
in #j4 years ago

Globalists were tricking John F. Kennedy into taking the second amendment, our guns, our firearms, either absolutely or to a degree, and people wanted to stop him. Bad people wanted JFK dead and they got JFK to do some bad in the same ways the elites get Trump to do bad things. Some of the people involved in murdering JFK may have been good people and yet even they were being used by the globalists who wanted JFK gone. Same thing with Trump. Globalists want good people to kill Trump as well. Trump has done some good but it may not be good enough and we should do all we can to help local government and in educating people via articles, memes, videos, comments, emails, word of mouth, phone calls, letters, etc.

Homosexual Obama

Obama has always been homosexual and he is a pure sociopath. Not a psychopath but a sociopath.

Flowers Blooming

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Oatmeal Daily - 2020-06-09 - Tuesday
Published in June of 2020

YOUTUBE CENSORSHIP Screenshot at 2020-06-10 00:16:08.png
Banning Infowars

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Categories | Communities | Directories | Timelines | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Local vs National TV

12:35 AM - Hive

Yeah. I bet it can be hard. Right now, I'm trying to find a local TV talk show or something that aired an episode in Oregon in January of 1983 featuring my brother, my sister, my dad, my mom. I was born in 1985, so this was before my time. National television programming seems to be easier to find than that of the local shows.


2020-06-09 - Tuesday - 02:09 AM - 02:52 AM - Vikings 519

Floki in a cave. Mother dies of like cancer. Fight to the death. Scarlett Johansson lives. Flashbacks. New life. Cut hair and thrown in fire. Where is my baby? Sea storm and ship. Floki finds a cross inside a cave and screams so loud he traps himself inside. He says, "Carry on." Fulfilling our father's dream. A thousand times, yes, I'm happy.

2020-06-09 - Tuesday - 02:53 AM - 03:40 AM - Vikings 520

Two brothers against the other brother, Iva. Other brother on another land homesteading. Iva kills his wife who let the enemy army sneak through a secret entry into the kingdom. Iva disguises himself and sneaks away. Ironside becomes the new king. They do a weird flashback, flash forward, alternative reality, and/or a preview of what was really happening at the end of the episode. Ironside wonders what is and is not real.

2020-06-09 - Tuesday - 03:41 AM - 04:30 AM - Vikings 600

Saga of Floki. Prep for 6th and final season.


Hotep Jesus

11:13 AM - Scott Adams - Riots & Race in America

1983 January

My family was on TV.


11:17 AM - Facebook

Marilyn Mitchell: I THINK the show was called Faces and Places, with Mary Starrett. here is a quote from her: “Jesus didn’t come to bring peace,” says Starrett, the former AM Northwest co-host on KATU Channel 2 and former KPDQ radio talk host. “He came to bring a sword. And He came to divide. It is time to cause division among the brethren. He says He is going to divide the sheep from the goats. We have been lukewarm too long. There is a time and place for us to sit there and be complacent and compliant and also a time to say, ‘I have seen a picture of a ripped-up baby in a garbage can. I have seen enough.’ ” also Mary Starrett.

George Floyd?

Did he die in 2020 or did he die years ago? Was that really him or was it somebody else?

Magnetic Tape Head

11:30 AM - KATU Channel 2 Portland, Faces & Places Bumper & Opening Nov. 8 (1983)

My family went to the Oregon Health Sciences University's Genetic Center that one time or sometimes in the early 1980's at least. So, a picture was taken probably in January of 1983 as they were there as like patients. A small part of that was visually displayed in the background of a show for a second when the particular episode aired in January of 1983 or it may have aired later on that year. Maybe it was in 1984.


11:54 AM - Facebook

Mary, keep up the good work. By the way, my family was on your show, Faces & Places or AM Northwest on KATU 2 back in 1983 or 1984 I think, assuming you're the right Mary. Well, my parents, Marilyn & Donald Arnold, my brother Ricky who was just a baby, and my sister, Katie, were on the show or technically just in the background for a few seconds or a few minutes as an example of a family, I mean patients, having to do with the Oregon Health Sciences University's Genetic Center in Portland, Oregon, USA. I was born I 1985, so all of this was before my time. I was on YouTube trying to see if anybody recorded that one episode and couldn't find it. But I am glad that you love the constitution which is a needed foundation, just like the Bible.

