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RE: In the beginning....was the end

in #introduction7 years ago

So, you are a wordsmith as well. Why am I not surprised?

It is most definitely electromagnetic. Since I wrote this I have been studying to understand electromagnetism via the works of Viktor Schauberger, Walter Russel and other eminent but largely ignored scientists, as well as Ken Wheeler and as far as electromagnetism in cosmology; Wal Thornhill of the Thunderbolts Project, Hannes Alfven, Ralph Juergens, Halton Arp, Anthony Peratt, Don Scott, etc. The funny thing is I came to science late in life via my studying of mysticism.

I humbly thank you for your acknowledgement.

By the way, this is brilliant and I intend to use this quote, of course with proper accreditation.

"Truth awoken and now well spoken of which you are an awoken token. I acknowledge you for your waking, for out of slumber I spy you are happily tumbling."

Do you play a musical instrument?



Sorry for the delay in replying, in my ignorance I missed your message and so many more until I have just now discovered them.

This is most pleasing to hear you like those words and are so thoughtful in your acknowledgement here. Actually those words came to me as easily as like the words tumbling out of the ether. It seemed appropriate on more than one level (I like multilevel meaning), especially as Steemit is very much concerned with tokens too!

Glad to hear you have researched and found those great men of discovery and re-discovery. I often talk about Viktor Schauberger and a few on your list their, but also Nikola Tesla of course. I'm often accurate in my impressions of people form their images these days and had you down as someone interested in mysticism. A curious soul! I admire and encourage curiosty, but not to the point where it kills the cat of course! But the well of fascination runs deep and can be so refreshing and moreish of course. It often seems worth the risk to stretch a limb into the abyss in order to see or feel what we have for so long missed!

I used to play piano and guitar, not forgetting the adolescent days of the widely played recorder and triangle of course! I was fascinated in the idea of composing with synthesizers in the 70's but never acquired one. Play anything yourself?

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