Unraveled: When the Fabric of "Reality" Comes Apart: Part Three — by Hugh Mungus

in #ivaw6 years ago


"I create nothing. I own."

― Gordon Gekko *

  • Wall Street:

There’s a substantial chance you’re reading this sentence on a descendant of an IBM computer. Crucial components of hardware within that machine are most likely IBM-based. You probably interact with IBM products at work, and in the marketplace, every day.

Yet, how many people are aware International Business Machines (IBM) helped exterminate millions of Nazi concentration camp prisoners during World War II? Without IBM’s complicity in this genocide, there’s no way so many innocent lives could have been extinguished so expeditiously.

Imagine an era before computers. Seems like an epoch previous written language, doesn’t it? In truth, the year was 1933 ― a time when Adolf Hitler came to power, establishing himself as the voice of a pure Aryan race. There was no room in Hitler’s Germany for anything but an unadulterated bloodline. Jews were despised, and it was determined they need be expunged in order to racially cleanse Europe. But without computers, this was a daunting task.

Lineage and nationalist provenance of such a diverse group were largely unknown. Those of Jewish descent were everywhere. Thanks to Hitler’s onslaught, they were typically hiding, having changed their identities to avoid persecution.

The Nazi Party needed an efficient cataloging machine to determine who was Jewish. Enter IBM ― now regarded as a corporation with the ability to provide solutions. Throughout World War II, this is exactly what said company did…for Hitler and Nazi Germany.

As computers had yet to be developed in the ‘30s, their forerunner ― punch cards processed via tabulation machines ― became the cutting edge technology. According to Edwin Black ― author of IBM and the Holocaust ― this was the actual beginning of the Information Age.

Thomas Watson ― former CEO of IBM ― as well as innumerable personages within said company, knowingly created the punch card system employed by the Nazis to categorize and annihilate millions of people. Additionally, IBM deliberately produced, and leased to the Third Reich, machines that codified these cards. International Business Machines trained Nazi employees regarding the use of these contraptions ― which were precursors to the modern-day computer.

But all that wouldn't suffice for ol' Tom and his crew. IBM also conducted censuses that allowed the Nazis to conclude who ― throughout Europe ― was Jewish. International Business Machines developed the punch card system, and apparatuses, that controlled and coordinated the trains transporting concentration camp prisoners to their deaths.

So smile, and feel good about using IBM products! Billions of people do every day.

IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America’s Most Powerful Corporation provides a cavalcade of damning documentation. The aforementioned book contains nearly 75 pages of reference sources to substantiate the preceding facts.

How does this avowedly insidious technology work, and where did it all begin? Step back in history to 1890. During that year, the United States Census was being undertaken. Herman Hollerith ― architect of Tabulating Machine Company, which later became IBM ― invented a punch card system that enabled governments to categorize and track mass quantities. Capacious volumes of anything ― be it foodstuffs, houses, or train cars ― could now be counted and classified. In this instance, the considerable amounts tabulated were people.

Punch cards. Customized strips of card stock are perforated with holes in specific columns. These columns denote certain characteristics of a human being; i.e. country of birth, native language, location, profession, religious affiliation, etc. When these implements of information are fed through a calibrated tabulation device, they calculate classifications of people. Thus, due to this heightened technology, millions of those the Nazi war machine found deplorable, were categorized and executed.

Tens of thousands of these cards were processed hourly through the above IBM machines. From this info, Hitler’s Third Reich could now identify who was Jewish, and where they lived. Because banks in Nazi Germany were also run by IBM’s tabulation apparatuses, Jews could be tracked by their assets. The rest was just a matter of abducting these people, and corralling them into ghetto dwellings, soon to be replaced by concentration camps.

Whilst incarcerated in these facilities, prisoners were processed via International Business Machines punch card technology. Hence, the future of inmates was listed on scraps of card stock signifying whether they would live one day, or die the next. With this instrument for efficiency, the Third Reich could proficiently eradicate Jews, Gypsies and other undesirables ― thus producing an Aryan Europe.

Masturbation! It’s an exciting hobby, and one that relieves so much stress. Wouldn’t it have been great if Tom Watson, International Business Machines and the Nazis had known this at the time?