Oregon Health Sciences University

Portland, Oregon, USA


We moved to Forest Grove late in 1983 and got kittens from Damien, space number 159. They were probably already living there when we came. I was born 1985. Judy moved in probably in the mid to late 1980's to space 164 and the lot was blank with no trailer house before that. Dogs probably lived in space 163 before us. Mexicans lived in space 162 before Mike. A daughter of that Mexican family, space 162, went across the road towards the Seven Day Adventist and got hit by a car or something and probably died around the mid 1980's and then they put up a street light. Mom had the habit of crossing the street without the crosswalk and then got hit on the 22nd of November of 1988 at around 06:20 PM.


Vaccines are not always tested like other things are.

Driving Advice

Play up the stereotypes when you are pulled over by police, Scott Adams and Hotep Jesus talked about this. Have a Bible, police stickers that you buy at local police stations for $25 each. Keep your car clean, seat up. Sit straight, hands on the steering wheel. Have papers near you in a plastic bag ready to hand to the cop. Have classic music on. Ask the officer how we can be safe. Have a calm smile. Perhaps no teeth in the smile. Eye contact. Be clean. Look clean. Make sure stuff is not all over the place. Have a good car. Be calm. Make sure he or she can see the Bible.

General Shepherd

01:22 PM - The Alex Jones Show Tue 06/09/20 1st Hour

Portland Festival

2000-08-18 - Friday the 18th of August of 2000 - And also Saturday the 19th - The Portland Festival with Luis Palau. As a CCBC youth group, we went on the Tri-Met Max train probably on Saturday and not Friday. I could be wrong about that but I kind of remember it being Saturday but it was during the summer and it was a month before I entered high school for the first time as I was attending home school before that. I went to WCC in 1999 and again in 2000 in July. In June, we did a mission trip to Idaho for a week.

Flowers Blooming

02:03 PM - Hive Post

1997 maybe - Crystal in Rick Joey Room.jpg
Crystal in Rick & Joey's Room - maybe 1997

Do what you can to cultivate the flowers in your life as flowers are blooming. Hey, it's a metaphor for people as we were blooming as children in Oregon in the 1990's as an Arnold Island living in the Rose Grove.

General Shepherd

02:09 PM - The Alex Jones Show Tue 06/09/20 2nd Hour


Globalists were tricking John F. Kennedy into taking the second amendment, our guns, our firearms, either absolutely or to a degree, and people wanted to stop him. Bad people wanted JFK dead and they got JFK to do some bad in the same ways the elites get Trump to do bad things. Some of the people involved in murdering JFK may have been good people and yet even they were being used by the globalists who wanted JFK gone. Same thing with Trump. Globalists want good people to kill Trump as well. Trump has done some good but it may not be good enough and we should do all we can to help local government and in educating people via articles, memes, videos, comments, emails, word of mouth, phone calls, letters, etc.

1990's Bleeding Effect

02:16 PM - Hive

Why would you pay a license for something like that? By the way, I made videos in the 1990's and the footage was bright and clear.

Black Lives Matter

Brought to you by Planned Parenthood who kill babies. They are having funerals again and again for this guy and it may go around thousands of years. children in kindergarten are being taught to apologize for being white. They are crying and saying they are sorry. People are hopping cars and saying the cars ran into them. I shot you in the face and you are bad because you are white.

02:52 PM - Hive uploading problem. It could be a proxy problem dealing with the Hive Blog website and blockchain or it might be some kind of uploading limit or it could be that the photo is too big and I doubt that it is too big. In the past, too big was bigger than 9 MB. I have enough mana or resource credits for 100 more post posts and comments or more according to Hive Blocks. I may come back later to try again with uploading more photos.

