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RE: I have wasted my life/ Ho sprecato la mia vita — Writers Block Poetry Contest Week 2

in #ita7 years ago

get rich while you enjoy life, working your whole life so your kids may not have to work as hard is joyful to me :)


Do not be the slave of money, think more about enjoying life and all the beauties that it can offer.

nobody is a slave to money "money" is the fruit of your labor some people like more fruit then others so they can have stock and with the stock they will have future profits, that way they can live there life even more, while also making sure there kids will have something as well.

We think in a different way my friend, for me, money can't buy happiness love or health which are the most important...

well your labor does effect your health, but happiness comes from the mind, you cant buy happiness its a feeling, I plan on working hard and gathering as much fruit as i can for my future generations and myself at the same time ill be happy not because of my labor but because I am just happy.

I understand both of your points. Working is totally fine. If you enjoy what you do, especially. There are people who become slaves to money, who are unhappy working and overworking to earn money. That is not okay. Never trade your happiness for money.

happiness is a mindset, work is a necessary thing that has been with every living thing on earth. Now today thanks to our monetary policies and our interventionist government, we may be forced to work more then we should have too. That is a matter of voting for a president, a Representative, that wants to get out of your life.

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