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RE: 2019-12-04

in #j5 years ago (edited)

YouTube Rewind 2019

02:10 PM - YouTube Rewind 2019: For the Record | #YouTubeRewind | Facebook | Twitter | Minds | YouTube Comment | Gab | Free Square | Dissenter

YouTube, why did you terminate over three of my YouTube channels which had my home videos of when I was a ten year old boy in Oregon? Are you racist against children, against kids?

I have made at least 35 channels on YouTube. A total of like thousands of videos going back to 2006. I wrote a Steemit article about it. So, I counted 3 channels that I have seen terminated, Ojawall, JoeyArnoldVN, and JoeyArnoldTV. Well, number four would be JSADogDog in the sense that I lost the videos on that one. There may be others that I have forgotten about or perhaps more will be terminated next week thanks to COPPA or COPA or whatever it is. Things like this happens to millions of people during the 2010's online especially. That is why we build networks like Gab, Minds, Steemit, Bitchute, etc, to counter and compete with tech cartels, etc. @BrianBoro

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