Specific IBM code numbers signified the fate of those incarcerated. A1 meant the prisoner was to be released. A2 denoted an inmate to be transferred. A3 described a captive who perished of “natural causes.” A4 stood for execution. A5 meant suicide. A6 designated death via gas chamber. A7 indicated a prisoner had escaped.

Imagine being the IBM engineer tasked with developing such a demented system. You’d have to possess a demeanor more callous than the soles of a lifelong, career firewalker.

Each Nazi concentration camp housed an IBM Hollerith Department, where running tallies of incarcerates, and their status, could be monitored and amended. Inmates were assigned their own, personal Hollerith Number ― which allowed International Business Machines’ tabulators to analyze them. These demarcations ― which most of us have seen on the wrists of Auschwitz prisoners ― were originally designed by IBM to track captives.

This system eventually became what we now know as the bar code; something we currently employ ubiquitously. Today, this symbol ― a number of vertical lines scanned by computers ― graces almost every product sold via retail, from soup to laxatives.

IBM may meekly deny the above indictments. However, with explosive proof to substantiate this corporation’s collusion, there isn’t much they can do except work continuously to keep this topic out of the public eye.

Let’s examine portions of that evidence. The following is the reason International Business Machines will never sue writer Edwin Black for his expose. IBM comprehends Mr. Black possesses a cavalcade of substantiation they can’t refute. Take, for instance, the following personal correspondence:

"July 5, 1937
Your Excellency
Adolf Hitler

Before leaving Berlin, I wish to express my pride in and deep gratitude for the high honor I received through the order with which you honored me. Valuing fully the spirit of friendship which underlay this honor, I assure you that in the future as in the past, I will endeavor to do all in my power to create more intimate bonds between our two great nations. My wife and family join in best wishes for you.

Thomas J. Watson [CEO & Chairman]
International Business Machines"

Not only would Thomas Watson consult intimately with Adolf Hitler, but the head of IBM also became the beneficiary of the Nazi Merit Cross of the German Eagle with Star. This medal ― created for Watson ― was bestowed upon foreigners proving themselves worthy of inclusion into the Third Reich. Said commemoration was second in esteem solely to Adolf Hitler’s German Grand Cross.

As if providing Nazi Germany with the technology to determine, wrangle and annihilate non-Aryans wasn’t enough, Watson worked personally with Japan to improve its air force and aircraft carriers. In addition, the CEO of IBM conferred in secret with Benito Mussolini in order to assist Italy in its war designs.

All the while, Watson and his wife were treated like royalty in Germany ― entertained in lavish style ― by the likes of Josef Goebbels and Hermann Goering. This, even after it was viewed as treasonous — via the U.S. Trading with the Enemy Act — for American corporations to conduct business with the Third Reich.

Edwin Black has accessed, and photocopied, numerous punch cards with the name of the IBM German affiliate — Dehomag — emblazoned on them. Mr. Black exhibits death lists from concentration camps, proudly boasting International Business Machines’ logo.

Regarding contracts, Thomas Watson was cautious not to leave a paper trail. Transactions with Hitler’s minions were conducted via verbal agreements. The Nazis, however, didn’t trust IBM’s CEO, and did produce evidence of business in the form of typewritten memos. These missives often addressed Watson, describing negotiations undertaken, as well as products and services provided.

On top of this, IBM’s leader did respond ― at least once ― with written confirmation to a Nazi business deal, thus implicating himself. The dispatch in question showcases a proud International Business Machines Corporation letterhead. What follows is a portion of the message, personally drafted in October, 1941, by Thomas Watson:

"On the occasion of my visit to Berlin, I also settled a few pending matters, such as the [punch card] machines blocked in Poland, the Romanian Census, the bold patents and other minor subjects on which I’m addressing separate reports to the executive concern in New York [IBM’s head office]."

Following World War II, Dr. Georg Schneider ― director of IBM’s Czechoslovakian affiliate ― sent a letter addressed to Watson, signifying:

"I beg to give you my report about the IBM office in Prague, Czechoslovakia. All the interests of the IBM were in good hands. The $-rentals were transferred to the account of IBM in Geneva, after begin [sic] of war with U.S. All $-rentals must be converted at the rate of exchange of K25.02 Crowns = $1 and stored on the blocked account of IBM in Prague."

