Looking forward to promoting the #Investors-Group and #Join-Steemit tags at The London Cryptocurrency Show on Saturday.

in #investors-group6 years ago (edited)

Promoting the #Investors-Group tag at The London Cryptocurrency Show

Cryptocurrency News: #Investors-Group

Promoting Investors-Group and Join-Steemit.jpg

Promoting #Investors-Group

As we make the final preparations for The London Cryptocurrency Show, I am really looking forward to promoting the #Investors-Group and #Join-Steemit tags to new bloggers wishing to join #Steemit.

TV Monitors Arrived (9).jpg

Promoting Investors-Group and Join-Steemit 2.jpg

The #Join-Steemit tag will run in conjunction with the #DeleteFacebook / #JoinSteemit Social Media Campaign and I will be encouraging all new users registering for the first time to use the #Join-Steemit tag when introducing themselves on #Steemit.

New users registering will also be encouraged to take a photograph of themselves in front of the banner pointing to the #Join-Steemit tag and I will up-vote all the users that join on the day if they include this photograph in their Introductory Blog.

Their Introductory Blog will also be shared to my followers on Twitter.

I will also be encouraging as many existing #Steemit users that are there on the day to keep an eye out for those Introductory Blogs that have tagged #Join-Steemit and blogged with their photograph in front of the banner.

Should this welcoming of new users be successful, I will be highly recommending that this form or promotion is used at future events and we will be monitoring its success over the weekend.

#DeleteFacebook / #JoinSteemit Twitter Campaign

Please join the #DeleteFacebook / #JoinSteemit Social Media Campaign and keep the tag alive.

#DeleteFacebook and #JoinSteemit on Twitter

Thanks again for reading.


#Investors-Group - Cryptocurrency News

Please feel free to use the #Investors-Group tag for: Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities and Investment related Blogs.

Investors-Group logo.png


Good luck with it. Wish I could be there!

Best regards, and thanks for the continual inspiration!

Hi @cryptographic ! Once the price of steem reaches a significant value, lets say $20 or $30 many will be able to trouble with the curation rewards!

By the way, I wanted to let you know I Completed the first 10 Chapters of the Steem Guide to Help Users Make their Way and add Value to the Blockchain. Looking forward to your thoughts on it if you get the chance.

[Completed!] Making Your Way on Steemit - A 10 Chapter Full Steem Guide for New Users - Minnows - Make their Way on the Steem Blockchain!

Looking forward to hear your thoughts on the entire Steem Guide!

Regards, @gold84

Well i do believe this is the best way to promote this platform when the new bees will write their introductory post by using #Join-Steemit tag.

As we make the final preparations for The London Cryptocurrency Show, I am really looking forward to promoting the #Investors-Group and #Join-Steemit tags to new bloggers wishing to join #Steemit.

Off course the time has arrived to delete the fake book which is doing nothing but wasting the precious time of the folks. Lets aware the people by putting a tag #deletefacebook and #joinsteemit :)

Thank you so much Stephen for the updates Man :)

It’s a great opportunity for the new users to be recognized and approved by and who doesn’t loves a upvote, all you have to do is create an acccount and put a pic of them in front of the #join-steemit banner, i will also love to keep an eye out for the new users with that tag , even tho most of ours upvotes are not worth much bit still let’s overwhelm them with the amount of upvotes to show the power of #join-steemit and steemit family and especially you @stephenkendal.

You have taken a great initiative and always coming up with new and great innovative ideas , you are not just investing alot of mental power but physical power as well, those stands looks awesome ,it seems like just yesterday that you had announced the show but it’s almost on the door now. We are looking forward to stream it live.keep doing what you do best and best of luck for the preparation and always be the great leader that you are.

This Saturday is going to be another SteemFest because a lot of other Steemians will be there to attend The London Cryptocurrency Show which is already a trending topic these days.

Just looking at how far we have come in the past few months and reached almost a million of users. Most of the credit goes to you @stephenkendal and @promo-steem. London crypto Currency is going to be a huge milestone for the steemit family and i believe the competition is going to increase as well. Your plans and ideas will definitely shine through the show. Everything looks stylish and clean. As expected from you. You are the back bone of this show. The new users are going to be fascinated by the support they'll get if they are acknowledged by you and eventually faceboon will get empty. Thanks for doing what you did and do for steemit. #join-steemit is going to tear through the roof with the amount of new users and it will create a evenbigger chain of new users. Best of luck

I agree with you @stephenkendal I have also campaigned on twitter #JoinSteemit
To anyone on twitter, there's a rollicking #JoinSteemit tweet.
stemeet has brought us to share the history, culture, tradition, and the environment. steemit around the world have been in our thoughts to share. We each have different friends and family to know and share different experiences. with different traditions. always see from eye to eye. About what we are not looking for opportunities. I am also grateful for what it has built in Steemit for all of us. The opportunity to share what we love and learn new things and find interesting people.
I'm sure it will be a lot of people @joinsteemit and beat @facebook
Me and my friends had left it @facebook, with @istagram and @whatshap passing by a vote of @twitter
Thanks for this @stephenkendal
Les go @joinsteemit

very helpful information, and always up to date and very nice from @stephekendal



We shall definately pass on this message to every other user around us that hasn't got it. I believe a lot of sign ups are going to go on that day. Am glad your backing up the new users with the upvotes. We shall be having a lot of introductory posts because of the upvotes your giving.

Amazing Efforts Sir @stephenkendal, This is all due to your contentiously hard working with your positive thinking with high approach. #deletefacebook and #joinsteemit is also more popular tags. In London Cryptocurrency Show which is held on saturday, your plans for the promotion came true and take a high hype.

I will be encouraging all new users registering for the first time to use the #Join-Steemit tag when introducing themselves on #Steemit.

You always do for the promotion and development of #promo-steem. My best wishes Appreciations and fully Support with you Stephen.

If there is no effort, then surely there will be no progress. today @stephenkendal has done very well. reminding each other is the best step towards success, what @stephenkendal will do with #join-steemit and #investors-group tags. Without constantly growing and developing, words like progress, achievement, and success have no meaning whatsoever.s3_252631_6450699_600323.gif

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