03:00 PM - 7:47 PM - Dishes. Vacuum. Recycle. Mail. Wet. Cloudy. Partly rainy. Branch bending, back and front. Took pics with phone. 4 PM shower. Nap for an hour. 06:00 PM music book sorting, box 12 of 12, until 07:40 PM. Vitamins. Trying to connect my phone to my computer right now like usual. Running into problems. Created a hotspot for my phone from my laptop. But I should probably do FTP or something to do with wireless transfer of data, files. But I prefer doing it via USB. Restarted my phone. That fixed the USB problem. I can transfer files from the phone to the laptop like usual now. Is that an Android OS problem or a phone problem or what? Hive photo problem fixed. I just waited about five hours and I can now upload now. I cannot say why exactly except that it didn't work and now it does. 2 problems fixed, the phone and the uploading pics to Hive problem too.


Rice on soup in the big orange bowl. 2 slices or the last bit of the apple pie. Almond milk or coconut milk or whatever it is. Coffee.

Pardes Seleh

08:02 PM - Rosé happy hour with Pardes (Pardes Live #174)

Do you support the second amendment? Yes. Does that mean you want black people to have guns? Yeah, I don't care, that's a stupid question, what, are you racist?

General Shepherd

08:04 PM - The Alex Jones Show Tue 06/09/20 3rd Hour


Banana Peels Mudder caught laundering to the Dee Em See.

Black Lives Matter caught laundering to the DNC in 2020 as they raise over 20 million dollars for George Floyd.

Homosexual Obama

Obama has always been homosexual and he is a pure sociopath. Not a psychopath but a sociopath.

Baked Blunts

08:48 PM - America Is In The Midst of a Communist Takeover - The Alex Jones Show (6/9/20)

Burning Down Museums

They're trying to burn down museums in the same vein that they continue to try to burn even more books down and data on the Internet.

Pondering Perspective

08:58 PM - Hive Post

2008-08 - Crystal, Katie, Joey, Bill, Marilyn, at Karen's for Woof Funeral.jpg
Crystal, Katie, Joey, Bill, Marilyn, at Karen's in 2008 or 2009.

Sometimes in life, your island will topside if it gets too heavy according to Hank Johnson, not to be confused with Hank Green who would have made a great video about that already or Hank Hill who would have put a bunch propane on the island to make sure it didn't flip over as we know the whole world is so crowded that we can fit them all in the state of Texas.

General Shepherd

09:01 PM - The War Room With Owen Shroyer Tue 06/09/20 Full Show

Black Lives Matter is a lie because there is no black genocide but there is an active and ongoing white genocide in many countries around the world.

Unvaccinated kids are healthier than their peers.


10:07 PM - Facebook

Speaking of arms, I thought this was funny, I just ran into this random pic of your literal arm when we were at the Portland Festival with Luis Palau in August of 2000, well unless if this was the Creation Fest. Nah. I don't think I was at the Creation Fest.


10:10 PM - What The Left Won't Tell You About The Plight Of Black People - Great clips from famous black actors, musicians, etc - Facebook Video

Found this video on the Facebook of Dan Beaty. Worth sharing. The ending reminds me of what Yoda said, there is another. This is not the way. Reminds me of that alien in Man. This is the way. That's what I love about Star Wars.




JFK wanted to pass Executive Order 11110, which would have allowed him to issue his own money to the American people without the consent of the Federal Reserve, who were (and still are) deliberately printing more each day and thus making the US dollar worth less and less.
That's exactly why they took him out.

That's a main reason why globalists wanted JFK dead, similar to something that Abraham Lincoln was doing as well regarding money. But do you think it is true that globalists were trying to trick JFK into banning guns on top of that?

I personally don't know too much on JFK's viewpoints on gun control, or any laws he passed, or avoided passing, on guns.

But JFK was a democrat which back then meant more classical liberalism as opposed to leftism and other things that we may see today. I'm not sure how many democrats in the past would consider attempting to modify and restrict the second amendment in the name of alleged safety but we can see that leftism has been attempting to push democrats that direction for decades now, gradually, inch by inch, day by day, to push them farther and farther left, as in extreme left, radically left. In some ways, people should probably be somewhere in the middle of the political spectrum.

That's why I wasn't too sure if he was pro or anti-gun, because while he was a Democrat (typically anti-constitution), I always saw him as an outsider from the Democrat norm because of his plans to dismantle the Federal Reserve.

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