Schneider asserted after U.S. entrance into the war, he met with Harrison K. Chauncey ― IBM’s foremost attorney. It was agreed German punch card apparatuses be guised as Czech, and sold or re-rented. “From each machine,” Schneider purported, “we had to pay a license-tax [royalty] to the IBM.”

Edwin Black went so far as to obtain a copy of the Auschwitz phone book, in which Dehomag is listed, as well as the two members who ran said office.

In order to publish IBM and the Holocaust, Mr. Black employed in excess of 100 investigators, who researched over 20,000 primary source documents.

As astutely predicated by the above author:

"When you ask IBM ― as many people have ― why they did it, the Information Company says, 'We have no information. We’ve lost it all.' […]

Will IBM ever be brought to justice? The answer is, 'No.'

The fact is that many people have sued IBM around the world. They were never called to account during the Holocaust; never called to account after the Holocaust; and they will not be called to account today. They are, indeed, bigger than nations, bigger than genocides, bigger than the justice system, itself.

It was IBM that both calculated the weather for the Normandy invasion ― for the United States and Allied forces ― and the strength of the German defenses for the German high command."

During World War II, IBM profited at the expense of millions of human lives. All the while, its CEO sported a shit-eating grin. Let’s face it, only a psychotic would smile at the prospect of devouring fecal matter.



Black, Edwin. (2001). IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America’s Most Powerful Corporation. Crown Publishers. ISBN: 0316857696

Black, Edwin. (2009). Nazi Nexus: America’s Corporate Connections to Hitler’s Holocaust. Dialog Press. ISBN: 9780914153092

Online Movies:

Edwin Black presentation:

Hitler's American Business Partners:

One Mainframe to Rule Them All:


"Anyone dumb enough to wanna be in the military should be allowed in. End of fuckin’ story. That should be the only requirement.

I don’t care how many push-ups you can do. Put on a helmet, go wait in that foxhole, we’ll tell ya’ when we need you to kill somebody. […]

Aren’t y’all fuckin’ hired killers? […] You are thugs. And when we need you to blow the fuck out of a nation of little, brown people, we’ll let ya’ know."

― Bill Hicks *

  • Bill Hicks:

"War is a racket. It always has been. […]

At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War [World War I]. […]

How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle? How many of them dug a trench? How many of them knew what it meant to go hungry in a rat-infested dug-out? How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets? How many of them parried a bayonet thrust of an enemy? How many of them were wounded or killed in battle? […]

I say, 'To Hell with war!' "

In 1935, Major General Smedley Darlington Butler wrote the above citation in his book War is a Racket. At that period, “Old Gimlet Eye” was the most decorated U.S. Marine in history. Today, Butler remains one of a handful of individuals so highly revered in this department of the armed forces.

Why would such an esteemed personage blatantly attack war ― the act that afforded him great approbation? Because Smedley understood he was nothing more than a “high class muscleman for Big Business.” He realized soldiers were no more than “cannon fodder” for corporations. He comprehended war was an implement by which hegemonies pitted individuals against one another, and thus profited.

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscleman for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers,” asserted this war veteran.

"In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902–1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."

Soldiers not only bear the weight of sacrificing their own lives ― as well as those they’re willing to kill ― they’re also forced to pay in other ways. According to Smedley Butler:

"Boys with a normal viewpoint were taken out of the fields and offices and factories and classrooms and put into the ranks. There they were remolded; they were made over; they were made to “about face,” to regard murder as the order of the day. They were put shoulder to shoulder and, through mass psychology, they were entirely changed. We used them for a couple of years and trained them to think nothing at all of killing or of being killed. […]

In the World War, we used propaganda to make the boys accept conscription. They were made to feel ashamed if they didn’t join the army.

So vicious was this war propaganda that even God was brought into it. With few exceptions our clergymen joined in the clamor to kill, kill, kill. To kill the Germans. God is on our side…it is His will that the Germans be killed."

