What is the price of a one-time investment to give every inhabitant of Hell a minimum income of $5 a day?

in #ubi6 years ago (edited)

For the sake of the exercise we will assume a few easy numbers to work with, since it's an approximation anyway and

since, ofcourse there's no real life testing of 11 million people on a steemit income so far but the idea is to get a general idea, because if i'm not gonna do it, the big heads in brussels certainly won't

So we will set

population = 10000000 (ten million)
ubi = $5 a day
(because we're working dollars here to avoid conversion rates and to get a basic general idea)

So ... we go to the fabulous tool at https://steemnow.com/

i will be using the calculator on the site by the ginormous and fabulous @penguinpablo instead of my own script which calculates it to the satoshi in the 11th dimension

at the time of writing 1 vote at 100% worth 1SBD requires (according to calc) 3600 SP as the system goes every account has potentially 10 votes per day at 100%, assuming (for the sake of experiment) one upvotes oneself ten times that's 10SBD the SBD/USD rate at the time of writing is $3.10

so every account can get itself (this is all in theory okay, contentnazis ? assuming they give belgium to me and i get to do the economy over lol) $31 a day, which is more than we are aiming at

for the sake of said experiment

so we divide by six, right ? it's not rocket or exact science after all, and roughly $5 a day needs 3600 divided by six

= 600 sp

hold on to your pants because this will end with an actual REAL number that's an approximation of whats needed for ubi

now time for a break from our sponsor

600 steem power at current rates

according to the fabulous blocktrades

costs at the time of writing : 0.25776417 BTC ... we will use BTC for the sake of its all criminal and has no use in real life ofcourse
now if i buy a one-time 0.25776417BTC at a place like anycoindirect.eu that sets me back €1962
SO ...

in essence

unless i missed a part , in essence and in theory 1962 times ten million euros gives every inhabitant of Hell a ubi of $5 a day

that is 19 billion 620 million

roughly 20 billion euros

would provide every single man, woman and child, working or not

with an income of $5 a day that is state independent

over naar de studio, walter, can i be king now ?

you can give everyone $5 a day with a one time investment of 20 BILLION EUROS

(barring development and advertising/education cost ofcourse and every popo who will want a few billion for themselves)

please correct me if my approximation in theory is wrong due to grave math zbelling

so, i know whoever gets here wearing a suit will have the same objections anyway but i'm asking only here, for the sake of exercise , brainrotprevention , experiment and the actual fact of actually not simply babbling if it can or can not be "where does the money come from" so

consider this : any state that CAN'T provide this by default to every single citizen can already NOT support its citizens

so where does their money come from right now ?

loans ofcourse .... national debt

so, i dont get your objections since right now nobody gets anything but the lords of mordor

maybe Kuroda-san can try it out on Tokyo, ask Sony and the Yakuza to pitch in, you know those guys are connected, right ? it's not europe overthere .. or maybe better ... maybe Bloomberg can do it for New York, thats less of a one-city only thing since its the Bloomberg himself and after all, that guy probably uses 20 billion bills to wipe his ass before breakfast ...


so please correct me if i'm wrong ... if my numbers are wrong, we're not talking about practicalities, government corruption and the fact that they sure as hell won't like releasing chains on the general population because its less control like that

strictly numbers, i will be glad to stand corrected but i dont think i'm far off the mark here

Thanks @rudyardcatling, loved your post. Keep up the good work.

if you have any feedback or think i got the numbers wrong (for the sake of exercise, not about practical logistics and human nature lol) please help me, im quite serious about the topic and thanks :))))

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