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RE: 2020-06-09

in #j4 years ago

JFK wanted to pass Executive Order 11110, which would have allowed him to issue his own money to the American people without the consent of the Federal Reserve, who were (and still are) deliberately printing more each day and thus making the US dollar worth less and less.
That's exactly why they took him out.


That's a main reason why globalists wanted JFK dead, similar to something that Abraham Lincoln was doing as well regarding money. But do you think it is true that globalists were trying to trick JFK into banning guns on top of that?

I personally don't know too much on JFK's viewpoints on gun control, or any laws he passed, or avoided passing, on guns.

But JFK was a democrat which back then meant more classical liberalism as opposed to leftism and other things that we may see today. I'm not sure how many democrats in the past would consider attempting to modify and restrict the second amendment in the name of alleged safety but we can see that leftism has been attempting to push democrats that direction for decades now, gradually, inch by inch, day by day, to push them farther and farther left, as in extreme left, radically left. In some ways, people should probably be somewhere in the middle of the political spectrum.

That's why I wasn't too sure if he was pro or anti-gun, because while he was a Democrat (typically anti-constitution), I always saw him as an outsider from the Democrat norm because of his plans to dismantle the Federal Reserve.

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