Although life is the ultimate sacrifice we’re currently aware of, soldiers willing to die still hadn’t given enough. The powers that be demanded more. Hence, during World War I, assassins sent to perish in battle were forced to monetarily shoulder a considerable portion of the bloodshed. To quote Butler:

"Thus, having stuffed patriotism down their throats, it was decided to make them help pay for the war, too. So, we gave them the large salary of $30 a month. […]

Half of that wage (just a little more than a riveter in a shipyard or a laborer in a munitions factory safe at home made in a day) was promptly taken from him to support his dependents, so that they would not become a charge upon his community. Then we paid him what amounted to accident insurance ― something the employer pays for in an enlightened state ― and that cost him $6 a month. He had less than $9 a month left.

Then, the most crowning insolence of all ― he was virtually blackjacked into paying for his own ammunition, clothing, and food by being made to buy Liberty Bonds. Most soldiers got no money at all on pay days.

We made them buy Liberty Bonds at $100 and then we bought them back ― when they came back from the war and couldn’t find work ― at $84 and $86. And the soldiers bought about $2,000,000,000 worth of these bonds!"

If War is a Racket was mandatory reading for everyone entering the military, it’s highly plausible enlistment rates would drop to zero.

Unknown to most, soldiers weren’t always awarded medals. At one point, cash was their incentive, and they battled for bonuses. These compensated killers were often afforded large sums solely for enlisting.

It was after the Spanish-American War that commanders realized their troops ― akin to children ― adored adulation, as well as shiny things. Hence, medals were offered ― in lieu of pay ― and graced upon those who followed orders best, remaining most loyal to the noble cause of annihilating other humans.

In the words of Napoleon Bonaparte:

"All men are enamored of decorations…they positively hunger for them."

By endorsing the Napoleonic system, leaders could amass an army for less money. Troops were satisfied with pretty medallions, and the wealthy remained so, since they were able to retain far more cash.

“Thank you for your service.”

It was the most obsequious and stupid thing I’d heard, and yet everybody was saying it.

“Thank you for your service. Awk! Thank you for your service…”

Somehow people had transformed into talking parrots, repeating what they’d heard, without understanding what it meant.

At 3 AM, in a forgotten greasy spoon, on the edge of the Earth. In a liquor emporium, while preparing for one’s latest liver workout. Even at a porn arcade, in the midst of a crucial decision between big chicks, or girls with bushes thicker than the skull of a Wheel of Fortune addict.

Just because you don some camos, and a pair of army regulation boots, everyone seems at the ready to suck your sphincter. How did any of these fawning fuckers know the dude in the fatigues didn’t just slaughter a family of five, buy a uniform at a costume store and decide to walk the town for quick praise?

Everywhere you go, folks are thanking people in military uniforms. Soldiers are paid assassins. There’s no equivocation here. Look up the word “assassin” on a number of Internet thesauruses. A primary synonym is “soldier.” Servile suckers who praise them are showing appreciation for an individual who’s contractually agreed to kill innocent people so they, themselves, can collect a paycheck and a pension. That’s not the type of person I’d ever thank, much less be associated with. As I’m a civilian, one can never be sure when I’ll be next in this hired killer’s cross hairs.

The damned things are everywhere. Typically in sticker form, attached to vehicle bumpers, nothing’s stopping folks from slappin’ ‘em on houses, traffic signs or dead pets. The worst one has to be “God Bless Our Troops…Especially Our Snipers.”

How deranged, morbid and pompous is somebody supporting such a delusional sentiment?

“God Bless Our Troops” is psychotic enough, since, at that point, you’re invoking an invisible senior citizen — who lives in the sky — to protect a bunch of hired killers. Don’t you have something better to do, like fashioning your own stool into a commemorative bust of John Stamos, to honor the 20th anniversary of Full House? When adding sharpshooters into the mix, now you’re asking said unseen retiree to guide the bullets of assassins laying in wait to pick folks off.

Didn’t the government inform us Lee Harvey Oswald was a sniper?

Today, you see soldiers marching in lockstep ― unable to reason for themselves ― all over the place. Often, proud parents gaze on admirably from some grandstand.

“Look, honey! It’s Tim! Isn’t he handsome?”

“My son, the expendable drone!”

“I’m so excited! Let’s hurry home and make another one!”

“Now you’re talkin’ my lingo, woman!”

