
in #invest5 years ago

The Hive

Howdy folks'.

It turned out to be a good day. Door's have been opened. @Adsactly has some vision it seem's or he can see potential in the concept I have put forward many a time. So we have began a trial basis of 6 month to see if I can make progress with a higher amount of Steem. Through gaining this support, we will also be able to assist new comers to the Steem platform. A limited amount it might be we begin with, But it reduces the pressure on other communities doing the same. Maybe some can take advantage of a few community support projects to grow. Some credit should also be given to Adsactly here for this initiative.

We intend to provide this support through the @Steemterminal This makes sense to me as they already welcome new members to the platform and have infra-structure in place to assist.

I have discussed this with members of The Steem Terminal and they all seem positive about the move. It should offer growth not just to the community but the members of the community too. With a bit of luck, it will also show the spirit of good will that will carry forward with those who pass through The Steem terminal.

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It's like it's my birthday came.
I got a great cake and want to share it around with everyone. I am going to do just exactly that too this Thursday. If you can make it to the PYPT Hosted by @RamblingRadio in the Discord Server
I will be attending the morning show there and be sharing some of the penny's my vote will have.

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I want to build something big some really big thing. I don't want to build it alone. Doing stuff alone sux..It will somehow get built, if not by me by someone else, possibly with the same intention as me.

I blabbed my intentions enough in enough posts I won't run your ears with it now.
what I am looking for now is people who can help with moving things forward in various ways. Would you write a post for 3 or 4 cents Steem? Currently that is what is on offer. (expected to grow) Well from here anyway.

One thing I am looking closely at is developing a new vote. I have some people in ind that I wold like to help me with this, Let's see how that goes. 50% profit from your subscription. For each 2 Steem spent you get 3 Steem back. That's a better rebate than best buy.

No longer needing to build up to a 10 K stake, I want to build up to a 25 K stake and then higher again.

I want to build a company and a company need's more than just one person, or it is just a hobby.

If it were a furniture company, we would have one leg and a few nuts. We need three more legs before we can apply the seat and make use of the nuts. That's were you the rest of Steemit come in. Or any individual who holds interest in developing new opportunities. Beginning the foundations to support and grow communities involved in the Steem chain.

This can be done better than before. Providing a stability for support in future times. when a slump hits like the low now, We will have other resources in place to subsidise our efforts. We can do all this while providing a generous reward for any investor.

Let's stop saying what we can do could do will do,
and start doing it.
Let's begin to do the things we have said.

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You are welcome to join our Discord Server at

Some other groups I invite you to take a look at are:
The @buddyup Discord Server: https://discord.gg/3d5H3K8
The @steemitramble Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QJzP2zm
The @thealliance Discord Server: https://discord.gg/EpyXNyh

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All the Hive Logo's and Banners graphics are provided


This sounds awesome, I am so pleased you are getting support because I know you are passionate about Steem and growing accounts in a family way. Looking forward to see this progress in future !COFFEEA

Posted using Partiko iOS

Would you write a post for 3 or 4 cents Steem?

That is a silly question, but maybe not to some people. I have written post that got less than 2 cents, post that got no rewards. Yet I, and my account, have grown. No explosive growth but growth none the less.

Those 2 cent votes after being powered up did grow. For those still questioning the, so called low value, of votes or payouts you receive, those small payouts do lead to bigger ones. It is only recently I broke the 0.50 barrier on most of my post. Some even get close or slightly over the 1.00 barrier now.

If you are new, you can still grow, seek out and find nice people/groups. (The Hive is one such place), always working to make lives better.

Disclaimer: The word 'you' in this comment is not specifically directed towards you OP
It is being used here in the general context, as this is written for anyone who cares to read it
You = 'them, others, everyone, anyone, majority etc.' Use best judgment.

If you stop thinking about it in terms of 'I need to make money' and instead of using a post's payout as an indicator of success (or failure) you should look at weekly growth in followers and comments.
Upvotes honestly are just as bad an indicator in regards to success, because one can simply upvote in 'zombie' mode by just clicking up the arrows in a feed - one does not even have to click to open a post in order to vote on it. I guarantee^ less than 50% of your upvotes read the post first.
True value will come from those who engage and become loyal followers and regular engagers..
Once you've created a solid foundation of engagement, the rest will come.

^: I can't say 100% fact, but I am a gambling woman and would be willing to bet a hefty sum that I'm pretty accurate here

Hello, I went and read your intro post, and a couple of the others. I don't know if you have run into it yet or not, but Asher, (@abh12345) has an engagement league that people can just drop their name and ask to be added. He will track and report what your activity is on every Sunday. A few people see it as a competition, me I just use it as a tool, I want to help myself, and at the same time help others along the way. Steem Block Chain, (for some), is not all about the money, don't get me wrong it is nice to get the rewards and nice to give rewards, but it is a pretty decent social type place also.

People think the zombie mode, and vote bot votes are going to miraculously disappear with HF21, I am not one of those. There really are few people that manually vote, I can't blame the big accounts for selling their votes, or for using a ton of vote trails or other automated methods to give out votes. It takes knowing a lot of people to find those 20 items or more a day you want to give a vote to. I say 20 because that is about what I average without having to go into a two or three day vote recovery period.

If you need a steemmonsters team/tribe/guild to play in and are looking for a good group, (even though I no longer play) @teampossible is a nice solid group of individuals. It is sort of semi managed by @davemccoy.

In the engagement league list you will find a lot of people that like the long comment form, some that like the short comment form, and some that are in the middle. The Curation and Engagement Leagues. That was last weeks round-up so to speak.

If you have any questions I am one of those people that do not mind off topic comments on my post, and I also know @thehive does not mind off topic question asked on their post, another group of good people if you need help on things.

Thanks for the positive mention here :)

As member of the @Council - Community Upvoting Service, this post has received a 100.00% upvote from @council another project managed by @Yehey [ Witness ].

Members of the community can all chip in to Power UP. Become a member, delegate as low as 10 Steem Power (SP) to @Council to receive upvote and resteem. Here's the link to delegate https://on.king.net/council10sp it will redirect to Steem Connect for a secure connection. We share the Steem Power of all members that delegate to @Council Community Upvoting Service, sharing our SP for a stronger upvote.

Please join us at https://SteemChat.com Steem Community discord server if you have questions.

Thank you.
@Council - Community Upvoting Service. Powered by Steemians

Posted using https://Steeming.com website.

coffeea Lucky you @thehive here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at steem-engine.com Vote for c0ff33a as Witness

Might even end up branching out as one of your coffee distributors. Open the first CoffeeA shop in Dublin for you.

One day.

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