Israeli Aggression Against Syria

in #israel6 years ago

1. Syria is and has been in a state of war with Israel since 1948 with the Syrians being the aggressor.

2.When not in open combat with Israel, Syria provided aid to Israel's enemies, PLO/Fatah, Hezbollah, etc and allowed these groups to used Syrian territory to launch attacks.


Illustration: An Israeli man carries an injured woman from the scene of a triple Palestinian suicide bombing in Jerusalem on September 4, 1997.

Your my Ninja.

You may not be claiming...

that the Syrians are innocent, nor am I saying all of Israel is responsible

but you are saying that Israel is wrong to occupy the Golan Heights and I am saying that Israel has very good strategic reasons for occupying the Golan Heights.
If they also gain strategic resources that's just another reason to keep it.

Is that legal?

When a country declares war, joins with all other surrounding Arab countries in a war that's stated purpose was to destroy that country and when they lose they face repercussions. Which is usually land taken away.
Nobody cries for the Germans of the Sudentland who were driven out after World War Two.
Yes it is legal to take land from your enemies after you defeat them, especially when they were the aggressors.

Is that fair?

Should you be fair to your enemies who want nothing less than your complete destruction?

An enthusiastic echo was heard on May 20 from Syrian defense minister Hafez Assad:
Our forces are now entirely ready not only to repulse the ag- gression, but [also] to initiate the act of liberation itself, and to explode the Zionist presence in the Arab homeland. The Syrian army, with its finger on the trigger, is united . . . I, as a military man, believe that the time has come to enter into a battle of annihilation.

Isi Leibler, The Case for Israel (Australia: The Globe Press, 1972), 60–61.

Nasser then announced:
The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel . . . to face the challenge, while stand- ing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle [and that] the critical hour has arrived. We have reached the stage of serious action and not declarations.18

Leibler, 60.

President Abdur Rahman Aref of Iraq joined in the war of words: “The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear—to wipe Israel off the map.” Leibler, 61.
On June 4, Iraq joined the military alliance with Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.

Adam Smith — 'Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent'

No you should treat your enemies harshly until they no longer wish to be your enemies that has worked quite well with Egypt and Jordan.

It would go a long way towards a peace deal?

Arabs in the middle East are ideologically opposed to any peace deal with Israel so peace must be won by force of arms.

Plans for expansion?

What precisely are you talking about?

You used Moshe Dayan as a source for an opinion on invasion of the Golan Heights.

Yet what you fail to mention is that he was the only person who was against the attack and had bitter feelings for having his authority circumvented.

His characterization of Yaakov Eshkoli
as a land grubber is his opinion only, using Jewish self-criticism against them completely ignores the fact that Israel's enemies never criticize themselves or apologize for their crimes.
Here is the leader of that delegation explains his motivation for urging the invasion of the Golan Heights.
Included was his threat to call for abandonment of kibbutzes in Galilee if this necessary (to the residents of Galilee) military action wasn't taken.