Politicians demand soldiers fight, as they, themselves, sleep securely in their beds, far from the gunfire. But weapons only kill if there are those willing to use them. These compensated assassins can refuse to pull the trigger, and drop their guns whenever they choose. If performed en masse, bureaucracies of humanity would have no recourse.

Unfortunately for ex-U.S. Marine, Jon Michael Turner, he elected to discharge his weapon…numerous times:

"On April 18th, 2006, I had my first confirmed kill. This man was innocent. I don’t know his name. I called him the Fat Man. He was walking back to his house, and I shot him in front of his friend and his father.

The first round didn’t kill him, after I had hit him up here in his neck area. And afterwards he started screaming, and looked right into my eyes. So, I looked at my friend ― who I was on post with ― and I said, “Well, I can’t let that happen,” so I took another shot, and took him out.

He was then carried away by the rest of his family. It took seven people to carry his body away.

We were all congratulated after we had our first kills, and that happened to have been mine. My company commander personally congratulated me, as he did everyone else in our company. This is the same individual who had stated that whoever gets their first kill by stabbing them to death will get a four day pass when we return from Iraq."

Jimmy Massey ― a 12 year veteran, and U.S. Marine in the Iraqi War ― had this to say:

"I was about to open up a meal, when I heard a gunshot that went over our heads from the right to the left. I immediately stepped from behind my vehicle and my marines were already discharging their weapons towards the protestors. I unslung my weapon, and I put the weapon up into my shoulder, and I began to fire.

When everything was said and done, we went and did a reconnaissance of the bodies. We were lookin’ for weapons […] and I don’t see any weapons. And then I look up, and about 50 meters away from the protesters was some RPGs [rocket-propelled grenades] that were lined up against the wall, and I thought to myself, 'They had the capability to fire at us if they wanted to, but they didn’t. So that means that they were holding a protest ― a peaceful protest.' And then all of a sudden, in your mind, you realize that you just murdered some people.

Twenty minutes later, a car sped into our checkpoint area and we discharged our weapons, and come to find out that it was innocent life again.

And then another one happened; and then another one happened. By the last one, I had an occupant of the vehicle asking me, 'Why did you kill my brother? We didn’t do anything. We’re not terrorists.'

I was so devastated, my commanding officer, Captain Schmidt, he came up to me and he says, 'Staff sergeant,' he said, 'What’s wrong? What’s wrong? You look a little under the weather.'

And I said, 'Well, today’s been a bad day, sir; we’ve killed a lot of civilians.'

And he said, 'No. Today’s a good day.' ”

U.S. Marine Corporal Jason Washburn will probably never forget his time spent in the Middle East:

"If the town or the city that we were approaching was a known threat― If the unit that went through the area before we did took a high number of casualties, […] we were allowed to shoot whatever we wanted. It was deemed a free-fire zone. So, we would roll through the town and anything that we saw, everything that we saw, we engaged it, and opened fire on everything.

There was really no rule governing the amount of force we were allowed to use on targets during the invasion. I remember one woman was walking by, and she was carrying a huge bag, and she looked like she was heading towards us, so we lit her up with the Mk 19 ― which is an automatic grenade launcher ― and when the dust settled, we realized that the bag was only full of groceries. She had been trying to bring us food, and we blew her to pieces for it. […]

Something else we were actually encouraged to do ― almost with a wink and a nudge ― was to carry drop weapons or, by my third tour, drop shovels. What that basically is is we would carry these weapons or shovels with us because in case we accidentally did shoot a civilian, we could just toss the weapon on the body and make them look like they were an insurgent. […]

We were told, by my third tour, that if they were carrying a shovel, and a heavy bag ― if they were digging anywhere, especially near roads ― that we could shoot them. […]

This was commonly encouraged, but only behind closed doors."

Staff Sergeant Camilo Mejia’s recollections of Iraq are far from pleasant:

"This time when this child was basically riding in the passenger’s seat with his father, and we decapitated his father with a machine gun. And when we went down to the low ground to search for enemy wounded, I remember seeing this young person standing next to this body that was decapitated and when I think about it I cannot remember the expression on the child’s face. I cannot remember that he was a child. I only know this because people told me later on that was the man’s son. The man’s young son who was standing next to the body."

