in #itestify6 years ago

You may have cried and walked through the valley of sorrow and death, but if you’ve come through the other side, God is not through with you yet. You may have wept until you cannot weep anymore, but God sent me here to tell you today, weeping may endure for the night, but Joy is coming in the morning (Psalm 30:5)

Listen to the words of King David in Psalm 122:6, "pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper that love thee." Jerusalem is the path to prosperity. It's not just financial; it's the cornucopia of God's blessing. It includes health, peace of mind, confidence, joy, and success that others do not have.

Don’t let emotions blind you and steal your love, joy, and peace. When you allow things (or other people other than Christ) to become your obsession, they own you. And you will never find a true sense of completion until you live out the dream that Christ has placed in your heart.

Everyone has problems that are beyond our control and might seem hopeless from a human perspective. But God sees us and He hears our prayers. He is simply waiting for us to call upon His holy name. Don’t take such ownership of your problem that it consumes and defines you. Persevere, and hope thou in God!

What are you doing right now to show God how much you love Him? What are you doing to honor Him with your life? Are you whining about how bad things look in your tiny slice of the universe? Child of God, look up right now and know that you were born to achieve greatness. Don’t settle for second best!

“Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are [ire, what ever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy- meditate on these things.” Phillippians 4:8


Reading your content now flows back what transpired for the past 12 months in my family life - I was walking in the shadow and the valley of death. I thank God for giving me the strength to accept and go on with life.

It started last June 2017 when my elder sister Lourdes died of cardiac arrest. My 91 yrs. old Mom and two younger brothers were living with her, one bro had a stroke and still trying to recover when my sister died. My Mom's health after that drove us from one hospital to another. The husband of my sister who was suffering from early dementia got so depressed that he died last January 2018. The following month my mother died also, in February 24, 2018. God is my only source of strength and peace to be able to go on with life.

I am sorry for what happened to your family. But, truly God is our strength and refuges in times of troubles for He knows them that trusted Him.

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