The initiative to demand that Israel take the Golan Heights did not come from real estate-seekers who wanted to move their homes and farms to the Golan, nor did it come from people who wanted to fulfill any kind of religious or national vision to settle yet another part of the land of Israel.
Rather, the move to conquer the Golan came from resident farmers of the Upper Galilee, organized by the regional Mayor of the Upper Galilee, Yaakov (Yankela) Eshkoli*, the man who galvanized a delegation of Upper Galilee residents to lobby Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol and the Israeli government on the fourth night of the Six Day War.
Mr. Eshkoli’s mission: to convince Mr. Eshkol to issue an order to the Israel Defense Forces Northern regional command to take the Golan Heights and to remove the Syrian threat, once and for all, from over the heads of the Galilee settlements.
That left Syria, which had been raining a steady stream of rockets into the Hula Valley below, leaving the residents of 31 settlements in the Upper Galilee region in Mr. Eshkoli’s jurisdiction to spend those glorious days of 1967 in deep, underground bunkers, glued to their transistor radios.
Mr. Eshkoli recalled how he placed constant calls into Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Yigal Allon from his underground bunker on the kibbutz to ask to see Levi Eshkol, then Israel’s prime minister, to demand action on the Syrian front.
His appeal was simple and clear, when he reminded Mr. Eshkol that he and every Israeli leader who had ever come to visit him in the Galilee after Syrian rocket attacks had promised them that, if there would ever be another war, they would use that opportunity to remove the Syrian threat, once and for all.
Mr. Eshkoli reported that one Israeli minister opposed the idea: Moshe Dayan, the former Israeli commander in chief who had just been appointed to be defense minister. Mr. Dayan had given the veto to his Northern regional commander, “Dado” Elazar, whom he forbade to attack Syria on the Golan, “lest this cost us 30,000 dead and risk a war with the Soviet Union,” which had just pushed through a cease-fire in the U.N. Security Council. Mr. Dayan, the war hero from the 1956 war with tremendous popular following, also made a great impression on the cabinet.
Mr. Eshkoli recalls that he then thought to himself: “Will I be responsible for world war,” and then said that “I could only think of my wife and the children of the kibbutz, who at that moment were in the shelters.” It was then that Mr. Eshkoli made a threat, which he said that he meant with all his heart, which was that if the IDF does not remove the Syrians from the Golan, then he would recommend that all kibbutzim pack their bags and leave, and that the people of Kiryat Shmoneh would follow. Silence followed Mr. Eshkoli’s emotional appeal to the Israeli cabinet.
Indeed, Mr. Dayan’s vote in the government was the lone voice in the government to vote against the Golan attack….
Mr. Dayan never forgave Mr. Eshkoli for besting him at the government meeting.
Indeed, Mr. Eshkoli showed this reporter a yellowing news interview from 1976 with Moshe Dayan with the Israeli daily newspaper Yediot Aharonot, where Moshe Dayan could only recall Mr. Eshkoli and his delegation with anger and resentment, characterizing them as “Dado”‘s agents, claiming that, anyway, “the provocations of the Galilee farmers and fishermen in no-man’s land were the cause of the Syrian shellings.”
Mr. Eshkoli looks at the picture of Moshe Dayan and starts to yell at him: “Right – All of my 31 communities provoked the Syrians from their shelters. Our provocation against the Syrians is that we live and prosper here in the Galilee, which the Syrians see as a province of their country.”
Asked about the current negotiations that might bring the Syrians back to the Golan Heights that face down on his kibbutz, Mr. Eshkoli would only raise a trembling hand and point to the hills and say that to “bring back the Syrians would be suicide for us.”

Doesn't sound like a land hungry expansionist, sounds to me like people who are not secure in their homes.


There is also no excuse for walking up to someone and punching them in the face , but if someone walks up to you and punches you in the face you have every right to strike back.

I have never denied that the Arab Spring and the following "civil war" were destabilization campaigns run out of the Colour Revolution school set up in Serbia by globalists.
Nor did the fact that Israel was openly providing medical care to anti-assad forces escape my notice. It wouldn't surprise me if they were involved right from the start.

What sane country wouldn't take the opportunity to support someone who was attacking not one but two groups who they are currently at war with?

Instead of Hizbullah preparing to launch another attack on Israel they are tied up in the war in Syria.

No excuse for funding and arming terrorists?

Like the PLO?

Funded and armed by Syria, Iran, Qatar, the European Union, USA and the UN.

Like Hizbullah?

Funded and armed by Syria, Iran, Qatar

Like Hamas?

Funded and armed by Syria, Iran, Qatar, the Muslim Brotherhood and their US counterparts CAIR and Obama,

That Israel has turned the tables and used the Arab Supremacists tactics against them. This is not only smart but there is also nothing wrong with it.

It's Okay To Be Jewish!

Even if your winning against the people who ethnically cleansed you from the entire middle East. No need to apologize for destroying your enemies, they have been trying to destroy Israel for decades.

Forgotten Victims of the Arabs

An Analysis Of The Propaganda Relating To The Syrian Gas Attack By Vee


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Relevance: How should you treat your enemies?
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good post, I realize in a long standing war like this there will be things on both sides that are beyond the pale even for war but I feel like the media only ever hammers on Israel all the time.

There is definitely a double standard.

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