anarchast" who will reserve judgment against you unless you are opaque.
  3. The only way to clear one's name of being "a scammer" is to be totally open about the scams you're accused of. The more one's reputation is worth, the more one needs their reputation to remain "beyond reproach." It appears that Jeff Berwick's reputation is worth "a finder's fee on $10M" (the amount he convinced investors to part with). Whether Berwick made a cut or not, this is still true: His reputation convinced many investors to invest, and they seemingly lost their money.
  4. Those who communicate with investigations are seen as "acting in good faith." Unfortunately, this is often sociopaths who fully understand the limitations of investigative journalism. In this regard, Ken Johnson is fully complying with sending lots of information to Donnelly, perhaps because he's legitimate, but perhaps in the hopes that it will "keep his enemies closer" and he believes that it will either buy him some time, or postpone his outing as a fraudster while he strings Donnelly along, delaying the inevitable.

Right away, the quality of the information from Jeff will be put up against the quality of the information from Ken. Ultimately, this will happen anyway, given whatever Jeff produces to the courts.

But what if Ken actually is a sociopath, and the courts find in his favor, or are noncommittal? In that case, the entire "liberty community"(many of them your current fans) will be the final arbiter of any relevance to you.

I'm a fan of anarchast. Because Jeff Berwick is the host of anarchast, I like him. However, I hold people I invest my money with to a higher standard. Right now, it's not clear whether that standard applies to Jeff, (like it does to someone like Doug Casey).

I've recommended Doug Casey's real-estate venture to many people. I've never recommended Berwick's GGC, even before it was outed as a catastrophe.

I haven't yet told people I think Berwick is a scammer. I'm reserving judgment on that issue. I view Donnelly as being a competent investigator, and a good judge of character. I'm not saying he's perfect or infallible, but I think he tries hard to do a good job.

If I was Jeff Berwick, and my good name had been abused by a swindler, I'd love to have George Donnelly's efforts going toward backing up my story.

PS: For what it's worth, I think that every current attempt at anarcho-zionism is horribly strategically weak and more likely to fail than simply "getting intelligently involved with politics at the local level" wherever one resides. This includes the Free State Project, and various seasteading projects.

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