Top 6 Nicknames for Yours Truly (Notes from Under the Tatami Mats–80 … My Adventures in Japan)

in #japan5 years ago (edited)

She came up with this appropriate nickname by blending my real name with the Japanese word meaning   “old man.”

For some reason, various people in Japan tried to peg me with a number of interesting nicknames. Most of them were without rhyme or reason.   

The only two that I could understand the reason behind were #3 and #2.

(Image source)

Ever youthful

Nickname #3 was coined at the school I worked for in Sendai, where I was the oldest teacher on the staff. Consequently, my fellow teacher Kazuko came up with this rather appropriate nickname by blending my real name with the Japanese word meaning “old man.”   

It never caught on with any of our colleagues or students, but Kazuko continued to call me that … as I continued to grow older and continued to become more and more of an “oyaji.” 

At the same time, I remained ever-youthful James.       (Image source)

   Introduction to – “Notes from Under the Tatami Mats”  (right-click on title)

Top 3 Meanings of “Koorin” When Written in Kanji
Top 3 Cool-Sounding Girl’s Names
Top 3 Weird and Rather Wimpy-Sounding Boy’s Names
... and more

Links to my Other Series …

      Introduction – "Intro to Vocab-ability"   (right-click on title)
      Guide – "Guide to Entries"   (right-click on title)
      Index– "Index" to all Chapters and Sections   (right-click on title)

      Lou Reed – "Anthology of Memorable Lyrics, Part 1"   (right-click on title)
      Lou Reed – "Anthology of Memorable Lyrics, Part 2"   (right-click on title)
Images sourced from Google Images, unless otherwise indicated or unless my own.


I guess "old man" or "granddad" is international. I can think of worse nicknames. Hope they show respect to elderly people.

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Ya, it was meant entirely in jest, and not as an insult. In fact, I thought Kazuko's neologism was kinda of witty!

These nicknames are rather interesting. I love #1 and #5 but can't understand how #6 came about. Your sense of humour is also amazing, as reflected in the excerpt below:

It never caught on with any of our colleagues or students, but Kazuko continued to call me that … as I continued to grow older and continued to become more and more of an “oyaji.”
At the same time, I remained ever-youthful James.

Obviously Kazuko did not succeed. LOL

Good point. I never understood #6 either. Fortunately, it faded away as the social group that called me shifted. Now, the only one that remembers that is me.

And I hope it gets lost in the ever-flowing Streem.

Good to know for fun.

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