My introduction to the Steemit community

in #introduction6 years ago (edited)

Greetings to the entire Steemit community. My name is Thairon Martínez. I'm 33 years old. My esperantist name is Spirajn Senpretend, which is a play on words in the Esperanto language (from the phrase spiro ajna sen pretendo) and means any unpretentious breath. I'm a filmmaker, specialized in film editing, although my interests have led me to become a graphic designer, researcher, translator, publicist and technology consultant.

This is my first article and I decided that it would be, naturally, my introduction. I see it as a good way to explain to my prospective readers which are my interests and the topics I will be writing about on this platform. In addition to Steemit and Busy, I will also be publishing content on the DTube video platform, taking full advantage of the possibilities offered by this blockchain and the IPFS.

Steemit represents for me, as a cultural creator, a wonderful opportunity. I am Venezuelan and, as many of you probably know, the situation in my country is unhappy. The political, economic and social conditions in Venezuela make the life of the majority a very heavy burden. That makes it impossible to follow our vocation or the impulses of our hearts, because we must dedicate every heartbeat to the mere survival.

For all this, the Steem's blockchain with all its collaborative initiatives means for me the opportunity to have a space for vocational development: to be able to maintain my cultural creation and get some income from it in spite of the immense difficulties that surround me. It also gives me the possibility to create ties with other creators, and support them with my action and participation.

I will publish each post of my blog in three different languages: English, Spanish and Esperanto, which are the three languages I use daily to communicate with friends and collaborators. So, if you see any of my publications in a language you don't understand, be sure that the respective translations will follow, so that you can read it. I will try to publish them at the same occasion, one after another. However, entries that are going to be too short will have all their translations in the same post. I will try to show in those titles the languages of the publications, according to their abbreviations (en, es, eo), so that you know which languages they contain.

Unfortunately DTube does not offer yet the possibility of uploading subtitles along with the videos, as we can do on Youtube. I'm still looking for a possible solution for that, because I don't like the idea of publishing the same video on DTube several times, with different subtitles (burned on the video) or audios. The ideal would be to upload only one video and later add as many subtitles as you want. I'll be very grateful if you can give me a solution to this problem.

So, which are my interests? To tell you the truth, they are very diverse. But my main interest is the philosophical one: the fundamental questions about the meaning of our existence and the self. That's an interest that fills all the other issues in my life and has led me, from my earliest childhood, to explore various religious, philosophical and esoteric proposals and organizations. It also led me to become intensely interested in psychology, in which I have deepened in theory and practice.

Thus, philosophy and psychology became the two fundamental pillars of my life, my fundamental interests. I will focus on topics that can touch very subtle fibers in your feelings and ways of looking at the world. I know how heavy these subjects can be when expressed in a complicated way, but I assure you that my language is not going to be incomprehensible, and you will be able to take full advantage of what I have harvested for so many years in these fields, and which is part of my contribution.

In the practical field, I have deeply explored the capacity of consciousness to navigate the unconscious realms of human mind. That possibility gives us a deep sense of purpose, a great peace of mind and so much strength. This should not necessarily be seen as a mysterious topic, because it is actually only a matter of cultivating a certain way of life, habits and practices that produce in our minds the conditions for another kind of connection with ourselves.

In the same direction, I will publish many useful and practical informations about oneironautics —the ability to experience our dreams in a lucid, vivid and deliberate way—, dream exploration —the study of our dreams, their characteristics and meanings—, psychonautics —the exploration of our unconscious world using substances and other helping elements, or without them—, and more.

Spiritturo kuntekste.jpg

And in the theoretical field, one of the primary themes will be the study of the symbolism present in our lives, as well as in every culture we have built.

Few people are aware of the great importance that symbols have in the human life, and how these symbols have predetermined all our situations. In my publications I will show that so many things that we believe to be "primitive" or foolish actually hold a profound wisdom in symbolic language, about our human lives and situations: astrology, mancies, fantasies and the myths of the countless religions are part of that.

At last I want to mention briefly other interests that occupy an important part of my life, and which I will surely share with you in our distributed platform:

Sociology and politics: In this field I am an essentialist and a centrist, something that I will explain carefully in future posts. I know these issues can be controversial and cause some discomfort, but I'm sure they can always be approached with seriousness, prudence and fairness. The problem is that people choose not to do it that way.

Esperantism and internationalism: Being an esperantist, I am very interested in the possibility of individuals to relate with each other free of the cultural chains created by nationalism and the other identity beliefs that make human beings hostile towards the difference. But this is not a simple issue; on the contrary, it is of immense complexity and therefore must be treated with great care and seriousness.

