Japan Photo Blog, Vol. 90: Peak Capitalism!

in #japan6 years ago (edited)


shihon-shugi, “Capitalism.”

A trip to the local home and garden super center inspired this post. Business is booming. Imagine the deals and level of competition and innovation which could be afforded if the extortive state was not involved! Enjoy the colors, weirdness, and exchange of value for value as we go shopping today!









(Thanks for stopping by! If you missed the last installment of Japan Photo Blog, Vol. 89: “A Day in the Sun in Niigata,” you can find that HERE.)



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


What on earth are those shoe vacuum things? Are they meant to dehumidify? Clean? Deodorize?

That is a good question, and I think the answer is..."yes."

Oh my goodness... it's like a WalMart Supercenter, only more... more... as far as the eye can see.

Noteworthy, from what little I can see; the photo by the food market? The shopping carts are tiny compared to the US where they are so big a family of six could LIVE in one.

Interesting to see these everyday cultural bits from Japan.

Yeah, in general the carts are much smaller here than in the US. Some stores do have the "giant" variety, but as the norm, it't the mini "cute" carts.

I also find that people tend to shop for just a day or two's worth of groceries, and not stock up for the next week/month with a super mega load of groceries.

Thanks for commenting. Much appreciated!

That is one big shopping centre. A lot of items and I would say at a reasonable price. Japan is lovely, and is a powerful country. I hope I could visit someday.

The shopping center is a big one and really active with the look of things. In my community, we have one of such standard and must people go there to get lots of things because of their price and quality.

big shoping center.

lovely photography

vivid photography!!

I like your posts about ordinary life so much!-)
thank you for sharing pieces of Japanese life, it's very interesting especially if you've been there yet.

and what about the prices?

I wonder, if it's cheaper or more expensive than in our shops-)
for example, this very fan - how much is it in Usd?

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