For individuals like Hart Viges ― who served in the 82nd Airborne Division in the Iraqi War ― the barbarity he perpetrated will haunt him the rest of his days:

"I never really saw the effects of my mortar rounds in the towns, so that just leaves my imagination open to countless deaths that― I don’t know how many civilians ― innocents ― I’ve killed. […]

And then with raids― We never went on a raid where we got the right house, much less the right person. Not once."

And what of Iraqi prisoners ― more often innocent than not ― who were incarcerated?

U.S. Marine Matthew Childers had this to say:

"They were in our custody for about a week. Over this week, these guys were beaten relentlessly, and humiliated, teased with food and water. They were begging the marines for food and water, and the marines would mock them. Throw water in their face.

The detainees were FlexiCuffed by their wrists, behind their back, and they were blindfolded. The marines were screaming at them to get up, and then they’d trip them, down on their face. They couldn’t break their fall, ‘cause they were tied up.

The marines were showing the Iraqis pornography, which is strictly taboo to their religion, and they made this very obvious to us.

I saw a marine take the hat off of an Iraqi. He shoved it down the back of his pants, and wiped himself with it, and then tried to feed it to the Iraqi ― who was blindfolded ― and because he [the Iraqi] was desperate for food, he actually tried to eat it. […]

These guys were under custody for about a week, and I didn’t see them eat the whole time.

I wasn’t around them 24/7; I don’t know how long the posts were, but I didn’t see them eat or sleep at all."

But the desecration wreaked by U.S. forces in Afghanistan and Iraq wasn’t only exacted on the indigenous population. Friendly fire ― U.S. Marines attacking other United States soldiers ― also occurred, attested Corporal Christopher Gallagher:

"April 7th, 2005. Lance Corporal Juan Benitez ― who was one of the snipers in my unit ― was on a mission in Fallujah. He was in a hide, when a patrol of Force Recon Marines drove up in their Hummers, and had mistaken him for an insurgent, running him over with their vehicles.

The official story released by the Defense Department stated that he was involved in a hostile vehicle accident that was under investigation. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never heard of a hostile vehicle accident before."

Medical care ― for United States soldiers, let alone Iraqi citizens ― was often reprehensible. According to Surgical Intensive Care Unit nurse Doug Connor ― who served in Iraq:

"It got to the point where we started calling the Iraqi patients― We’d call them range balls because, just like on a driving range, you don’t care about losing ‘em. […]

The health care system […] it’s not set up for soldiers. In fact, it seems to me there is almost a conspiracy to not treat soldiers because it makes you think about going back into the army if your health care is so dismal when you get out, and the VA that’s supposed to take care of you is so dismal. […]

I had so many patients that would tell me, six months later ― and these are amputees ― […] that hadn’t received benefits yet. They [Veterans Affairs] were still deciding whether they [wounded soldiers] would receive them. Now this is clear-cut ― triple amputee is triple amputee. There shouldn’t even be a question."

United States Navy Petty Officer Zollie Peter Goodman asserted:

"September, 2005, I was on a training operation deployed out of Jacksonville, Florida. We were underway. My wife was pregnant with my unborn child.

While I was on that training operation, my wife began the horrible process of a miscarriage. Being home by herself, the first thing she did was call the Tricare hotline.

Tricare is the health care service that’s provided to us in the military.

The lady on the hotline told her that she probably already had lost her child, and that there was nothing they could do. She asked for an ambulance, and she was told that if she had $1,500, they were willing to send an ambulance. Not having $1,500 ― on the salary of an E-4 ― she chose not to get the ambulance, and she called a friend of mine, and waited for him to come pick her up at our apartment, and drove her to base. There’s a hospital on Naval Station Mayport. […] She arrived there at 4 PM. She went inside, and the nurse told her that they were closing at 4:30, and they couldn’t help her. She insisted to see a doctor. The doctor told her that they could not help her, and she was turned away.

And she once again waited in the parking lot, while she was bleeding, for my friend to take her to another hospital 23 miles away […]. No ambulance was provided. Nothing. No assistance, and we lost the child. […]

I went home on leave with no assistance; no plane ticket. The money that I did spend on a plane ticket to get home left me in a very hard position with a wife who needed health care that I could not provide for her, and neither could my government apparently.

