Never Relax

in #ita6 years ago


Quante volte dico che sarebbe bello avere la forza di lasciarsi andare nella vita.
Sono una persona che cerca sempre di avere tutto sotto controllo mantenendo sempre una soglia di stress abbastanza elevata.
Purtroppo ho molta difficoltà a "spegnere" il cervello di tanto in tanto e quindi rimango spesso sopraffatto da emozioni che alla fine un po mi logorano e intaccano anche i rapporti con chi mi sta vicino.
Mi impongo spesso di provare a farlo ma purtroppo mi rendo conto abbastanza velocemente che la mia testa è gia ripartita in un turbinio di pensieri.
Invidio molto le persone che riescono a rilassarsi senza problemi e ad estraniarsi da essi per almeno qualche breve tempo.
Credo di essere costruito cosi di default e non sarà per nulla facile cambiare questa mia brutta abitudine.
Oggi il disegno rappresenta questo.
Una donna che si abbandona e molla le redini per avere un po di ristoro mentale.

How many times I say it would be nice to have the strength to let go in life.
I am a person who always tries to get everything under control while maintaining a fairly high stress threshold.
Unfortunately I have a lot of difficulty in "turning off" the brain from time to time and then I often get overwhelmed by emotions that eventually wear me down and also affect relationships with those around me.
I often try to do it but unfortunately I realize quickly enough that my head has already started again in a whirlwind of thoughts.
I really envy people who are able to relax without problems and to get away from them for at least some short time.
I think I'm built like that by default and it will not be easy to change my bad habit.
Today the drawing represents this.
A woman who abandons herself and pulls the reins to get some mental refreshment.

Enma Art

The image in this post is propriety of the author


Beautiful drawing @enmaart

I think one of the principal things to do for avoiding these problems is to accept that we do not have real control of things...we can try to and we do have indeed an effect with our actions, but we're not the only actors in this play....ultimately the Universe/God/Cosmos/you name it, won't care about what we want and things will happen as they happen with complete disregard to our desires...and it's perfect as it is...from the moment the universe came to existence till it disappears it will be just perfect.

Perspective is the name of the game, I hope my words can have some meaning to you, I don't know you but I wish you the best brother 😃

thx . i think u are wright

Hai questa particolare forma di espressione dei concetti attraverso i tuoi disegni, e sei veramente molto bravo nel trasmetterli, anche quest'ultima tua realizzazione è peculiare e suggestiva, i miei complimenti

grazie mad

truly extraordinary. A picture full of meaning. I really liked that.

Great illustration of feeling very often felt @enmaart.

tx so much

Your style is so unique and pretty, @enmaart. I know this feeling too, but I got it under control. Just go back one step and try to figure out what´s REALLY important in life...

When looking in @thenewalchemists art promotion channel for someone to upvote/comment, your picture immediately got my attention! It is clean and thought-provoking, and the feelings you describe come through quite strongly.

I also feel a feeling of being "trapped" ...

I am one of those people you envy... I am generally very relaxed and don't stress easily. And even when I do, I can "turn it off" quite quickly. Years of contemplating the cosmos and the origins of life/ the universe is what is responsible for this, I think ;)

Great piece! =)

thx so much. i m happy you like it

Very cool work.

Caspita mi piace davvero tanto il tuo disegno semplice nei colori ma molto profondo nel senso.

very nice art...its a hand draw..?

That is such a beautiful draw, i love it so much..

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