
My dude Willy G with the crazy hair and crazy story!! This was fire my dude!!!

Yea too dope!! Very deep story also. Lets say i know that the universe is in everything, and if you know that first it won't matter what comes through to heal ya!!

We all energy. (P.S. rewiring brains is what one does haha and anyone can do that to fix any mental dysfunction)

Thanks Red!! Yeah man Ive seen things , like during psychedelic experiences that makes me believe the world itself is alive! And the universe too, with its own consciousness and intelligence , we are a part of it, so everything in the world is a part of us, if you know what I mean!!
Your words give me hope man!! Im pretty sure I can get over this Schizophrenia, a few months ago I thought it was a life long incurable, degenerative brain disease! Things have fairly changed!! haha

Yea I have never had those issues(trust I just different ones). I did marry some one that was quite insane and her whole family had issues like this. So one had to learn quite a bit just to deal with all the crazy.. And even then in the end I could deal with it. Almost killed me.

Still does with other things....

This is so dope the way you sharing this stuff man!!!! WILLY G for the people of earth!! sick flow n the story got me thinkin bout stuff in my life 2!! respect!! You on this bruv!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Termite! Ive been studying away here into psychology and all, and Ive discovered that everything that happens in our life affects us one way or another, mostly without us even realising it! Theoretically, that is.
Its really interesting in its own right before you bring the possibility of spirtuality into it, then its even crazier to think whats possible!

You know Im interested in this stuff!!! I know quite a bit bout how the brain grows and functions from my own curiosity, but the spiritual side of it, u are right, is immense and I could easily get lost in there!! haha!! You have the way of turning negative into positive bruv!! Words and speach are so powerful!!! (as you can see theyre not my forte!! haha) Thankyou for putting this into the world man!!!

thanks man, i appreciate it! Yeah im only starting to learn about neurobiology and psychology, theres so much to take in out there! And the spiritual side of it is essential i think too, you know if youve ever heard of Graham Hancock, he reckons that human consciousness took a giant leap forward the moment early humans started tripping on shrooms and painting what they seen in caves, and thats when spirtuality was born! Crazy to think about that!!

I have heard many many interviews with Mr Hancock!! Yeah!!! Hes def on to something!!!

great talent!

Thanks bsusushba !

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