Later on after that incident, I was discharged with no access to the VA, no assistance with help into the VA.

Finally finding out that I qualified for veterans health care, I found the application online, filled it out, and sent it in to be processed. […]

Upon requesting mental health and mental help, […] the first thing they tried to do was medicate me. No therapy was recommended. Medications were recommended. They gave me three different medications. The first was Trazodone; the second was Paxil; and the third was Gabapentin […]. My doctor did not give me any information on these medications. […]

So, I left my appointment that day, and I went home, and I did research on the medications that I was given. And I found out that the main side effect of all three medications is suicidal thoughts and suicidal tendencies. And that’s disgusting. […]

Ten thousand Iraq War vets have committed suicide."

Stories of atrocities like those above fill entire volumes, as well as numerous documentaries.

Fighting a tangible enemy ― if it be another human ― is ludicrous enough. When you’re waging a war on terror, you’re no longer battling something palpable. You’re feuding with a tactic.

Imagine how devastated you’d be if you were a soldier who lost several limbs during a war, only to discover you’d fought to pad the bank accounts of the rich, or the egos of the control hungry.



Butler, Smedley D. (2003). War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America’s Most Decorated Soldier. Feral House. ISBN: 0922915865

Iraq Veterans Against the War; Glantz, Aaron. (2008). Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan: Eyewitness Accounts of the Occupations. Haymarket Books. ISBN: 9781931859653

Online Movies:

Camilo Mejia testimony:

Christopher Gallagher testimony:

Doug Connor testimony:

Hart Viges testimony:

Jason Washburn testimony:

Jimmy Massey testimony:

Jimmy Massey testimony:

Jon Michael Turner testimony:

Matthew Childers testimony:

Smedley Butler lecture:


Zollie Peter Goodman testimony:


"What did you learn in school today, dear little boy of mine?

What did you learn in school today, dear little boy of mine?

I learned that Washington never told a lie

I learned that soldiers seldom die

I learned that everybody’s free

That’s what the teacher said to me

And that’s what I learned in school today

That’s what I learned in school"

― Pete Seeger *

  • Pete Seeger:

Keep things simple. The answer to human hunger on Earth, as well as human poverty, is to end the monetary system, and distribute everything freely and equally. A child can comprehend this. Any politician who states otherwise, is doing so for their own private reasons.

Barack Obama ― and anyone holding political office ― will never enlighten you of this truth. They’d be out of power if they did, and that’s not a direction they wish to steer this ship.

Once money is extirpated from the equation, so too is corruption. Why would anybody steal from their neighbors, if everyone had access to the same resources, in the same amounts? Politics and religion would also quickly vanish. Who’s gonna strive to be president or pope, if there’s no money in it?

Without money, class divisions disappear, as everyone is suddenly on the same plane. Of course, this is problematic for the current hierarchy, as the rich rely on a monetary system to retain power. Without such structure, politicians and the monetarily wealthy cease to exist.

Thus, the president isn’t looking out for your best interest. He never has been. Neither have the 43 assholes who came before him. If they let you in on the obvious secret, they’d all be unnecessary, and unable to retain control.

If what I’m asserting is true, why haven’t you considered it before? Twelve years of brainwashing disguised as school. Four more years of post-graduate indoctrination, should you have chosen the college route. A paradigm so insular and controlling, it solely reinforces the benefits of “getting ahead,” “making money” and “establishing financial security.”

Do you enjoy being a slave?

Once you understand you’re already ahead, simply by being able to think for yourself, and financial security is an illusion ― as the monetary system can end tomorrow ― it’s time to focus on what’s important. As a species, we’re on a lonely outpost in the middle of the cosmic nowhere. Given how violent this Universe is, we can be obliterated in an instant. It’s imperative we find feasible means off this planet, in case the shit comes down.

Spinning your wheels selfishly, in pursuit of the insignificant — attempting to finance your second mortgage — is no longer an option. In fact, it’s pissing the rest of us off who’ve understood this for quite some time now, and will suffer alongside you ― due to your ignorance ― should all Hell break loose. Cease being children ― playing with your immaterial toys ― and grow up.

The preceding blog was written by Hugh Mungus. Feel free to contact the author directly here on Steemit, or via his personal E-Mail address: [email protected]


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