Top 3 Moronic Ad Slogans Used by English Schools (Notes from Under the Tatami Mats–52 … My Adventures in Japan)

in #japan6 years ago (edited)

That nonsensical word “ma-nay” might sound a little bit like the English word “money” – well, to the hard-of-hearing or to lip-readers.

You’d think that an English school would make an extra effort to ensure that the language used in their marketing campaigns was proper and understandable. But you’d be wrong. 

“Ma-nay” does not sound like “money”

And you’d be confused. Regarding #1 above, the Japanese word “mane”  can be translated as “pretense” or “mimicry.” And it’s pronounced “ma-nay,” which might sound a little bit like the English word “money” – well, it might sound that way to the hard-of-hearing or to lip-readers.    

How that is related to the study of the English language is anybody’s guess.     (Image source)

Time is mimicry. WTF?

The director of the school I worked for tried to explain to me that the phrase sounded like “Time is money,” but that the Japanese could interpret it as “Time is pretense / mimicry.” He thought it was clever and witty. I thought it was nonsensical and totally bewildering.   

Nevertheless, the school adopted that incomprehensible slogan, printed it on flyers, and mailed it to thousands of homes throughout the area.

I remained bewildered.      (Image source)

   Introduction to – “Notes from Under the Tatami Mats”  (right-click on title)

Top 4 Types of Student Most Appreciated by English Teachers
Top 4 Reasons to Bash Japan or Otherwise Lord it Over the Nation and its People
Top 3 Rates of Interest Paid on Savings Accounts at Japanese Banks
... and more

Links to my Other Series …

      Introduction – "Intro to Vocab-ability"   (right-click on title)
      Guide – "Guide to Entries"   (right-click on title)
      Index– "Index" to all Chapters and Sections   (right-click on title)

      Lou Reed – "Anthology of Memorable Lyrics, Part 1"   (right-click on title)
      Lou Reed – "Anthology of Memorable Lyrics, Part 2"   (right-click on title)

Images sourced from Google Images, unless otherwise indicated or unless my own.

English is very important
The most common language in the world has learned something wonderful
You are a distinguished professor thank you for the wonderful information

"Time is pretense" that's funny! Who's time pretending for? Lol. Anyway, for as long as the people get the actual message that he's trying to convey, there'll be no problem. People use words out of context sometimes to capture people's attention. If he could achieve that with his "time is mimicry" flyer, he should be given some accolades.

Yes, after a while, I began to accept much of the weird English that I heard in Japan.

But I still think the above phrases are a bit ludicrous. :-)

Of course 99% of those flyers would then be immediately thrown away, so it doesn't matter. I'm sure they did the tissues thing too, and as we both know pretty much everyone either throws them away immediately or uses the tissues and never even looks at the flyer inside.

I think that is how these dopes keep getting away with the nonsensical slogans: because no one ever actually sees them or pays attention to them. More money down the toilet, as Japanese companies have been incredibly good at since the bubble economy taught that money is best when wasted.

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