Natural languages and conlangs: I am very interested in languages, and you will certainly find some of that here; not only about natural languages but also about the artificial languages, conlangs, works of linguistic art.

Marfluo subskribita.jpg

Art: I will be publishing my artworks, inspirations and especially my poems. A great part of my artistic pieces come from my dreamworld, through a practice called "oneiric art" that involves shaping the inspirations directly inside a dream, and later we wake up and materialize that work on a medium.

Free technologies, collaborative economy, cryptocurrencies, cyberpunk, cypherpunk: Finally, this could not be missing... because it is the future.


Welcome to Steemit! I have some similar interests as you, such as dreams, psychology and languages. Lucid dreams are very interesting, being able to control your dream and explore your subconscious mind. I have had a few vivid lucid dreams, but most of the time I am only a little bit in control.

I personally find natural languages extremely interesting, especially when languages you'd expect to be very different have some similarities. I am more interested in natural languages, but I think conlangs are great too, because they open the door to more communication.

Nice to meet you, I hope you enjoy Steemit

Thank you @meowgan, I am very happy because I've published my first posts about those affairs, so I already began!
It's very fulfilling to do the things you really want to do.
That's great, my friend. So you too are looking for the deepest realizations of our life in earth.
I will follow you to read your reflections about those issues. If you like, read my last post in english, which explain how we can interpret our dreams and obtain important meanings from them.
Which languages do you like?

I will be sure to read your post about dreams! I wouldn't classify dreams as one of my main interests, but they are definitely something I would like to explore more, and understand how to get the most out of them. I spend 7+ hours a night asleep, so it would be great to make the dreaming portion of them productive.

I am particularly interested in Slavic languages, currently I am learning Ukrainian, though I hope to learn other Slavic languages to a lesser extent, and see how they compare, the similarities and differences. I would ideally like to learn German or Dutch and pick up on where school left off on Spanish. I think learning languages with some degree of mutual intelligibility with other languages is best, that way I could communicate with people who know a mutually intelligible language to some extent.

Yes @meowgan, I think your thought about our dreaming lifetime hits the core of the issue: so many hours of our lives are spent in a world and a state that we don't understand at all. And that's what brought me to the reflection: how is it possible that we don't give importance to something which is so present and needed at every day of our lives? If it's part of the human life (and such a relevant part), we should care more about it.

That's good, my friend. Learning a family of languages certainly will boost your linguistic abilities. I will soon post some guides about the creation of memory palaces. I hope that will be useful for you in your learning of languages.

I just loved your artwork, but I loved your introduction post even more. The fact that you put this up in three different languages just blows my mind! We are all so excited to meet you and have you as part of our Steem community.

You've Been.png

We wanted to let you know, we have given you a 100% upvote, are now following you, and are introducing you to everyone we know. You can visit our post HERE.

Welcome to the SteemIt Community.
Scott & Ren

Welcome on board @spirajn.

Just a few tips, you may want to consider changing your tags. And also, if you're not actually uploading a dtube video, it's best not to use the tag as it could be considered spamming a tag which is not a good thing.

Hope you have a great journey here.

Thank you very much. Still learning how do things work in here.
The tags now have changed. First I thought it would be ok to tag DTube because I was linking to my DTube page.
Thank you again.

My bad! I meant to say change your tag to introduceyourself, thats the most important tip but I missed it out!!

Welcome to Steem spirajn! Partiko is officially the fastest and most popular mobile app for Steem. Unlike other Steem apps, we take 0% cut of your earnings! You can also be rewarded with Partiko Points while using Partiko and exchange Partiko Points for upvotes!

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If you have more questions, feel free to join our Discord channel and ask, we're always here to help!

Thank you so much for your interest!

Hey welcome to Steemit my friend, I have upvoted your post- Keep up the good work @cryptoguru1

I want to say sorry for not replying this before. I just saw over these first comments. I didn't know how to use Steemit very well. Now I know a little more!

Thank you for your kind welcoming, cryptoguru... by the way, that's an amazing name.

It is so nice to meet you. Thank you for a very well written introduction and I do appreciate the fact that you are planning to put it up in three different languages. You might also want to think about doing one post with two other languages in it. There are some who do columns with each language in each column. I have seen two, but not really three, but it's a thought. Look forward to seeing what you bring to the blockchain. Scott and I wanted to help you out by getting you some tips and tricks we learned over the past few months as new Steemians. You can view that post HERE

Also check out this Discord Server for new Steemians.



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