Bitland Nigeria ホワイトペーパーの日本語訳 - イノベーションセンター/フィジカルトレーニングアカデミー

in #japanese7 years ago


目次は こちら の記事です。

Innovation Centers/Physical Training Academies / イノベーションセンター/フィジカルトレーニングアカデミー

Nigerian Global Community Center :
Bitland protocol is based on a philosophy of balancing micro- and macro-economic structures informed by an acute appreciation for the interconnected nature of various disparate fields of knowledge and practice. The Center will stand as an embodiment of this integrative and interdisciplinary philosophy and cultivate a multicultural community of Bitland associates housed together in an intellectually invigorating environment. The Center will host conferences, seminars, workshops, courses, dinners, and other public and corporate events. Naturally, the Center will also serve as the lodging, research, experimentation, and recreational facilities for invited lecturers, guests, fellows, and Bitland team members with a capacity to house 200 persons on any given day.


ビットランドプロトコルは、知識と実践のさまざまな分野の相互に関連する性質の急激な理解によって知らされたミクロ経済構造とマクロ経済構造とのバランスを取るという考え方に基づいています。当センターは、この統合的かつ学際的な哲学の実施形態として立つとともに、知的に活気のある環境で一緒に暮らしている多文化の共同体を育成します。当センターでは、会議、セミナー、ワークショップ、コース、ディナー、その他の公共および企業イベントを開催します。 当センターは当然、招待講演者、ゲスト、フェロー、Bitlandチームメンバーの宿泊、研究、実験、レクリエーション施設としての役割も果たし、任意の日に200人を収容することができます。

(1) Conference Hall
(2) Classrooms
(3) Library and research center
(4) Workshop and creative studios
(5) Hostel
(6) Kitchen and dining hall
(7) Gardens
(8) Sports complex



In addition to digital development outreach, Bitland Global has started sponsoring martial arts training for youth and adults. The program encourages community involvement in an environment that is focused on empowerment and self-improvement. The Bitland sponsored martial artists receive patches that go on their uniforms that show they have been sponsored by Bitland. Beyond brand recognition, this is a way to show communities that Bitland is involved in community development beyond just land titles. These initiatives will establish the brand identity to be associated with education, self-improvement, and empowerment, as those core values are driving the initiative. While many see Bitland as a technology application, the real goal of the project is to establish trust in communities. The blockchain is a tool that can be used to establish trust, but that is not the only tool that will be used by the Bitland project.

デジタル開発への取り組みに加えて、Bitland Globalは若者と大人のための武道訓練のスポンサーシップを開始しました。このプログラムは、エンパワーメントと自己改善に焦点を当てた環境への地域社会の関与を促しています。Bitlandが出資する武道家は、ユニフォームを着てBitlandのスポンサーをしていることを示すパッチを受け取ります。ブランド認知度を超えて、これはBitlandが土地の権原だけでなくコミュニティ開発に関わっていることを観衆に示す方法です。これらのイニシアティブは、教育、自己改善、エンパワーメントに関連するブランドアイデンティティを確立し、その中心価値がイニシアチブを推進しています。多くの人がBitlandをテクノロジー・アプリケーションとして見ていますが、プロジェクトの実際の目標はコミュニティへの信頼を確立することです。ブロックチェーンは信頼を確立するために使用できるツールですが、これはBitlandプロジェクトで使用される唯一のツールではありません。

The Bitland project wants to facilitate the development of community centers that sponsor youth involvement in the following areas-
• Soccer
• Tennis
• Gymnastics
• Martial Arts
• Track and field
• Fencing



In addition to establishing youth participation sponsorships, the blockchain infrastructure will enable a reward system for participating in activities. In this protocol, youth and adults would be able to earn rewards such as tickets to recreational events, clothing rewards, or gift certificates to their selected outlet.


An Overview of Bitland's Educational Initiative/Fellowship and Creative Training Programs :
This is the plan for a practical model for the training and preparing of future Bitland (Global and Local) team members in innovative, functional, creative, and sustainable thought applied to real-world situations with the objective of enhancing societies and the human experience. The Nigerian Global Community Center will serve as the intellectual hub of Bitland's Global operations, acting as a team training and educational facility as well as a think tank for future projects. The intellectually stimulating environment fostered within this center will educate and inspire generations of Bitland developers, visionaries, researchers, innovators, and associates. Once fully developed and operational the training center will host regular seminars offered by visiting experts in the field, 6-8 week courses throughout the calendar year aimed at training current Bitland employees and new recruits (fellows) from around the globe.



Summer Training Courses :
The first round of training will be provided in the Summer of 2018 after announcements for the program are circulated in Nigerian high schools and the university beginning in March. All of the trainees admitted to the program who successfully complete the coursework will be placed at positions within the Bitland Global or Nigerian operations. The most successful candidate from among them will be recruited to assist in teaching the next round of courses. In subsequent years, as the program grows, the summer training sessions will open to prospective applicants first from the African continent and later from a global pool. The summer program will evolve into a competitive recruitment center whereby a select amount of candidates from various countries are brought in on a summer scholarship to complete a basic course and compete with their peers for a year-long fellowship at the Community Center.


