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RE: Pondering.

in #invest5 years ago

Disclaimer: The word 'you' in this comment is not specifically directed towards you OP
It is being used here in the general context, as this is written for anyone who cares to read it
You = 'them, others, everyone, anyone, majority etc.' Use best judgment.

If you stop thinking about it in terms of 'I need to make money' and instead of using a post's payout as an indicator of success (or failure) you should look at weekly growth in followers and comments.
Upvotes honestly are just as bad an indicator in regards to success, because one can simply upvote in 'zombie' mode by just clicking up the arrows in a feed - one does not even have to click to open a post in order to vote on it. I guarantee^ less than 50% of your upvotes read the post first.
True value will come from those who engage and become loyal followers and regular engagers..
Once you've created a solid foundation of engagement, the rest will come.

^: I can't say 100% fact, but I am a gambling woman and would be willing to bet a hefty sum that I'm pretty accurate here


Hello, I went and read your intro post, and a couple of the others. I don't know if you have run into it yet or not, but Asher, (@abh12345) has an engagement league that people can just drop their name and ask to be added. He will track and report what your activity is on every Sunday. A few people see it as a competition, me I just use it as a tool, I want to help myself, and at the same time help others along the way. Steem Block Chain, (for some), is not all about the money, don't get me wrong it is nice to get the rewards and nice to give rewards, but it is a pretty decent social type place also.

People think the zombie mode, and vote bot votes are going to miraculously disappear with HF21, I am not one of those. There really are few people that manually vote, I can't blame the big accounts for selling their votes, or for using a ton of vote trails or other automated methods to give out votes. It takes knowing a lot of people to find those 20 items or more a day you want to give a vote to. I say 20 because that is about what I average without having to go into a two or three day vote recovery period.

If you need a steemmonsters team/tribe/guild to play in and are looking for a good group, (even though I no longer play) @teampossible is a nice solid group of individuals. It is sort of semi managed by @davemccoy.

In the engagement league list you will find a lot of people that like the long comment form, some that like the short comment form, and some that are in the middle. The Curation and Engagement Leagues. That was last weeks round-up so to speak.

If you have any questions I am one of those people that do not mind off topic comments on my post, and I also know @thehive does not mind off topic question asked on their post, another group of good people if you need help on things.

Thanks for the positive mention here :)

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