第1回の研修は、ナイジェリアの高等学校と3月に始まる大学でプログラムの発表が行われた後、2018年の夏に行われます。プログラムに入学しコースを修了したすべての研修生は、Bitland GlobalまたはNigerianの業務の中に配置されます。その中で最も成功した候補者が、次回の研修の支援者として採用されます。その後数年間でプログラムが成長するにつれて、最初にアフリカ大陸から、そして後に世界中からの志願者の為に夏期の訓練セッションが開かれます。夏期プログラムは競争力のある募集センターに進化し、夏期の奨学金で様々な国から選ばれた候補者が入学し、基礎コースを修了し、コミュニティセンターで1年間の仲間同士で競い合うことができます。

Training and Seminars for the Academic Year :
Short- and long-term courses will be available for new recruits, fellows, and existing team members to enroll in any time of the year. Bitland believes in fostering a sense of community within the corporate structure that will inform how team members of every level view and interact with their local communities outside of their jobs. Bitland aims to lead by example in showing how community, trust, and cooperation are at the core of both successful global organizations and society as a whole. This is why the Center, with its co-habitational and educational facilities are a significant part of Bitland's greater vision for enabling peaceful and fair global existence among a wide variety of peoples. Moreover, the constant influx of Bitland employees from around the globe will have a positive effect on the Nigerian economy and facilitate a constant cultural exchange between the people of Nigeria and Bitland's corporate culture.



Regardless of seniority or position, every contributor to the Bitland project will be required to participate in at least one of the Center's events or courses per year (expenses paid by Bitland). Furthermore, with the submission of a simple application, Bitland employees interested in improving their skills or developing new ones are welcome to enroll in additional courses at the Center. A fundamental principle of valuing progress over stagnation is at the foundation of Bitland's operating protocol and philosophy. As such, Bitland is committed to supporting its team members in their own endeavors to keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date, relevant, and cutting-edge.


The Bitland Fellowship Competition
The Fellowship Competition is an active investment in human-driven innovation and creativity that will contribute to Bitland's larger goals of education and land/property management geared toward developing, enhancing, and growing local economies. The fellowship program aims to attract candidates from all demographics and backgrounds to create an extensive pool of talented visionaries and creative minds to become part of the Bitland team. Successful candidates will be housed at the Community Center for a year and allowed ample time to learn and develop new and innovative solutions to various local or global issues relatable to Bitlandoperations. Upon successful completion of the program, fellows will be placed at a station in the company where their talents will be of greatest use.

Bitland フェローシップ・コンペティション


The competition will run annually. Every January the announcements for that year's summer program will circulate. Open to each of the 54 African countries, the summer program will admit three promising candidates per country through an application process jointly overseen by both Bitland and a selection committee from each respective country. Each set of candidates (one from every country) will participate in one of the three recruitment programs, each lasting one month. Meaning, in June the Center will host and evaluate 54 candidates, one from every country in Africa. In July the Center will host another round of 54 candidates and the same will happen in August. After each of the total 162 candidates complete their one-month program and present their work the most successful trainee from each country's candidates will be selected from the year-long fellowship at the Center. Depending on their qualifications, the candidates who were not selected for the fellowship will be provided with opportunities for employment at their local Bitland branches.

コンペは毎年実行されます。毎年1月に夏季プログラムの内容がアナウンスされます。54のアフリカ諸国のそれぞれに開かれている夏期プログラムは、Bitlandと各国の選考委員会が共同で監督する申請プロセスを通じて、国ごとに有望な3人の候補者を認めます。候補者の各セット(各国から1つ)は3つの募集プログラムの1つに参加し、それぞれ1ヶ月間続きます。6月には、アフリカの各国から54名の候補者がホストされ評価されます。 7月には、センターは54名の候補者をさらに派遣し、同じことが8月に行われる予定です。合計162名の候補者のそれぞれが1ヶ月のプログラムを完了し、自分の成果を発表した後、一年間のフェローシップを通じて最も成功した研修生が各国の候補者から選ばれます。資格によっては、フェローシップで選ばれなかった候補者には、地元のBitland支部で雇用の機会が提供されます。

While studying at the Center, Bitland Fellows will enjoy and benefit from a fully immersive educational experience that not only trains them for a fulfilling position at Bitland but that shapes their thinking and lifestyles in a way that prioritizes creativity, innovation, thoughtfulness, and empathy. Besides completing part-time training/coursework fellows will have the freedom to explore whatever field of inquiry (academic, artistic, physical, etc) accessible through the Center's facilities either on an individual level or as part of an organized group. The Center's library and research center will afford intellectual pursuits in all disciplines; its sports complex will supply fellows with opportunities to develop their physical skills or engage in team-building intramural and community outreach activities such as organizing and running a youth soccer team for Nigerians; its workshops and creative studios will allow fellows to experiment with models, graphic design, and other hands-on or technical pursuits; the gardens could become the basis for horticultural inquiry, practical applications, and recreational hobbies.

センターで勉強している間、Bitland FellowsはBitlandの充実した立場を育てるだけでなく、創造性、革新性、思いやりと共感を優先させるような考え方とライフスタイルを形作る、完全に没入型の教育経験を楽しんで恩恵を受けるでしょう。パート・アルバイトの修了以外にも、個々のレベルで、または組織化されたグループの一環として、センターの施設を通じてアクセス可能な任意の調査分野(学術、芸術、物理など)を自由に探検することができます。センターの図書館と研究センターは、すべての分野で知的財産を追求する余裕があります。スポーツ複合施設は、身体能力を開発したり、ナイジェリア人向けの青少年サッカーチームを組織したり運営したりするチーム作りの教室や地域社会活動に従事する機会をフェローに提供します。ワークショップや創造的なスタジオでは、フェローがモデル、グラフィックデザイン、その他の実践的または技術的な試みを体験することができます。庭園は、園芸調査、実用化、レクリエーション趣味の基礎となる可能性があります。

The Center's focus on community, state-of-the-art facilities and emphasis on a humanistic approach to intellectual pursuits, practical training, and spirit-refining recreational activities will attract the best and brightest from across the globe, ensuring that Bitland and Nigeria in turn benefit from the skills and talents of the greatest human resources possible.



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